125 episodios

The Actor's Area is about enlightening new, as well as, seasoned actors and performers to the concepts and components that can help them realize the most successful and fulfilling careers in the entertainment industry. Whether it's discussing career insight, the optimal mindset of the actor, spirituality as it relates to acting, unleashing your creativity, or just learning to be grateful for the things you have accomplished, The Actors Area covers all of it. Let's dive in!!!

THE ACTOR'S AREA Shaun Robert Grant

    • Arte

The Actor's Area is about enlightening new, as well as, seasoned actors and performers to the concepts and components that can help them realize the most successful and fulfilling careers in the entertainment industry. Whether it's discussing career insight, the optimal mindset of the actor, spirituality as it relates to acting, unleashing your creativity, or just learning to be grateful for the things you have accomplished, The Actors Area covers all of it. Let's dive in!!!

    The Vibrational Actor: Acting From A Place Of Value And Service

    The Vibrational Actor: Acting From A Place Of Value And Service

    I was on Instagram the other day and was watching a video that touched on the topic of acting from a place of service. Add to that, high resonant value, and it has the ability to transform the purpose and trajectory of our careers. Let's dive in!

    • 29 min
    Loving Yourself Unconditionally As An Actor/Performer

    Loving Yourself Unconditionally As An Actor/Performer

    Are you aware of the difference it makes in your career when you work just as hard at loving yourself unconditionally, as you do at auditioning, acting, etc.?The significance is monumental and today we will dive into it!

    • 25 min
    Giving Up The Seriousness To Have An Absolute Blast As An Actor/Performer

    Giving Up The Seriousness To Have An Absolute Blast As An Actor/Performer

    Acting can be so much fun when we allow it to, and that can only happen when we give up the seriousness and dichotomy of success and failure. How? Let's dive in!

    • 24 min
    The Vibrational Actor: Following Your Authentic Path In This Industry As An Actor

    The Vibrational Actor: Following Your Authentic Path In This Industry As An Actor

    As soon as we realize what our highest value is as an actor/performer in this industry, we can begin to make progress that feels easier than it ever has been. Let's dive in!!

    • 23 min
    Total Belief In Yourself Is All You Need To Succeed

    Total Belief In Yourself Is All You Need To Succeed

    You know what's interesting? Thinking that in order for you to be successful as an actor/performer, you have to believe what everyone else believes. This isn't true in the least bit. The reality is, what you believe about yourself will determine your success. Let's dive in!

    • 29 min
    Holding The Sucessful Actor's Consciousness Within

    Holding The Sucessful Actor's Consciousness Within

    What if there was an easier way to book the roles that you've wanted? A way that uses your mind, feelings, and beliefs instead of endless physical work. There is, let's dive into it!!

    • 15 min

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