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TaiwanPlus is the nation's first English-language video news and programming plarform for an international audience. With "TaiwanPlus on ICRT", you can enjoy this daily nes update on the major stories in Taiwan. But best of all, we give it to you in an audio format, so you can listen as you're commuting to the office, working out at the gym, or just relaxing at home. TaiwanPlus also features informative looks at culture, the arts, and everyday life in Taiwan.

TaiwanPlus on ICRT ICRT

    • Noticias

TaiwanPlus is the nation's first English-language video news and programming plarform for an international audience. With "TaiwanPlus on ICRT", you can enjoy this daily nes update on the major stories in Taiwan. But best of all, we give it to you in an audio format, so you can listen as you're commuting to the office, working out at the gym, or just relaxing at home. TaiwanPlus also features informative looks at culture, the arts, and everyday life in Taiwan.

    COVID-19 update; Heavy rain alert

    COVID-19 update; Heavy rain alert

    The first case of severe inflammatory syndrome in children has appeared, and the teenage boy who displayed the syndrome one month after tested positive for COVID-19 is now recovering.

    Weather forecasters say western cities in Taiwan can expect a wet week ahead with torrential rain mainly from today until Thursday.

    • 10 min
    A dip in Taiwan¡¦s COVID-19 case number; Daja Mazu¡¦s many challenges

    A dip in Taiwan¡¦s COVID-19 case number; Daja Mazu¡¦s many challenges

    The number of positive COVID-19 cases in Taiwan has continued to drop and now the government is focused on child death of COVID and hospital capacity.
    The faith of Daja Mazu Temple is encountering a lot of challenge and creativity, with the help of technology like GPS, is giving a new face to an old tradition.

    • 11 min
    Taiwan Celebrates Dragon Boat Festival; several trade breakthroughs announced

    Taiwan Celebrates Dragon Boat Festival; several trade breakthroughs announced

    Taiwan celebrated Dragon Boat Festival today, and Taiwan Plus was there to witness the action on the water and off it.
    Also in the news today¡Xadvances in talks between Taiwan and its top trade allies, the United States and European Union.

    • 12 min
    US and Taiwan hold Trade Talks; Taiwan revives tourism

    US and Taiwan hold Trade Talks; Taiwan revives tourism

    Taiwan and US ties have grown deeper over the years, but a trade deal remains a sticking point in the relationship. A stimulus program for the tourism industry will revive travel to the island.

    • 13 min
    COVID-19 rules relaxed; Military attributes AT-3 crash to pilot inexperience

    COVID-19 rules relaxed; Military attributes AT-3 crash to pilot inexperience

    Health authorities have eased rules for new arrivals at international airports and discharge rules for hospitalized coronavirus patients.
    The military has attributed the cause of the fatal AT-3 crash to pilot¡¦s inexperience and the plane¡¦s old age.

    • 11 min
    AT-3 trainer jet crash killed pilot; one out of 5 adults suffer long COVID

    AT-3 trainer jet crash killed pilot; one out of 5 adults suffer long COVID

    A military AT-3 trainer jet crashed today in Kaohsiung, killing the 23-year-old pilot, and investigations are ongoing to look for the cause.
    One in 5 adult patients of COVID-19 experienced lingering effects of the disease for weeks.

    • 11 min

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