35 min

Pedro Uria-Recio on interlacing humans and AI, brain-computer interfaces, jobs to entrepreneurship, and enabling mindsets for the future Amplifying Cognition

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In this episode, Ross Dawson interviews Pedro Uria Recio about his book "Machines of Tomorrow." They explore the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) from its historical roots to its current state and future potential. Pedro emphasizes the concept of interlacing, where humans and AI will become increasingly integrated, possibly leading to a new form of humanity. He discusses the advancements in large language models, brain-computer interfaces, and their implications for communication and human enhancement.

The conversation also covers the practical applications of AI in the short and medium term, highlighting the importance of adaptability, critical thinking, and entrepreneurship in the future workforce. Pedro explains how AI can assist in education and problem-solving but warns against over-reliance on it, stressing the need for humans to maintain critical thinking skills. They also touch on the potential long-term impacts of AI, including changes in human biology and the concept of mind emulation.

The episode concludes with Pedro's thoughts on the skills necessary to thrive in an AI-driven future and the importance of a proactive and entrepreneurial mindset.

In this episode, Ross Dawson interviews Pedro Uria Recio about his book "Machines of Tomorrow." They explore the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) from its historical roots to its current state and future potential. Pedro emphasizes the concept of interlacing, where humans and AI will become increasingly integrated, possibly leading to a new form of humanity. He discusses the advancements in large language models, brain-computer interfaces, and their implications for communication and human enhancement.

The conversation also covers the practical applications of AI in the short and medium term, highlighting the importance of adaptability, critical thinking, and entrepreneurship in the future workforce. Pedro explains how AI can assist in education and problem-solving but warns against over-reliance on it, stressing the need for humans to maintain critical thinking skills. They also touch on the potential long-term impacts of AI, including changes in human biology and the concept of mind emulation.

The episode concludes with Pedro's thoughts on the skills necessary to thrive in an AI-driven future and the importance of a proactive and entrepreneurial mindset.

35 min