35 min

Rory Sutherland on the surprising power of ideas that don't make sense - part 2 Agency Dealmasters podcast

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Rory Sutherland is the Vice Chairman at Ogilvy UK. TED Global speaker and author of Alchemy: The Surprising Power Of Ideas That Don't Make Sense.

He is one of the smartest people we’ve had on the show. And for someone who has achieved so much is so humble and is just hilariously funny.

We go deep into the weeds about his new book Alchemy - The surprising power of ideas that don’t make sense. This is essential reading if you are in the business of affecting how people think and act.

Rory Sutherland is the Vice Chairman at Ogilvy UK. TED Global speaker and author of Alchemy: The Surprising Power Of Ideas That Don't Make Sense.

He is one of the smartest people we’ve had on the show. And for someone who has achieved so much is so humble and is just hilariously funny.

We go deep into the weeds about his new book Alchemy - The surprising power of ideas that don’t make sense. This is essential reading if you are in the business of affecting how people think and act.

35 min