Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast

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Every week Chris Hayes asks the big questions that keep him up at night. How do we make sense of this unprecedented moment in world history? Why is this (all) happening? This podcast starts to answer these questions. Writers, experts, and thinkers who are also trying to get to the bottom of them join Chris to break it all down and help him get a better night’s rest. “Why is this Happening?” is presented by MSNBC and NBCNews Think.
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Chris Hayes, why is this happening
This is just about the most perfect podcast imaginable. A whip smart interviewer; who has in fact read all the books and spent time thinking about the issues. A rostrum of guests, perfectly aligned to talk about the subject in hand. If I were to have a criticism, it would be (or would have been before the Ted Cruz episode) that Chris’ guests are fellow inmates to his echo chamber. I guess that this allows the facts to be clear, without the dislocation of agenda bending the narrative, but Chris is so smart I would like to see him defend an argument sometimes, these guests I figure would prove harder to book. My ultimate episode would be Chris talking to the current President of the USA on a subject of Chris’ choosing.... can you make that happen?? 😂
First listen
So interesting and inspiring grass roots activity in deep deep america
À propos
- Chaîne
- CréationChris Hayes, MSNBC & NBCNews THINK
- Années d’activité2018 - 2025
- Épisodes383
- ClassificationContenu explicite
- Copyright© 2019 NBC News
- Site web de l’émission
- Fournisseur
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