156 episodes

The Evolution of Paper Talk…

Our journey began in 2017 when the Paper Talk community took root as a Facebook group, providing a safe haven for paper flower enthusiasts to connect, share knowledge, and find like-minded artists from all corners of the world. As the community flourished, so did our opportunities to expand and collaborate. The establishment of The Paper Florists Collective led to inspiring multi-day workshops in Seattle and Toronto, attracting makers from across the globe.

Soon after, our commitment to sharing knowledge grew even stronger, giving rise to a weekly podcast featuring leaders and artists from both within and beyond our community. Alongside this, we introduced online education programs like the Paper to Profits Program and Paper X Talk lecture series, dedicated to nurturing paper flower entrepreneurs. Our continuous growth prompted the natural evolution of our name, moving from The Paper Florists Collective to the unified identity of Paper Talk across all platforms.

As we step into 2023, we warmly welcome Sara as a new co-host alongside Quynh, while Jessie remains a cherished presence, offering occasional insights.

Throughout these changes, our unwavering mission remains steadfast: to foster creativity, connections, and growth as artists, makers, and entrepreneurs, united by the love for paper flowers. Join us as we continue to share ideas, stories, and inspire a vibrant community of creatives.

Paper Talk Sara Kim of Handmade by Sara Kim, Quynh Nguyen of Pink and Posey and Jessie Chui of Crafted to Bloom

    • Arts

The Evolution of Paper Talk…

Our journey began in 2017 when the Paper Talk community took root as a Facebook group, providing a safe haven for paper flower enthusiasts to connect, share knowledge, and find like-minded artists from all corners of the world. As the community flourished, so did our opportunities to expand and collaborate. The establishment of The Paper Florists Collective led to inspiring multi-day workshops in Seattle and Toronto, attracting makers from across the globe.

Soon after, our commitment to sharing knowledge grew even stronger, giving rise to a weekly podcast featuring leaders and artists from both within and beyond our community. Alongside this, we introduced online education programs like the Paper to Profits Program and Paper X Talk lecture series, dedicated to nurturing paper flower entrepreneurs. Our continuous growth prompted the natural evolution of our name, moving from The Paper Florists Collective to the unified identity of Paper Talk across all platforms.

As we step into 2023, we warmly welcome Sara as a new co-host alongside Quynh, while Jessie remains a cherished presence, offering occasional insights.

Throughout these changes, our unwavering mission remains steadfast: to foster creativity, connections, and growth as artists, makers, and entrepreneurs, united by the love for paper flowers. Join us as we continue to share ideas, stories, and inspire a vibrant community of creatives.

    Ep 156: Embracing Creativity in the Paper Talk Podcast Season Finale

    Ep 156: Embracing Creativity in the Paper Talk Podcast Season Finale

    Welcome to the season finale of the Paper Talk Podcast! As we wrap up this incredible season, we’re taking a moment to celebrate everything we've learned together and look ahead to the exciting future of our paper flower community. This season has been filled with inspiring stories, invaluable tips, and expert insights that have helped us all grow as artists and entrepreneurs. We couldn’t be more grateful for your support and enthusiasm throughout this journey.

    In this special episode, we dive into some of the most impactful topics we've covered, from the power of workshops to enhance community connections, to upgrading your camera setup for professional-quality content, and leveraging Pinterest for business growth. These highlights are just a sneak peek of the rich content we’ve explored this season. Join us as we reflect on these key takeaways and get ready for more innovative and inspiring episodes to come. Let’s celebrate the end of this season with the same passion and creativity that define our amazing community.

    Here’s what you’ll learn when you listen:

    Insights on Workshops: The significance of workshops in building a community, especially after the pandemic, and how they can be a great way to engage and educate.
    Paper Flower Community Highlights: The joy of connecting with fellow paper flower artists and the importance of a supportive community, as shared through personal experiences and international rankings of their podcast.
    Importance of Camera Equipment: Tips and personal experiences on improving camera setups for better video content, including recommendations and the learning process involved.
    Seasonal Plans and Future Goals: Personal updates and summer plans of the hosts, along with a preview of what to expect in the upcoming season seven of the podcast, focusing on improving business practices.

    Keep reading for a look at what you can expect from the full episode!

    Unlocking the Power of Workshops
    One of the standout themes this season has been the transformative power of workshops. We've learned that hosting and attending workshops can significantly boost our skills and connect us with like-minded individuals in the paper flower community. Workshops offer a hands-on, immersive experience that online tutorials simply can't match. They provide an opportunity to ask questions in real-time, receive personalized feedback, and gain new perspectives from both instructors and fellow participants.

    Through our discussions, we’ve discovered that workshops do more than just teach new techniques; they foster a sense of community and belonging. By participating in these events, we build lasting relationships and expand our network, which can lead to exciting collaborations and opportunities. Whether you're looking to improve your craft or share your expertise by leading a workshop, embracing this powerful tool can take your paper flower journey to the next level. As we move forward, we’re excited to explore even more ways to bring our community together through these enriching experiences.

    Embracing the Joy of Experimentation
    Throughout this season, we've delved into the importance of experimentation in our creative processes. Trying out new techniques and materials can be daunting, but it’s essential for growth and innovation. We’ve heard from several experts who shared their personal journeys of trial and error, emphasizing that mistakes often lead to unexpected breakthroughs and unique creations. Embracing experimentation allows us to push boundaries and discover new possibilities in paper flower making.

    Experimentation isn’t just about technical skills; it’s also about finding your creative voice and style. By stepping out of our comfort zones and experimenting with different designs, colors, and materials, we can uncover what truly resonates with us as artists. This season has shown us that taking risks and exploring new ideas not only enriches our work but also keeps our passion for

    • 25 min
    Ep 155: Mastering Workshop Promotion and Marketing

    Ep 155: Mastering Workshop Promotion and Marketing

    Welcome to an exciting new episode of the Paper Talk Podcast! Today, we're diving deep into the world of workshop management, where we'll uncover the keys to success alongside our regular hosts, Quynh and Sara, as well as our returning host, Jessie. Whether you're a seasoned facilitator or just starting your journey, we're here to equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to elevate your workshop game and create unforgettable experiences for your participants.

    In this dynamic conversation, we'll explore the essential elements of hosting successful workshops, from crafting a professional web presence to navigating pricing strategies and fostering inclusivity. Join us as we embark on a journey filled with practical tips, actionable advice, and inspiring stories that will empower you to take your workshops to the next level. Let's unlock the secrets to success together and make every workshop an enriching and memorable experience for all involved.

    Here’s what you’ll learn when you listen:

    How to best market workshops online professionally.
    Pricing workshops and covering all of your workshop costs.
    Practical considerations for workshop logistics.
    Building relationships and nurturing community engagement before and after a workshop.
    The importance of inclusivity for workshop students.

    Here is a peek at some of the takeaways you can uncover when you tune in.

    Crafting a Professional Web Presence
    In our insightful conversation, Sara highlights the paramount importance of establishing a professional web presence when it comes to effectively promoting workshops. While social media platforms like Instagram can offer visibility, they often come with limitations. We delve into the reasons why relying solely on social media might not be sufficient for reaching your target audience. Instead, we explore the benefits of investing in a centralized website that serves as a hub for all your workshop-related content.

    Having a dedicated website not only provides a more comprehensive platform for showcasing your workshops but also allows you to maintain full control over your branding and messaging. We discuss how a well-designed website can instill trust in potential participants, presenting your workshops in a polished and credible light. From seamless navigation to compelling visuals and informative content, we uncover the key elements that contribute to building trust and enhancing conversion rates. Join us as we explore practical strategies for creating a professional web presence that sets the stage for workshop success.

    Nurturing Meaningful Connections
    In the episode, we emphasize the significance of fostering meaningful connections with workshop participants beyond the digital realm. While online interactions undoubtedly play a crucial role in promoting workshops, we delve into why genuine human connections are equally essential for long-term success. By prioritizing personal engagement, workshop organizers can cultivate a sense of community and belonging among participants, fostering loyalty and repeat attendance.

    We explore the various ways in which workshop organizers can nurture authentic connections, from hosting in-person meetups and networking events to incorporating interactive elements into virtual sessions. By creating opportunities for participants to connect with each other and with workshop facilitators on a deeper level, organizers can elevate the overall workshop experience and differentiate themselves from competitors.Learn how to build lasting relationships that extend far beyond the confines of a single workshop session.

    Cultivating Expertise and Authority
    When you listen to the episode, you’ll understand the importance of cultivating expertise and authority within a niche to stand out in the crowded workshop market. We explore how establishing oneself as an industry leader not only attracts participants but also instills confidence in their decision to invest time and resources in attending worksho

    • 54 min
    Ep 154: Thriving as a Creative Entrepreneur with May Ling Chen

    Ep 154: Thriving as a Creative Entrepreneur with May Ling Chen

    Welcome to Paper Talk Podcast, where we delve into the fascinating world of art business and entrepreneurship. In our latest episode, we're excited to share insights gleaned from our conversation with May Ling Chen who has mastered the art of success in the competitive art market. Join us as we uncover valuable strategies for overcoming challenges, adapting to market trends, and ultimately thriving as artists and art business owners.

    Here’s what you’ll learn when you listen:

    How to diversify offerings to generate interest.
    Pricing challenges and strategic marketing insights.
    The importance of community and collaboration among artists.
    Insights into managing mental health while running a business.

    In this blog post, we'll provide a sneak peek into the episode, but you’ll have to listen to unlock all of the amazing knowledge May Ling shared with us. So, whether you're an aspiring artist looking to turn your passion into profit or a seasoned entrepreneur seeking fresh ideas to elevate your art business, we invite you to tune in and discover the secrets to success in the art world. Let's dive in and unlock the inspiration waiting for you in our latest episode of Paper Talk Podcast.

    Diversifying Products and Services
    In our conversation with May Ling, she shed light on the transformative power of diversifying products and services to expand your creative business. Since relocating last October, May Ling has embraced a myriad of opportunities beyond teaching and hosting events. She shared how she seized the chance to exhibit and sell her floral creations at Sutaya Bookstore, a renowned Japanese chain. This collaboration not only provided a platform to showcase her work but also opened doors to new revenue streams and partnerships. By venturing into this realm, May Ling effectively broadened her scope of offerings, demonstrating the versatility and adaptability essential for entrepreneurial success.

    Furthermore, May Ling's strategic approach to leveraging seasonal themes, such as Parents Day, exemplifies the importance of aligning product offerings with market demand. Recognizing the bookstore's changing exhibits and the thematic relevance of flowers during this period, she capitalized on the opportunity to introduce her floral arrangements to a wider audience. This proactive mindset not only maximizes exposure but also enables entrepreneurs to capitalize on emerging trends and consumer preferences. By diversifying her portfolio to include floral art alongside her teaching services, May Ling positioned herself as a multifaceted creative professional capable of catering to diverse customer needs.

    Moreover, May Ling's decision to test the waters of selling flowers through consignment aligns with the principle of risk mitigation and market validation. By partnering with Sutaya Bookstore, she mitigated the logistical challenges of shipping while gauging consumer interest and generating awareness for her new venture. This incremental approach allows entrepreneurs to assess market demand, refine their offerings, and build credibility within their niche gradually. May Ling's journey underscores the importance of strategic experimentation and adaptability in navigating the dynamic landscape of creative entrepreneurship. For more insights on diversifying products and services and unleashing your creative potential, tune in to the full episode of our podcast.

    Optimizing Pricing Strategies
    One of the recurring challenges faced by creatives is finding the delicate balance between profitability and affordability for their customers. May Ling offered invaluable insights into navigating these pricing conundrums and finding strategies tailored to individual business models.

    May Ling's journey underscores the importance of strategic pricing in building a sustainable creative business. Reflecting on her experiences, she shared how she adapted her pricing strategies to accommodate the evolving demands of her clientele. From crafting be

    • 53 min
    Ep 153: FAQs - Creative Collaborations & Entrepreneurial Insights

    Ep 153: FAQs - Creative Collaborations & Entrepreneurial Insights

    Welcome back to Paper Talk Podcast! In this episode, we're thrilled to bring you an engaging conversation between your hosts, Sara and Quynh. Join us as we answer some of our frequently asked questions. We share our insights, experiences, and perspectives on navigating the creative landscape and forging paths of innovation and collaboration.

    As we delve into the discussion, listeners are invited into a dynamic exchange that explores the intersection of art and business. From the intricacies of creative collaboration to the challenges and opportunities of cross-border creativity, our conversation offers a rich tapestry of insights that illuminate the multifaceted nature of the creative process.

    Here’s what you’ll learn when you listen:

    The power of creative collaboration and mutual support.
    The importance of testing and refining tutorials for effectiveness.
    Navigating the integration of creative projects into business operations.
    How technology evolution facilitates creative entrepreneurship, making tasks more accessible.

    Listen now to learn all this and more. Here’s a peek of what you’ll discover.

    Unlocking the Power of Collaboration
    In this episode, we dive into the incredible potential of collaboration in the creative process. We're passionate about how collaboration not only sparks innovation but also adds depth to the creative journey by bringing together diverse perspectives and talents. Sara shares her insights from collaborating with artists from various cultural backgrounds, highlighting how these partnerships have broadened her artistic horizons and given her a deeper understanding of global artistic trends. Quynh adds her perspective from the entrepreneurial side, showcasing how strategic partnerships have driven her ventures forward, opening doors to new markets and increasing her impact.

    Join us as we navigate the nuances of effective collaboration, placing emphasis on communication, mutual respect, and a shared vision. Building an environment of trust and openness forms the bedrock of successful collaborations, empowering individuals to capitalize on their strengths and co-create meaningful work.

    Testing and Refining Tutorials for Effectiveness
    In this insightful episode, we delve into the critical role of testing and refining tutorials to ensure their effectiveness. We're passionate about the idea that tutorials should not only provide information but also empower learners to apply that knowledge successfully. Sara and Quynh share their experiences in crafting tutorials, stressing the importance of user feedback and iterative refinement. We highlight how testing different approaches and formats can enhance the learning experience, making it more engaging and accessible for diverse audiences.

    Listen as we explore practical strategies for testing and refining tutorials, emphasizing the value of user-centered design and continuous improvement. By soliciting feedback, analyzing user behavior, and iterating based on insights gained, creators can tailor their tutorials to better meet the needs and preferences of their audience. This iterative process not only improves the effectiveness of tutorials but also fosters a culture of lifelong learning and innovation.

    Harnessing Technology for Creative Entrepreneurship
    In the ever-evolving landscape of creative entrepreneurship, leveraging technology is key to staying ahead of the curve. In this episode, we shed light on how we harness technology to drive our entrepreneurial endeavors forward. From digital marketing strategies to e-commerce platforms, we discuss how technology has revolutionized the way we reach customers and scale their businesses. Sara emphasizes the power of social media in building a strong online presence and connecting with a global audience, while Quynh underscores the importance of data analytics in informing strategic business decisions.

    Tune in as we explore the myriad ways in which technology empowers creative entrepreneurs to

    • 31 min
    Ep 152: Creating Content that Captivates

    Ep 152: Creating Content that Captivates

    Welcome to Episode 152 of Paper Talk Podcast, where we explore the ever-evolving world of content creation in the digital age. In today's fast-paced digital landscape, content creation has become a cornerstone of success for businesses and entrepreneurs. Through this episode, we aim to shed light on the importance of crafting compelling content and provide actionable insights to help you elevate your digital presence.

    We dive deep into the art of content creation, uncovering valuable strategies and techniques that creative business owners and artistic entrepreneurs can implement to captivate their audience. From the power of visual storytelling to the secrets of social media success and impactful content creation strategies, there's something here for everyone looking to make their mark in the digital realm.

    Here’s what you’ll learn when you listen:

    Importance of maintaining a visually appealing workspace for content creation
    Balancing personal life and professional image on social media
    Investing in high-quality equipment for improved content production
    Emphasizing the value of process videos in engaging with audiences
    Developing a unique style to attract and retain followers

    Listen now to hear all of the details! Join us as we explore the dynamic world of content creation and unlock the secrets to crafting content that resonates with your audience and drives meaningful engagement.

    The Art of Visual Storytelling
    Visual storytelling has emerged as a powerful tool for brands to connect with their audience on a deeper level. As we emphasize in the episode, the use of compelling visuals can evoke emotions and convey brand stories in a way that resonates with viewers. 

    When you listen to the podcast, you’ll hear valuable tips and strategies for harnessing the power of visual storytelling. From the use of captivating imagery to the incorporation of videos and infographics, there are countless ways to leverage visuals to convey your brand's message effectively. For instance, incorporate user-generated content to add authenticity to your brand's narrative. By showcasing real-life experiences and testimonials, you can forge genuine connections with your audience and build trust over time.

    In Episode 152, we also delve into the psychology behind visual storytelling, exploring how emotions and authenticity play a crucial role in engaging viewers. By infusing creativity and authenticity into your visual content, you can create meaningful connections with your audience and drive brand loyalty. Tune in to learn more about the art of visual storytelling and discover how you can leverage visuals to elevate your brand's digital presence.

    Social Media Success Secrets
    Social media platforms have revolutionized the way brands connect with their audience, offering unparalleled opportunities for content distribution and brand building. In the episode, we uncover the secrets to social media success, sharing expert advice on leveraging different platforms effectively. From understanding platform algorithms to engaging with your audience authentically, there are countless strategies you can employ to maximize your social media presence.

    On the podcast we share real-life examples and case studies of successful social media campaigns, offering valuable insights into what works and what doesn't in the world of social media marketing. For example, Sara shared: "Even if you're just selling your product, some kind of process video is always so fun to watch and to look at."

    Join us as we uncover the secrets to social media success and learn how you can take your social media marketing efforts to the next level.

    Content Creation Strategies for Impact
    Creating impactful content requires more than just creativity; it demands a strategic approach and a deep understanding of your audience's needs and preferences. In Episode 152, we delve into various content creation strategies designed to leave a lasting impression on your audience. From st

    • 31 min
    Ep 151: Elevate Your Pinterest Presence with Gisela Santos

    Ep 151: Elevate Your Pinterest Presence with Gisela Santos

    In today's digital landscape, social media platforms play a crucial role in connecting businesses with their audience. While platforms like Instagram and TikTok often steal the spotlight, there's one platform that holds immense potential for creative business owners and artistic entrepreneurs: Pinterest. In Episode 151 of Paper Talk, we sit down with Gisela Santos, the mastermind behind Love Bloom Social, to uncover the secrets of leveraging Pinterest to drive website traffic and engagement.

    Here’s what you’ll learn when you listen:

    Learn practical tips for optimizing Pinterest profiles, creating engaging pins, and utilizing keywords to maximize visibility.
    Discover the overlooked potential of Pinterest as a vital tool for driving website traffic and engagement.
    Explore how Pinterest serves as a unique one-stop destination for inspiration and idea exploration, unlike traditional social media platforms.
    Gain insights into why Pinterest might have been neglected in favor of other social media platforms and the surprising impact it can have on revenue.
    Hear success stories of achieving remarkable growth by creating innovative and visually appealing content.

    Tune in now to hear all of Gisela’s amazing expertise, but here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll learn when you listen to the full episode:

    The Unique Role of Pinterest in the Social Media Landscape
    Pinterest stands out among social media platforms due to its unique approach to content discovery and sharing. Unlike platforms like Instagram and Twitter, where users primarily engage with real-time updates, Pinterest serves as a visual search engine where individuals discover and save content for future reference. As Gisela Santos explains in the episode, Pinterest is more than just a social network; it's a hub for inspiration and idea exploration. Gisela highlights how Pinterest users often turn to the platform to discover information and improve their crafts, making it an invaluable resource for creative business owners and artistic entrepreneurs.

    Despite its potential to drive significant traffic and engagement, Pinterest has been overlooked by some businesses and creators. On the podcast, Gisela delves into the reasons behind this neglect, citing misconceptions about the platform's relevance and effectiveness. She emphasizes the importance of understanding Pinterest's unique dynamics and its role in the social media landscape. 

    Listen now so you can learn more about tapping into Pinterest's niche appeal and the diverse interests of its user base. You can unlock the vast potential for growth and brand visibility found on this underutilized platform.

    Expert Strategies for Pinterest Success
    In the episode, Gisela shares expert tips for optimizing Pinterest profiles and creating engaging content that resonates with the platform's audience. One key strategy she emphasizes is the importance of incorporating relevant keywords into pin titles, descriptions, and alt text. By doing so, businesses can improve their visibility in Pinterest search results and attract a wider audience interested in their products or services. Gisela also stresses the value of innovative content creation, urging businesses to think creatively and deliver content that stands out amidst the platform's visual landscape.

    When you listen, you’ll hear Gisela’s account of achieving over a million views a month for one of her pins. Learn how she achieved this success and how you can use the same strategies to help your pins succeed. Highlighting success stories of personal accounts achieving remarkable growth through strategic Pinterest use further underscores the platform's potential as a powerful marketing tool. 

    Building Long-term Relationships
    One of the unique aspects of Pinterest that we discuss in the episode is the unique opportunity for businesses to foster long-term relationships with their audience. Unlike other social media platforms where content may have a fleeting lifespan, P

    • 29 min

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