1h 15 min

Episode 15: DJ REBEKAH #ForTheMusic SOBER SEX

    • Santé mentale

Sober Sex welcomes the ferociously talented dj/producer/all around bad ass Rebekah to the show to discuss her #ForTheMusic campaign, which is working to end rape culture in dance music.  We talk about her own experiences, her journey within sobriety and what it looks like today to be an advocate for gender-equality and to create safe spaces within club culture so everyone can be there For The Music. 


*For more info and to sign the pledge


Sober Sex welcomes the ferociously talented dj/producer/all around bad ass Rebekah to the show to discuss her #ForTheMusic campaign, which is working to end rape culture in dance music.  We talk about her own experiences, her journey within sobriety and what it looks like today to be an advocate for gender-equality and to create safe spaces within club culture so everyone can be there For The Music. 


*For more info and to sign the pledge


1h 15 min