214 episodios

Hi, I am Pritesh Parmar Tea and Toast Digital
Digital info for anyone but made with Social Enterprises, CIC, Non-profits in mind.
This is the place for digital marketing, SEO, social media, content creation, branding amongst other things.

Episodes every week (Tuesdays)
Twitter: @teaandtoast
Web: teaandtoast.org.uk

Tea and Toast Digital Tea and Toast

    • Economía y empresa

Hi, I am Pritesh Parmar Tea and Toast Digital
Digital info for anyone but made with Social Enterprises, CIC, Non-profits in mind.
This is the place for digital marketing, SEO, social media, content creation, branding amongst other things.

Episodes every week (Tuesdays)
Twitter: @teaandtoast
Web: teaandtoast.org.uk

    Mastering Video Content: Essential Tips & Tools for Beginners

    Mastering Video Content: Essential Tips & Tools for Beginners



    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/teaandtoast/message

    • 16 min
    How I moved over to YouTube shorts and Podcasts whilst podcasting on Spotify

    How I moved over to YouTube shorts and Podcasts whilst podcasting on Spotify



    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/teaandtoast/message

    • 9 min
    SEO Keywords: Staying Ahead in the Ever-Changing Digital Landscape

    SEO Keywords: Staying Ahead in the Ever-Changing Digital Landscape

    Hey there, SEO enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the crucial task of regularly reviewing and updating your keywords. As we know, SEO is constantly evolving, so let's talk about how to stay on top of these changes and how often we should adapt our strategies. First, let's address Google's EEAT guidelines - Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. These are key factors Google uses to evaluate content quality. But what does EEAT have to do with keywords? Everything! Your chosen keywords should reflect your experience, showcase expertise, demonstrate authority, and build trust with your audience. How often should we review keywords? While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, many experts recommend a quarterly review. This keeps you current with industry trends and search behaviour changes without constant disruption. However, don't wait for your quarterly review if you notice significant traffic or ranking drops. Keep a close eye on your analytics and be ready for impromptu reviews when needed. Now, let's discuss how to conduct these reviews:

    Analyze current keyword performance: Are they still driving traffic and converting? If not, consider retiring or demoting them.
    Look for new opportunities: Use tools like Google's Keyword Planner to identify emerging trends. Pay attention to questions your audience is asking - these can be goldmines for long-tail keywords that align with EEAT guidelines.
    Consider search intent: As search engines become more sophisticated, they're better at understanding user intent. Ensure your keywords align with what your audience is actually seeking.
    Make gradual, strategic changes: Don't overhaul your entire keyword strategy overnight. Phase out underperforming keywords and slowly introduce new ones.
    Refine existing keywords: Sometimes, updating means expanding on existing keywords to better match user intent and showcase your EEAT qualities.

    Review keywords quarterly, or more often if analytics show significant changes.
    Analyze current performance and look for new opportunities.
    Consider search intent and EEAT guidelines when choosing keywords.
    Make gradual, strategic changes to your keyword strategy.
    Create high-quality content around your keywords to demonstrate EEAT qualities.

    Remember, it's not just about finding high-volume keywords. It's about finding the right keywords that demonstrate your experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness in your field. A common concern is whether constantly changing keywords hurts SEO. Not if done right. The key is gradual, strategic changes. Don't forget that keywords are just the foundation - it's the high-quality, relevant content around these keywords that truly demonstrates your EEAT qualities. Staying on top of SEO keyword changes is an ongoing process. By conducting regular reviews, staying attuned to your analytics, and always keeping EEAT guidelines in mind, you can ensure your keyword strategy remains effective and up-to-date. To wrap up: Remember, in SEO, change is the only constant. Embrace it, adapt to it, and use it to your advantage. Happy optimizing!


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/teaandtoast/message

    • 9 min
    Mental Health in Creative, Digital and Education Sectors

    Mental Health in Creative, Digital and Education Sectors



    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/teaandtoast/message

    • 13 min
    Five tech things I need to for content creating

    Five tech things I need to for content creating



    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/teaandtoast/message

    • 12 min
    Levelling up and down in Riverside Podcasts

    Levelling up and down in Riverside Podcasts



    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/teaandtoast/message

    • 14 min

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