7 min

The Hidden Impact Of Other People’s Words (and how to release them‪)‬ My Queer Life

    • Sexuality

Did You Hear Any Of These Messages As A Child?

Go to school and get an education.
Don’t go near the fire!
You can’t have ice-cream unless you eat your greens.
Money doesn’t grow on trees.
Go to the doctors if you feel unwell.
Respect your elders.
You are rubbish at art/maths/spelling.
Success looks like a big house, a spouse, kids, dog, goldfish and white picket fence.
You need to save up for the latest iPhone, Xbox and shiny new laptop.

Your Belief System
By the age of around 6-7 years old, your belief system has been formed from what you heard and experienced around you.
You have been hearing those messages from a young age.
Those messages are going to seep into your subconscious mind. They are going to sit there and form what you believe to be true.
As a child, and later as an adult.
What you believe to be true today as an adult is a result of the social conditioning and messages you heard as a young child.
Think about how old you are now.
How many years have you been living your life with the beliefs that were formed when you were 6 years old?
Your life right now (unless you have worked on your beliefs and you have done some inner work) is being lived and experienced based on your 6 year old beliefs.
Your beliefs (which are simply thoughts you keep thinking) create your experience. They affect how you feel, who you are, how you behave and what your experience is of the world.
Unless you are aware of your beliefs and have worked on them, chances are you are living your life through your 6 year old self eyes.
Most Common Beliefs
Here are the most common beliefs formed as a result of social conditioning:

I’m worthless.
I’m going to be found out.
I’m unlovable.
I don’t deserve / am not worthy of … (success, love, happiness etc.)
There is something wrong with me.
I’m different (results in comparing yourself to others).
I can’t be my real self or I’ll be judged.
Everything is my fault.
Fear of abandonment/rejection.
I’m a failure.

When you dig deeper into these, they all point to the same thing; there is one belief that underlies all of these.
I’m not good enough.
The Masks You Wear and Authenticity
You show up wearing different masks for different environments and situations that you find yourself in. Work, in business, relationships, socially, on the school run – you name it, you have a mask for it.
These masks originate from thought. From how we think.
Let me tell you what I know about thinking.
As soon as your conscious awareness identifies with the content of your thoughts, you start actively thinking. Processing. Making stories and attaching to the thoughts. When you start thinking in this way, you have engaged the ego. That thinking might be in the form of a judgement about yourself, the way you want to present yourself, the pattern of thinking that there is something wrong with you or that you are not good enough.
So what do you do? 
You create a mask to hide the real you.
Because all you want, is to fit in. And to be accepted.
The social conditioning and words you heard as a child, your old belief systems, judgements others have made about you, the criticisms you hear, the labels you carry (lesbian, non-binary, shy, mother, etc) – all of this builds up layer upon layer to form your identity.
Your identity is a culmination of all the things you have ‘acquired’ over the years that hide who you really are.
And now, these layers drive the patterns of thought you have on a day to day basis.
As soon as you identify with thought, you are no longer who you really are and there is a filter of judgement from within. That’s not authentic, it’s not real and all it does is distance you from the real you.
We have around 80,000 thoughts a day. The majority of those are the exact same thoughts that you thought yesterday.
The content of your thoughts limit you throughout the day and distance you from the real, authentic you that is inside.
Why? Because you attach to them.

Did You Hear Any Of These Messages As A Child?

Go to school and get an education.
Don’t go near the fire!
You can’t have ice-cream unless you eat your greens.
Money doesn’t grow on trees.
Go to the doctors if you feel unwell.
Respect your elders.
You are rubbish at art/maths/spelling.
Success looks like a big house, a spouse, kids, dog, goldfish and white picket fence.
You need to save up for the latest iPhone, Xbox and shiny new laptop.

Your Belief System
By the age of around 6-7 years old, your belief system has been formed from what you heard and experienced around you.
You have been hearing those messages from a young age.
Those messages are going to seep into your subconscious mind. They are going to sit there and form what you believe to be true.
As a child, and later as an adult.
What you believe to be true today as an adult is a result of the social conditioning and messages you heard as a young child.
Think about how old you are now.
How many years have you been living your life with the beliefs that were formed when you were 6 years old?
Your life right now (unless you have worked on your beliefs and you have done some inner work) is being lived and experienced based on your 6 year old beliefs.
Your beliefs (which are simply thoughts you keep thinking) create your experience. They affect how you feel, who you are, how you behave and what your experience is of the world.
Unless you are aware of your beliefs and have worked on them, chances are you are living your life through your 6 year old self eyes.
Most Common Beliefs
Here are the most common beliefs formed as a result of social conditioning:

I’m worthless.
I’m going to be found out.
I’m unlovable.
I don’t deserve / am not worthy of … (success, love, happiness etc.)
There is something wrong with me.
I’m different (results in comparing yourself to others).
I can’t be my real self or I’ll be judged.
Everything is my fault.
Fear of abandonment/rejection.
I’m a failure.

When you dig deeper into these, they all point to the same thing; there is one belief that underlies all of these.
I’m not good enough.
The Masks You Wear and Authenticity
You show up wearing different masks for different environments and situations that you find yourself in. Work, in business, relationships, socially, on the school run – you name it, you have a mask for it.
These masks originate from thought. From how we think.
Let me tell you what I know about thinking.
As soon as your conscious awareness identifies with the content of your thoughts, you start actively thinking. Processing. Making stories and attaching to the thoughts. When you start thinking in this way, you have engaged the ego. That thinking might be in the form of a judgement about yourself, the way you want to present yourself, the pattern of thinking that there is something wrong with you or that you are not good enough.
So what do you do? 
You create a mask to hide the real you.
Because all you want, is to fit in. And to be accepted.
The social conditioning and words you heard as a child, your old belief systems, judgements others have made about you, the criticisms you hear, the labels you carry (lesbian, non-binary, shy, mother, etc) – all of this builds up layer upon layer to form your identity.
Your identity is a culmination of all the things you have ‘acquired’ over the years that hide who you really are.
And now, these layers drive the patterns of thought you have on a day to day basis.
As soon as you identify with thought, you are no longer who you really are and there is a filter of judgement from within. That’s not authentic, it’s not real and all it does is distance you from the real you.
We have around 80,000 thoughts a day. The majority of those are the exact same thoughts that you thought yesterday.
The content of your thoughts limit you throughout the day and distance you from the real, authentic you that is inside.
Why? Because you attach to them.

7 min