158 épisodes

If you're the type of coach who believes team culture is key, mental training is a secret weapon, and we can make the biggest impact when we coach the whole person, this podcast is for you!

Hey there! We're Melanie Rushing and Alicia Smith - just a couple of softball coaches like you, who want to share our passion for building team culture & mentally tough players. :)

New episodes are released on Mondays and are typically about 30 minutes long. Just enough time to drive the field or give it a good drag.
We share what we've learned in our 30+ combined years of on-field experience (influenced by our Sport Psych, Coaching Sport Performance & Leadership education)

PLUS we bring on guests from the top softball teams, field of sport psychology and those who specialize in sport performance!

SO if you want to learn actionable tips and strategies to help your team win more games and have more fun head to your podcast player of choice & subscribe!

Talk to you soon!

Coaching the Mental Game of Softball Mental Sweet Spot

    • Sports

If you're the type of coach who believes team culture is key, mental training is a secret weapon, and we can make the biggest impact when we coach the whole person, this podcast is for you!

Hey there! We're Melanie Rushing and Alicia Smith - just a couple of softball coaches like you, who want to share our passion for building team culture & mentally tough players. :)

New episodes are released on Mondays and are typically about 30 minutes long. Just enough time to drive the field or give it a good drag.
We share what we've learned in our 30+ combined years of on-field experience (influenced by our Sport Psych, Coaching Sport Performance & Leadership education)

PLUS we bring on guests from the top softball teams, field of sport psychology and those who specialize in sport performance!

SO if you want to learn actionable tips and strategies to help your team win more games and have more fun head to your podcast player of choice & subscribe!

Talk to you soon!

    Get Them Mentally Ready for the Day - Rewire App Introduction

    Get Them Mentally Ready for the Day - Rewire App Introduction

    Imagine being able to screen your girls before practice to get a true idea of what you're going to get out of them that day?
    Instead of HOPING you notice the signs. Hoping you don't miss one player among 12-30 players. All so you can get the most out of your limited time with them.
    And what if that process only took a couple minutes using their phones? Oh and THEN what if each player was immediately given a suggested exercise to boost their mental & emotional state for THIS practice.
    That's what Rewire does! Listen in to hear how their app is revolutionizing how we manage our emotional & mental stress :)
    Learn more at https://rewirefitness.app/

    • 28 min
    Get Your Team to Bring the ENERGY - w/ David Lindsay

    Get Your Team to Bring the ENERGY - w/ David Lindsay

    Ever look at your team mid-practice (or mid GAME) and think... Are they ALIVE?
    There are so many things that drain their energy, then before you know it the energy is gone and you might as well call it a day. And if we're honest, we have those days too! Today's guest not only speaks to this topic - he EXUDES energy and positivity!
    No joke - he had me standing up in Superwoman pose. You ready to get some fantastic nuggets from a world class athlete, dad, and motivational speaker? Listen in!
    >> David Lindsay's site
    >> Mental Sweet Spot Resources

    • 33 min
    Case Study: Bootcamp alum & Bowling Green HC Candace Fenton-Brockbader

    Case Study: Bootcamp alum & Bowling Green HC Candace Fenton-Brockbader

    In today's episode, we chat with Bootcamp OG Candace Fenton-Brockbader! You're going to find so many moments in this episode you can relate to. She is a GEM!

    • 28 min
    How Culture Kept Us In Coaching

    How Culture Kept Us In Coaching

    Coaching is hard. You know what I mean. Not the on-field stuff.
    It's the attitudes... The lack of competitiveness... The people talking smack about how you're doing things. It can be draining.
    Honestly, that kind of stuff can make you want to quit. Alicia and I have certainly both considered it. Many times.
    But what keeps us coming back? What keeps us grounded, confident that we're on the right path, and unshakable despite other people's opinions?
    Hands down, it's Culture.
    This is what we want for you and why we're hosting the Softball Coaches Culture Bootcamp. Tickets are available by the time you're hearing this and we kick off Monday, August 7th. And BONUS - Lonni Alameda will be joining us for a Q&A too! Head to mentalsweetspot.com/bootcamp to learn more. Now onto the episode!
    It is my most sincere wish for EVERY softball coach to feel the way Alicia and I do when we reflect on our careers this far.
    If we could reach every coach who truly cared about their girls and wanted to help them grow as PEOPLE... And we could give them the confidence and clarity we have now...
    We could positively impact MILLIONS of girls.
    That's why I want you Softball Coaches' Culture Bootcamp. To learn more, head to mentalsweetspot.com/bootcamp

    • 36 min
    The Top 3 Culture Killers (And How to Deal with Them)

    The Top 3 Culture Killers (And How to Deal with Them)

    Culture can be complicated.
    You have to get 12-20+ players on the same page, understanding what it takes to achieve the goals they want. As vital as any coach like you knows culture is... it can be difficult to maintain a positive one with so many culture killers out there.
    But maintaining a strong, supportive culture is honestly THE most important thing we can do for our teams. Today we discuss the top 3 culture killers we've come across through the years, so you can get ahead of them this season!
    And if you wish you had a better way to keep your culture on track, join the waitlist for Culture Bootcamp! Doors open NEXT Monday, July 24th.
    Join the waitlist or tune in to the end of the episode to hear who our DI, National-Championship-winning, and even more amazing human special guest will be!
    - - - - -
    Once you've identified the top culture killers that I KNOW you've experienced yourself, you might be wondering how you can prevent them!
    Full disclaimer: you can't prevent culture killers from showing up, but there IS a way to identify them early and get back on track faster!
    With your very own, customized and ACTIONABLE Dream Team Blueprint!
    In the Softball Coaches' Culture Bootcamp, we'll walk you through creating your own blueprint so you can get your entire team (and the parents) to buy in to what you're doing, be more committed, care more, give better effort and have more fun while they're doing the things to make them their best!
    We kick off August 7th and the GRAND finale will be with the one and only Lonni Alameda on August 14th! It's going to be a blast and could honestly skyrocket the trajectory of your impact on your girls! www.mentalsweetspot.com/waitlist!

    • 31 min
    Advice from the TOP softball coaches

    Advice from the TOP softball coaches

    We coaches are contantly looking forward. What's next. Where is there room to improve. What can we do better as a coach? But sometimes the answers are already there for us - if we just take a peek into our recent past.
    With Alicia on a trip with her daughter's soccer team this week, I was struggling with what to air on the podcast. We've got bootcamp coming up quickly, we have so many lessons we still want to share, but I want to have Alicia here to discuss them... And then it hit me. We already have AMAZING content that I'm certain you could benefit from.
    So in honor of Bootcamp (doors open July 24!) I'm going to refer you to our past bootcamp special guests to hear how some of the ALL STARS of softball coaching develop their team culture!
    Simply head to the podcast notes & you'll see the links for our episodes with Florida State's Lonni Alameda, Michigan's Hutch & Bonnie Tholl, Patrick Murphy from Alabama, Sue Enquist formerly of UCLA and Mike Candrea - recently retired from the University of Arizona.
    Then if you're as inspired as we were, we hope you consider joining this round's bootcamp where we'll help you BUILD that kind of culture! Just head to mentalsweetspot.com/waitlist and join to be notified when tickets go on sale!
    I know you're excited now, so check those out!
    Florida State's Lonni AlamedaMichigan's Hutch & Bonnie ThollAlabama's Patrick MurphyUCLA's Sue EnquistArizona's Mike Candrea

    • 2 min

Classement des podcasts dans Sports

L'After Foot
L'Équipe du Tour
Grand Plateau
Intégrale Tour
Dans la Tête d'un Coureur
Sunday Night Productions
After Tour

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