28 episodes

Atheism UK Podcast looks at life from an atheist perspective, against the false and pernicious claims of religion, its privileges and its malign practices – not least the labelling and indoctrination of children. We reject the notion that faith and religion should not be questioned, and we seek to create an environment of atheistic free thought. Atheism UK is Britain’s only distinctively atheist organisation. Our sole objectives are the advancement and normalisation of atheism and Challenging Religious Faith.

Atheism UK Podcast Atheism UK

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 3.0 • 1 Rating

Atheism UK Podcast looks at life from an atheist perspective, against the false and pernicious claims of religion, its privileges and its malign practices – not least the labelling and indoctrination of children. We reject the notion that faith and religion should not be questioned, and we seek to create an environment of atheistic free thought. Atheism UK is Britain’s only distinctively atheist organisation. Our sole objectives are the advancement and normalisation of atheism and Challenging Religious Faith.

    Putin - The Orthodox Christian Soldier - Atheism UK Podcast #28

    Putin - The Orthodox Christian Soldier - Atheism UK Podcast #28

    Putin - The Orthodox Christian Soldier - Atheism UK Podcast #28 -  RECORDED ON Mar 13, 2022
    In this video we look at the deep connection between Putin, The Russian Orthodox Church and the war in Ukraine.

    QUESTION: Is Putin using his faith to cozy up to the Russian Orthodox Church and does the Orthodox Russian Church now support his war on the Ukraine

    Links from the show



    If you like these podcasts then please consider subscribing to the channel, it will really help spread the message of secularism and atheism to a much wider audience... 

    Website: https://atheismuk.com

    Apple Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/apple-podcast

    Spotify Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/spotify

    Google Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/google-podcast

    RadioPublic Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/radiopublic

    Give your feedback in the comments.

    Further reading:

    Putin and the Orthodox Church: how his faith shapes his politics


    Patriarch Kirill, Orthodox Primate of Moscow and All Russians offered prayers on Sunday for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine


    • 43 min
    There Are No Atheists In Foxholes [Debunked] - Atheism UK Podcast #27

    There Are No Atheists In Foxholes [Debunked] - Atheism UK Podcast #27

    There Are No Atheists In Foxholes [Debunked]

    "There are no atheists in foxholes" is an aphorism used to suggest that in times of extreme stress or fear, in other words like a foxhole in war facing death, that someone who identifies as Atheist will turn to god to save them. 

    In this podcast we look at the concept and soundly debunk it.

    Watch this podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsG56pfEurQ

    Some people find religious faith comforting during stressful or dangerous experiences, others however, lose their faith when undergoing trauma or witnessing immense suffering.

    Suggesting that someone who identifies as an atheist would ditch their deep held belief in times of fear is absurd, but it's built on the mistaken belief that Atheists believe in god, but have just turned their back on god. It shows how little theists understand of Atheism.

    If you like these podcasts then please consider subscribing to the channel, it will really help spread the message of secularism and atheism to a much wider audience... 

    Website: https://atheismuk.com

    Apple Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/apple-podcast

    Spotify Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/spotify

    Google Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/google-podcast

    RadioPublic Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/radiopublic

    Give your feedback in the comments.

    • 49 min
    Criticising Religious Beliefs - Atheism UK Podcast #26

    Criticising Religious Beliefs - Atheism UK Podcast #26

    Criticising Religious Beliefs - Atheism UK Podcast #26 - In this episode of the Atheism UK podcast we look at criticising religious belief and more importantly the backlash we can get for simply pointing out the problems and issues that arise through religion and religious beliefs and practices.

    Atheist criticisms of religion are often silenced or attempted to be silenced by accusations of Islamophobia, anti-semitism or anti-christian hate speech as if so called sacred beliefs can not be touched, criticized or called out.

    This tactic is designed to shut down criticism - painting those who criticise as people with an irrational fear, whereas criticism is wholly based on very rational issues. 

    Criticism of religious beliefs and practices must be a basic human right (free speech) This criticism may include that religion is outdated, harmful to the individual, harmful to society, spreaders of misinformation, an impediment to the progress of science, a source of immoral acts or customs, a political tool for social control, indoctrination of the young, a breeding ground for sectarian hate etc..

    If you like these podcasts then please consider subscribing to the channel, it will really help spread the message of secularism and atheism to a much wider audience... 

    Website: https://atheismuk.com

    Apple Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/apple-podcast

    Spotify Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/spotify

    Google Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/google-podcast

    RadioPublic Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/radiopublic

    Give your feedback in the comments.

    • 48 min
    There Are No Positive Arguments FOR Atheism - Debunked - Atheism UK Podcast #25

    There Are No Positive Arguments FOR Atheism - Debunked - Atheism UK Podcast #25

    We recently did a podcast on PRATT arguments (Previously Refuted A Thousand Times) and as a result we had comments regarding arguments that theists put forward. A few weeks ago we answered one from theists which was ‘I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist - Debunked’ which van be seen here -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdwAlJbKRJM&t=413s

    Watch This Episode On YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agWzGd_kXxE

    We carry on with these arguments from theists and look at there are no positive arguments for atheism and debunk this argument. Some of the things we discuss are:

    1 - Atheism is the default position

    2 - mind is the brain a thing of substance and measure, we have no examples of a mind without a brain

    3 - The argument from evil - focusing on the suffering of people and animals in this world and therefore the existence of an all seeing, all knowing, all loving god is unlikely. 

    “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?” – Epicurus.. although according to Jason Sylvester it was Sextus Empiricus who actually said this or something very similar 

    4 - The hiddenness of God - no evidence

    If you like these podcasts then please consider subscribing to the channel, it will really help spread the message of secularism and atheism to a much wider audience... 

    Website: https://atheismuk.com

    Apple Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/apple-podcast

    Spotify Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/spotify

    Google Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/google-podcast

    RadioPublic Podcast: https://www.atheismuk.com/radiopublic

    Give your feedback in the comments.

    • 55 min
    Christianity Is Dying In The UK - Atheism UK Podcast #24

    Christianity Is Dying In The UK - Atheism UK Podcast #24

    In this discussion we look at the statistics behind the fact that Christianity is dying and non belief is on the rise.   We looked at the British Social Attitudes Survey by The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) in regard to Religion, which covers the Identity, behaviour and belief over two decades of the peoples of the UK  The opening statement on the report says… ‘In this year’s British Social Attitudes report (BSA), we see a continuation of one of the most important trends in post-war history: the steady decline in religion and belief among the British public. 

    This decline is not simply a private matter for individuals and families, but rather a trend with profound implications for our social norms as well as our public institutions’.  

    You can see the full report here: https://www.bsa.natcen.ac.uk/media/39363/bsa_36.pdf 

    We also discuss some deeper personal aspects of Atheism in the UK  If you like these podcasts then please consider subscribing to the channel, it will really help spread the message of secularism and atheism to a much wider audience...   

    Website: https://atheismuk.com 

    Podcast On Spotify: https://atheismuk.com/spotify 

    Give your feedback in the comments.

    • 46 min
    Dr Hugh Ross Another Failing Apologist - Atheism UK Podcast #23

    Dr Hugh Ross Another Failing Apologist - Atheism UK Podcast #23

    There has always been a steady flow of religious apologists, desperately trying to prove god exists. Much of their efforts are aimed toward those who already believe, but need validation of their beliefs.  Every argument for the existence of god has been debunked, proved fallacious or is simply based on assumption and presupposition.  

    There is a relatively new face in town who uses science as a tool to try and convince us that god has to exist. His name is Dr Hugh Ross and it look like we have found ourselves another failing apologist who uses worn out reasoning, dressed in the guise of science.  He’s fallen headlong into the intelligent design argument, the Teleological Argument For God  This is the same old PRATT (previously refuted a thousand times) argument   Cosmic Fine Tuning - If any of the constants of nature were off by a tiny fraction, then our universe would not permit life. But isn’t that the point, because the laws of physics are what they are, it gives life a chance to begin, maybe not just here but throughout the universe. 

    The fine tuning argument is a philosophical shoehorn that is designed to conclude god without demonstrating him/it  If you like these podcasts then please consider subscribing to the channel, it will really help spread the message of secularism and atheism to a much wider audience...     

    Website: https://atheismuk.com 

    Podcast On Spotify: https://atheismuk.com/spotify 

    Give your feedback in the comments.

    • 44 min

Customer Reviews

3.0 out of 5
1 Rating

1 Rating

ngood77 ,


Hi guys,

Been giving the podcast a go and enjoying the topics but you really must improve the audio quality of the speakers. Only one is of good enough quality to be published. It’ll just turn people away.



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