34 min

How to Love Criticism WorkLife with Adam Grant

    • Management

What if you could tell your co-workers what you really think of them? At the world’s most successful hedge fund, everyone is rated and ranked constantly – in front of everyone. They’ve figured out how to embrace negative feedback, and they swear it’s essential to their success. Adam shows how you can learn to take criticism well – and get better at dishing it out. This episode is brought to you by Bonobos, Accenture, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and Warby Parker.

Find the transcript at: go.ted.com/worklifecriticism

What if you could tell your co-workers what you really think of them? At the world’s most successful hedge fund, everyone is rated and ranked constantly – in front of everyone. They’ve figured out how to embrace negative feedback, and they swear it’s essential to their success. Adam shows how you can learn to take criticism well – and get better at dishing it out. This episode is brought to you by Bonobos, Accenture, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and Warby Parker.

Find the transcript at: go.ted.com/worklifecriticism

34 min

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