1 hr 14 min

102) Josh Shea - Porn Addiction, Recovery and the problem with Only Fans CamBro Conversations

    • Fitness

Today’s conversation is with Joshua Shea, Coach, author and educator.

We discuss the addiction that no one is talking about. Porn addiction.

To do so, I ask about Josh’s own experience with addiction, how it developed over time, and the ultimate outcome before his recovery.

Expect to learn the different triggers and life events that addicts have to alter to recover and the steps taken to come back from the lowest of lows.

As a published author and coach in this space, I ask Josh what trends he is seeing as the internet becomes all consuming and what impact porn use and addiction can have on people’s lives.

With so much free porn available, I asked about the rise of paid content like OnlyFans and we have a stark conversation about this platform might mean for both users and creators.

Today's podcast is supported by Crypto Glasgow. Founders Donald and Dec have appeared twice on the podcast sharing the principles behind the best performing investment asset of the last 12 months and the inner workings of the Crypto currency market.

The Crypto space is vast and growing. You can get easily lost in the noise.

Investing in crypto differs to other assets and the Crypto Glasgow team have 20+ years of investing experience in all asset classes, you can rely on their specific crypto expertise to navigate what can be a confusing market.

No matter your investment approach and how much you are looking to invest, whether you're a newbie or experienced investor, Crypto Glasgow have you covered with their wide range of products and services to support you in the fast growing and innovative world of cryptocurrencies.

You can visit https://www.ccgla.co.uk to learn more today.

Connect with Josh

Website - https://paddictrecovery.com

Connect with Col:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/col.cambro/

Email List - https://mailchi.mp/548e38ba5942/colincambro

Support me:

Musclefood and CAMBRO for £5 off - http://tidd.ly/4992134b

MyProtein and MPCOL for 37% off - http://bit.ly/MyProteinCol

Today’s conversation is with Joshua Shea, Coach, author and educator.

We discuss the addiction that no one is talking about. Porn addiction.

To do so, I ask about Josh’s own experience with addiction, how it developed over time, and the ultimate outcome before his recovery.

Expect to learn the different triggers and life events that addicts have to alter to recover and the steps taken to come back from the lowest of lows.

As a published author and coach in this space, I ask Josh what trends he is seeing as the internet becomes all consuming and what impact porn use and addiction can have on people’s lives.

With so much free porn available, I asked about the rise of paid content like OnlyFans and we have a stark conversation about this platform might mean for both users and creators.

Today's podcast is supported by Crypto Glasgow. Founders Donald and Dec have appeared twice on the podcast sharing the principles behind the best performing investment asset of the last 12 months and the inner workings of the Crypto currency market.

The Crypto space is vast and growing. You can get easily lost in the noise.

Investing in crypto differs to other assets and the Crypto Glasgow team have 20+ years of investing experience in all asset classes, you can rely on their specific crypto expertise to navigate what can be a confusing market.

No matter your investment approach and how much you are looking to invest, whether you're a newbie or experienced investor, Crypto Glasgow have you covered with their wide range of products and services to support you in the fast growing and innovative world of cryptocurrencies.

You can visit https://www.ccgla.co.uk to learn more today.

Connect with Josh

Website - https://paddictrecovery.com

Connect with Col:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/col.cambro/

Email List - https://mailchi.mp/548e38ba5942/colincambro

Support me:

Musclefood and CAMBRO for £5 off - http://tidd.ly/4992134b

MyProtein and MPCOL for 37% off - http://bit.ly/MyProteinCol

1 hr 14 min