226 episodes

The weekly POWER to Live More podcast from Jo Dodds is designed to give you inspiration, ideas, tips, tools and apps to help you to use your POWER (Productivity, Organisation, Wellbeing, Energy and Resilience) to Live More (to do more of the things you want to do).

POWER to Live More with Jo Dodds Jo Dodds

    • Education
    • 4.8 • 13 Ratings

The weekly POWER to Live More podcast from Jo Dodds is designed to give you inspiration, ideas, tips, tools and apps to help you to use your POWER (Productivity, Organisation, Wellbeing, Energy and Resilience) to Live More (to do more of the things you want to do).

    Richard Sams: Effective Entrepreneurial Work-Life Balance

    Richard Sams: Effective Entrepreneurial Work-Life Balance

    Richard Sams is the Co-Founder and CEO of MOHARA, an innovation delivery specialist company that builds tech products.

    His team works with startups, SMEs, and corporate clients looking to develop non-core products, mitigate risk, and seek opportunities to innovate within their sector or branch into new sectors. MOHARA’s Head Office is in London, with offices in Brighton, Bangkok, Cape Town, and a new office in Dallas.

    Richard believes that good products and business ecosystems start with good people and that great ideas conceived by talented people need to be seen. 

    Today, Richard and I discuss his journey from a career in teaching to starting his business. He shares how some of his teaching skills were transferable to his startup and how it has developed over the years.

    He reveals why he believes people have been an essential element to his success and how his self-development passion drove his company.

    He discusses why it is  crucial to take time for yourself as an entrepreneur and what he does to maintain balance between his work life and home life.

    He shares how taking time away can make the time you are at work more effective and the challenges that the coronavirus pandemic and quarantine has presented to him and his business.

    He also shares how he stays organised, develops his knowledge, and how his business passion helps him to live more.

    “Take whatever problem there is head-on, and just go and fix it.” Richards Sams

    This week on The Power to Live More Podcast:

    * How Richard went from teaching to starting MOHARA* Richard’s teaching skills and experience that helped him in his entrepreneurial ventures* How the business developed over the years* How people, relationships, and partnerships have been essential to Richard’s success* How a desire for self-development and filling skills gaps drove Richard to grow his business* What Richard learned from working with his Dad when starting MOHARA* How Richard took some time back for himself during the hectic schedule of starting his business* Strategies Richard uses to make sure he has time for himself and maintains a work-life balance* How procrastination can be productive* Changes and challenges that Richard experienced during the lockdown* How Richard stays organised in his business and personal life* What Richard does to develop his knowledge to stay at the forefront of innovation* How Richard picks himself up when things go wrong* How Richard’s passion for his business helps him to live more

    Resources Mentioned:

    * Slack

    Connect with Richard Sams:

    * MOHARA Website* MOHARA on LinkedIn* MOHARA on Instagram* MOHARA on Facebook* Richard Sams on LinkedIn* Richard Sams on Instagram* Richard Sams on Twitter

    Join the POWER to Live More CALM Membership

    • 41 min
    Susan Heaton-Wright: CapsuleCRM, GarageBand, Female Entrepreneur Association and Hobbies

    Susan Heaton-Wright: CapsuleCRM, GarageBand, Female Entrepreneur Association and Hobbies

    CapsuleCRM, GarageBand, Female Entrepreneur Association and Hobbies with Susan Heaton-Wright of Executive Voice.

    What We Recommended:

    Tools & Apps

    * Google Calendar – Susan uses this to plan out her time and time block for tasks

    Entrepreneur’s Planner – we didn’t discuss which planner Sue uses (what an omission!) but I recommend the Ultimate Planner that ‘invented’ by podcast guest you haven’t heard from yet!

    * CapsuleCRM – Susan uses this customer relationship management tool with the ‘task option’ to manage work for, and with clients. “I find it a very useful way of tracking where I am with a particular client and the relationship, how far it’s gone if that makes sense.”

    * Tip from Jo – In CapsuleCRM you can use the ‘tracks’ functionality where you can set up a list of tasks that need to happens for something, and then you can set it to create those tasks automatically based on the date you’ve put it in or the date that something is due. “So if I’m speaking somewhere I kick off the speaking track for that particular contact and it will put in all the dates for confirming the speaking title and writing the slides and sending them to the people and all that sort of thing which I find useful. I have one for writing guest blogs as well, so if I’ve got a publishing deadline.”

    * Asana – a project management tool (used to manage these podcasts) “I use Asana if I’m working with somebody else. we will use that together so that we track where things are going, but now I’ve got this idea of tracker within Capsule. I think that I might change.”

    * GarageBand – a music creation studio on a Mac. “I love GarageBand. I’m a Mac fan and I love my GarageBand. In fact for proposals to clients I now do a little mini podcast for them just to say, “I’d love to work with you. Having chatted on the phone about this I think X, Y, and Z would be perfect for you for training.” it just gives a little bit of a personalised touch to the proposal, and because it’s about speaking it marries perfectly with showing what I do. “

    Other Resources

    * Female Entrepreneur Association – “I love learning. I love finding out more about things. I think that you probably are the same. Always interested in new things, getting more knowledge. I’m a member of the Female Entrepreneur Association. Carrie Green. I don’t know if you’ve come across her.

    She’s absolutely wonderful, and she’s got a membership group that part of it is on Facebook, but every month you get what’s called a bundle, and there will be a topic that they focus on and this month it is about creating a membership club which isn’t of particular interest to me, but a previous month was on webinars and another month was on creating systems for your business.”

    * The Times – newspaper “I read The Times every morning online and there are usually some good articles in that too.”


    * Wild: A Journey from Lost to Foun...

    • 43 min
    Kellsie Moore: Stand Out from the Crowd On Camera

    Kellsie Moore: Stand Out from the Crowd On Camera

    Kellsie Moore is a Denver-based Video Presence Coach who helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs look, sound, and feel great on camera so their brand can stand out from the crowd.

    She helps her clients craft and present a unique message to create a powerful and authentic connection with their audience through video.

    Kellsie’s coaching method comes firmly from a personal development perspective, and her passion is supporting entrepreneurs to become more natural, charismatic, and confident on camera so they can make the impact they desire and enjoy making video content consistently. 

    Today Kellsie shares her insights into why people don’t enjoy making videos in their business and the steps entrepreneurs can take to make creating on-screen content feel less draining.

    She discusses how her training as a professional actress helps her work with clients to improve their presence and boost their confidence in making videos they are excited to share with their audience.

    Kellsie also shares why blending your personal self with your professional persona can be tricky and how you can combine the two without losing your authenticity and original voice

    “If we lose our passion and the fervour for what it is that we’re doing, that’s not going to translate into the excitement and the certainty that an audience is looking for.” Kellsie Moore 

    This week on The Power to Live More Podcast:

    * How Kellsie started her journey to becoming a video presence coach and the epiphany that led to significant life changes* The link between a personal development mindset and making video content work for your business* The skills Kellsie learned from working in a correctional facility and why she is grateful for that experience* Why Kellsie decided to create her Captivate on Camera course* Tips on how to improve your presence on camera for webinars or social media* How Kellsie coaches her clients for success and why she advocates breaking down your goals into bite-size chunks* The importance of finding your audience and understanding how video can help your brand* How Kellsie manages days when things don’t go as planned* What Kellsie does to stay alive, present, and grateful in her business

    Resources Mentioned:

    * Find Your Thing: How to Discover What You Do Best, Own It and Get Known for It by Lucy Whittington

    Connect with Kellsie Moore:

    * The Entrepreneur’s On-Camera CURE* Kellsie Moore Website* Kellsie Moore on LinkedIn* Kellsie Moore on Instagram* Kellsie Moore on Facebook* Kellsie Moore on YouTube

    Join the POWER to Live More CALM Membership

    Attention home-based coaches and consultants!

    Are you tired of feeling alone, isolated, and frustrated with running your home-based coaching or consulting business? Are you sick of feeling like your life would be better,

    • 45 min
    Harry Ng: Understanding the Hyper-Scheduling Method

    Harry Ng: Understanding the Hyper-Scheduling Method

    Harry Ng is the Co-Founder and COO of Sorted³, a hyper-scheduling app that helps you reduce stress and focus more.

    He holds a BEng in Computer Science from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and an MSc in Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing from The University of Hong Kong.

    Harry is a serial entrepreneur and Lead Instructor at the General Assembly. He has organised many startup events, including AngelHack and Rails Girls. Harry is a strong believer in the lean startup approach to business.

    When he’s not working, he enjoys traveling the world with his family and learning about photography.

    Today, Harry shares his journey into software development and launching the world’s first hyper-scheduling app.

    He explains what hyper-scheduling is and how the Sorted³ app works to increase your productivity.

    He shares how he and his team work together across different time zones and how he balances running a business while raising a family.

    He also shares the tools and apps he uses, how he stays on top of the industry’s latest trends, and why the customer experience is vital to the Sorted³ app team.

    “A calendar itself is not enough. If you are just putting it on a calendar, it is really hard to make changes to your plan.” Harry Ng

    This Week on The Power to Live More Podcast:

    * What made Harry decide to launch the Sorted³ app* What hyper scheduling is and how the app works* How the remote team at Sorted³ works together to develop the app* How Harry manages his team across different time zones* What Harry does to balance work-life and family life* Tools and apps Harry uses to stay organised* How Harry stays on top of industry trends and develops his learning* Why customer experience is so vital to the Sorted³ app team* How Harry handles tough days* What living more looks like for Harry

    Resources Mentioned:

    * Slack* GitHub* Roam Research* Book: How to Take Smart Notes By Sönke Ahrens

    Connect with Harry Ng:

    * Sorted³* Sorted³ on Instagram* Sorted³  on Facebook* Sorted³ on Twitter* Harry Ng on LinkedIn* Harry Ng on Twitter

    Join the POWER to Live More CALM Membership

    Attention home-based coaches and consultants!

    Are you tired of feeling alone, isolated, and frustrated with running your home-based coaching or consulting business? Are you sick of feeling like your life would be better, and you’d be happier if you felt more organized and productive? Do you feel like there’s simply not enough time in a day to get all the things done that you need to do to build a successful business while making time to live more?

    It’s time to stop the isolation and start getting more organized,

    • 40 min
    Penny Pullan: Graphics Made Easy, Music, How to Have a Good Day, Mindfulness and Learning from Teaching

    Penny Pullan: Graphics Made Easy, Music, How to Have a Good Day, Mindfulness and Learning from Teaching

    Graphics Made Easy, Music, How to Have a Good Day, Mindfulness and Learning from Teaching with Penny Pullan of Making Projects Work Ltd.

    Listen Below and Here’s What We Recommended:

    Tools & Apps

    Using Graphics to Simplify: “I found that by using very simple graphics, it helped me to understand the complexity. It also helps my client understand what’s going on. I use visuals, and I use pictures to understand the incredibly tricky and complicated situations that my clients are in, and the sort of complex elements that they’re working with?

    Then it turns out that it has some really powerful other things as well. It really helps people to remember the different aspects. When I draw things out, it helps me to remember, and it helps the people that I’ve drawn that out in front of remember what it is that I’ve drawn. It sort of sticks. You don’t have to concentrate and think really hard to put something into memory as you would need to do with a long list of words. Pictures just pop back into the brain. That’s really powerful.

    The other thing I find just going back to virtual leadership is that, if you do drawings when you work with people virtually, they actually find them incredibly engaging and they stay on the line. They can add in their own drawings as well even better. That’s something really powerful because it’s virtual groups and virtual teams, one of the hardest things is to keep people interested and engaged.

    I actually, a few years ago, set up a side site called graphicsmadeeasy.co.uk which gives three months’ worth of once a week tutorials. Just simple stuff that you can use for a business.”


    How to Have a Good Day by Caroline Webb – “I met Caroline at the end of last year and found out about her book. She is an ex-McKinsey consultant who ran their remarkable leadership programme, or at least was very involved in it, and during that time tapped into research around what is it that makes people really incredibly effective. “

    “There’s a book that I read years ago by Benjamin Zander which is around the time that I was thinking about setting up my own company. Absolutely transformational – It’s The Art of Possibility, Benjamin Zander.”

    “In fact I do use music in my workshops. There’s a very good little book called Choosing and Using Music in Training”.


    “I quite like musical theatre. I’d sing along to Les Mis. I’m not really massively into anything else.”

    “Music is a very powerful hook. If you know something, it will hook you back into the emotions that you felt the last time, or perhaps the first time that you heard it, which isn’t always the emotion that would be most productive at the time.”


    “Doctor Zhivago”

    “The Shawshank Redemption is probably my favourite.”


    On playing the violin as an adult – “I realised that when you’re learning something that complicated and you have to think about all the different elements, the music, how you’re making the sound, what your left hand is doing, what your right hand is doing, no tension anywhere. There’s just so much to think about. The business stuff that tends to go right around my head all the time has no place. It gets pushed away and my brain is completely occupied by this.”

    Comment from Jo “I was reading an article about learning things including musical instruments the other day.

    • 41 min
    Cecilia Harvey: Staying Well While Being Mobile

    Cecilia Harvey: Staying Well While Being Mobile

    If you’re too busy to take care of yourself, why not let the care come to you? This is exactly what Cecilia Harvey had in mind when she founded WalkingRed, a group that brings together the best professionals in the industry to provide mobile beauty, fitness, and wellness services to your home, event, and workplace.

    Originally from New York, Cecilia is also the founder and chairperson of Tech Women Today, a global networking group that promotes women in tech among the different industries.

    Cecilia joins me today to share how she combines technology and journaling to enable her to live more each day. She discusses how she uses her phone strategically, how she manages WalkingRed, and the significance of sleep, exercise, and eating healthy. Cecilia also shares how she utilises the services of her own company so she can stay on top of her game and be her best and healthiest self.

    “You can be pitiful, or you can be powerful.” – Cecilia Harvey

    This Week on the POWER to Live More Podcast:

    * Two things that align what she does over the years

    * Her story from financial services to providing well-being services to people

    * How meditating and having a gratitude list prepares her for the day

    * How she prioritises her tasks

    * Focusing on three things each day and making them your priority.

    * How to make sure you have a holistic life

    * The advantages of working with people from different parts of the world

    * Tips for people who are considering outsourcing

    * How boxing and going to the gym help her switch off

    * Why it’s important to accomplish at least one thing per year

    Cecilia’s Advice for Leaders:

    * Don’t put yourself in a situation where you feel the need to get everything done.

    * Box out time and set specific limits towards how much time you’re going to give a particular task.

    * Allot a day or two to switch off – have fun or catch up with family and friends.

    * Learning something new can be humbling.

    Resources Mentioned:

    * Self-Journal

    * Timer

    * iPhone

    * Reminders

    * Diary

    * The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Book by Stephen Covey

    * Thank and Grow Rich Book by Pam Grout

    * Joyce Meyer

    Connect with Cecilia Harvey:

    * Cecilia Harvey on Instagram

    * Cecilia Harvey on Twitter

    * Walking Red Website

    Connect, Share, Inspire

    Thank you for joining me for this week’s episode of the POWER to Live More Podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and would like to help support the show, please head over to iTunes or Stitcher, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review! You can also help me reach even more amazing business owners and leaders by sharing your favourite episodes on your social media channels.

    Don’t forget to check out my website, join my a href="https://www.facebook.

    • 44 min

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
13 Ratings

13 Ratings

AndyLopata ,

Free-flowing conversation

I was a guest on Jo’s show and I really enjoyed the experience. Good questions and an open, responsive conversation, which is really important when you listen back.

Robin Waite, Fearless Business ,

Jo is a Fab Host

I had the pleasure of being invited on as a guest onto Jo's Podcast, she was a consumate professional and thoroughly engaging host. It was a real pleasure, I've since gone onto listen to a number of episodes and Jo had a really great way of drawing some absolute gold from her guests. Great show!!

Qsx thn ,

Great to listen to and be interviewed for!

I have enjoyed listening to Jo’s podcasts interviewing many fascinating people.
I now feel honoured to also be one of her interviewees - it was a great experience and a fab final product!

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