31 min

198. What Business Leaders need to know about cybersecurity risk Tech for Non-Techies

    • Careers

Cybersecurity risk is a business risk. If there is a data leak, customers and investors aren't going to be happy.
But, as more and more of our services are online, cybersecurity problems are now just part of business life.
In this episode, you will hear a pragmatic approach for how to think about cybersecurity, and what you can do to increase it at your organisation today. 
You will learn from Dr. Josiah Dykstra, who spent 19 years at the National Security Agency (NSA). Today, Dr Dykstra is the Director of Strategic Initiatives at Trail of Bits.
Listen to this episode to learn:
What cybersecurity is How to think about cybersecurity risk Why you don't need to change your password as often as you think Easy ways to prevent a data leak --- 
To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include Blackstone x Techstars Launchpad, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.
We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on info@techfornontechies.co
Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn.
Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 

Cybersecurity risk is a business risk. If there is a data leak, customers and investors aren't going to be happy.
But, as more and more of our services are online, cybersecurity problems are now just part of business life.
In this episode, you will hear a pragmatic approach for how to think about cybersecurity, and what you can do to increase it at your organisation today. 
You will learn from Dr. Josiah Dykstra, who spent 19 years at the National Security Agency (NSA). Today, Dr Dykstra is the Director of Strategic Initiatives at Trail of Bits.
Listen to this episode to learn:
What cybersecurity is How to think about cybersecurity risk Why you don't need to change your password as often as you think Easy ways to prevent a data leak --- 
To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include Blackstone x Techstars Launchpad, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.
We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on info@techfornontechies.co
Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn.
Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 

31 min