38 min

Erica Schneider on Content Operations: How to Build a Well-Oiled Editorial System Maker Mixtapes

    • Entrepreneurship

Erica Schneider is the Director of Editorial at Grizzle, the organic growth, content marketing & SEO agency that I run. Over the last two years, Erica and I have worked with dozens of writers and clients, creating a well-oiled content operations machine as a result. Here, we lift the hood on our editorial systems, share how to find and hire great content writers, and polish content into high-performing blog posts, ebooks and more.

Erica Schneider is the Director of Editorial at Grizzle, the organic growth, content marketing & SEO agency that I run. Over the last two years, Erica and I have worked with dozens of writers and clients, creating a well-oiled content operations machine as a result. Here, we lift the hood on our editorial systems, share how to find and hire great content writers, and polish content into high-performing blog posts, ebooks and more.

38 min