How We Recreated the Stories of the Environmental Justice Movement (Throughline+‪)‬ Throughline

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Throughline producers Lawrence Wu and Devin Katayama discuss the making of "Two Miles Down the Road," which covered the protests in Warren County, North Carolina, in 1982 that kicked off the environmental justice movement in the United States. They talk about finding the people at the center of the story and recreating the scenes those people described into compelling audio.

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Throughline producers Lawrence Wu and Devin Katayama discuss the making of "Two Miles Down the Road," which covered the protests in Warren County, North Carolina, in 1982 that kicked off the environmental justice movement in the United States. They talk about finding the people at the center of the story and recreating the scenes those people described into compelling audio.

To get access to this episode, listen to Throughline sponsor-free, and support NPR, sign up for Throughline+ at

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