96 episodes

The all-new Lisa Bean podcast - weekly motivation to help you change your life!

Lisa Bean is the founder of the multiple six figure business DARETOGROW, and author of the Amazon topping book First Sh!t Version.
Through her online programmes she teaches purpose-driven entrepreneurs how to launch a business to make a living doing what they love and how to scale that business to six figures online.

Having sold over £1m of services in her businesses (across marketing, recruitment and online training), Lisa specialises in helping people craft their stand out message, launch their offer and scale using funnel and content marketing.

She is a self confessed video geek and regularly releases vlogs of her travels and business journey. From the UK originally, Lisa recently put her belongings into storage to travel around Europe with her partner and whippet.

The Lisa Bean Podcast Lisa Bean

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 19 Ratings

The all-new Lisa Bean podcast - weekly motivation to help you change your life!

Lisa Bean is the founder of the multiple six figure business DARETOGROW, and author of the Amazon topping book First Sh!t Version.
Through her online programmes she teaches purpose-driven entrepreneurs how to launch a business to make a living doing what they love and how to scale that business to six figures online.

Having sold over £1m of services in her businesses (across marketing, recruitment and online training), Lisa specialises in helping people craft their stand out message, launch their offer and scale using funnel and content marketing.

She is a self confessed video geek and regularly releases vlogs of her travels and business journey. From the UK originally, Lisa recently put her belongings into storage to travel around Europe with her partner and whippet.

    How to balance masculine and feminine energy to bring your art to the world

    How to balance masculine and feminine energy to bring your art to the world

    Masculine energy creates the safety and carves out the time our feminine energy needs in order to breathe into our art.
    When people aren't making progress in their business, we can say they're stuck and don't know what to try next, they're overwhelmed by all the jobs on their list, they have a subconscious block that's causing them to self-sabotage, they're exhausted from all the effort (burnt out) or the classic: I just don't have time.
    This can all be true.
    But you know what else might be true?
    They might be excellent at feminine flow and terrible at masculine container.
    Or the other way around.
    The feminine flow is the unfolding of the work, the flow. It's you being you. It's you enjoying being alive. It's the intuition on what to do. It's the very act of creating in pure joy. For me, it's the silence of the day.
    The masculine container is the goal, the allocated time, the deadline and the security. It says: "You're safe, go ahead". For me, it's time in my diary, allocated to work on something I care about.
    When you realise both are needed to be successful you can start to look at what you're good at and where you need to put a little more focus.

    For example, setting the alarm and getting up with purpose is your masculine energy. Enjoying a slow breakfast, walking the dog in peace (listening to the birds and enjoying nature), then sitting down to create without pressure is your feminine energy.
    Likewise, making a to do list is masculine energy. Journalling to clear your thoughts is feminine energy.
    Putting allocated time in your diary is masculine energy. Enjoying your spontaneity in that time is your feminine energy.
    If you're overwhelmed by all the things on your list, you never have time to create your art or or you're afraid you won't make it through the month, you need to learn how to master your masculine energy to give yourself security, to provide focus, to ring fence time for your important art.
    If you're lost in mindless tasks, your nervous system feels totally overstimulated, you feel angry and irritable and burnt out by the end of the day, you need to learn how to give room to your feminine energy to offload the deadlines, to sit in your own energy and to make time for you, to make your art, to soak up the healing vibes of nature.
    This is the topic of today's episode. It's actually taken from last month's membership content on how to balance masculine and feminine energies to bring your work to the world.
    Watching this, you will understand how masculine and feminine energy combine to help you bring your art to the world, you'll get original new ideas for experiencing both energies and you'll have also get a chance to see what this Be The Person membership is all about.
    I really hope you enjoy today's episode. If you do, drop me a little message to let me know.
    Join Be The Person, the membership, to access the chapter and worksheet for this content: https://betheperson.co.uk/membership/

    • 34 min
    How to make your purpose driven work

    How to make your purpose driven work

    From the messy start to the polished commercial finish, all art must be created and then curated in order to be seen and appreciated.
    And we want our art to be seen don't we? We want our videos to be watched and our books to be read.
    Therefore, as purpose-driven creators, entrepreneurs and artists we must separate the ideas of the messy artful start and the commercial polished finish. In the beginning just write, make, create, share.
    As the idea develops and you start to give it shape, consider who might appreciate this and how you can package it up and position it to HELP THEM FIND IT.
    That's all this is - it's playing the game to help someone find you and your work so that it can move them, help them, inspire them.
    Messy start then commercial finish.
    Useful links: 
    If you'd like to join the waiting list for the book and follow this journey, you can find the details here: https://lisa-bean.com/books/am-i-healing/
    Connect with me: 
    Check out my website Connect with me on Instagram 

    • 5 min
    #25 Don't 'yearn', do THIS to produce results (surprising)

    #25 Don't 'yearn', do THIS to produce results (surprising)

    You know, the memory of who you 'are' is so much more powerful than the identity of the person you're trying to become simply because it has more evidence and has been 'true' for longer.
    In trying to change your life and get a new result in your business, you have to let go of the memory of who you thought you were and allow yourself to consider a new identity and narrative...every single day.
    Look around you right now...
    The room you're in is telling you who you are.
    The worries / dreams you woke up with are telling you who you are.
    The clothes you're wearing today are telling you who you are.
    Even the emails you receive are telling you who you are.
    They all support a narrative. And you believe that narrative so much, you act it out and act within its framework every day.
    Even if you have a vision board, or list out your goals or are going to the gym to hype yourself up, underneath all of this, two things remain true:
    (1) You must fill the void your yearning created in order to get the result - we do this by looking for ways to feel good and taking creative action; and,
    (2) You must remove the narrative that is sabotaging your result on loop, without needing the poor result to flip the script! Oh my!
    In today's episode, I want to do something a little bit different. I want to explain to you what I know about the three levels of manifestation, one of them being 'grit work', I want to show you how to measure the strength of your intention by the actions you're taking, and I want you to get honest about your next move.
    Look, for a long time I've found it hard to balance the narratives of manifestation and hard work. I don't like it when someone focuses exclusively on one end of the spectrum when they both have a place. The key, it turns out, isn't in how they're different, but in how they're the same.
    If you wake up with positive expectation that good things are coming your way and use your own unique edge to actually create something magical in the world, you're well on your way. The only things left to do are to fill any void of yearning and remove the block that sabotages the result when it comes and you're there.
    I want to formalise this process for you today and help you find more reasons to believe in your vision and take bolder, truer action towards it. Manifestation and work come hand in hand. They're friends, not enemies.
    So, press play to:
    Learn about the three levels of 'manifestation' the books forgot to tell us. See where your subconscious intentions are in conflict with your conscious intentions and bring things in balance. Break your vision down into 'levels' to really see what it will take to make it happen. Get a gritty, honest and somehow magical boost to keep going on your journey of transformation. I really hope you enjoy today's episode and it unlocks something for you that helps you go bigger in your efforts and energies today.
    Here's the link to the goals file I reference in the video: https://lisa-bean.com/strategy/
    How to increase your capacity to hold a bigger result: https://youtu.be/N1517qk2EoE
    How to change a subconscious belief: https://youtu.be/b4a7KFB7xYg
    Web site: https://lisa-bean.com/
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/lisabeanuk

    • 44 min
    A coach CANNOT hold you responsible. So do this instead...

    A coach CANNOT hold you responsible. So do this instead...

    Look truth be told, a coach CANNOT hold you responsible to get important things done in your life and business.
    If you really want to achieve an outcome that matters to you, there are four things I would do:
    (1) List your project in order of importance.
    (2) Create 'containers' that make you produce key outcomes because people are expecting them / paying you for them.
    (3) Create deadlines you cannot wiggle out of.
    (4) Use a coach to run through your work, get important feedback and pick their brains on how to make it better.
    Press play for a quick spot of inspiration on how to be more productive, hold yourself accountable and move your life and business forward.
    Useful links: 
    If you'd like to join the waiting list for the book and follow this journey, you can find the details here: https://lisa-bean.com/books/am-i-healing/
    Connect with me: 
    Check out my website Connect with me on Instagram 

    • 3 min
    Don't change your life: Heal the subconscious pattern (What debt taught me about healing)

    Don't change your life: Heal the subconscious pattern (What debt taught me about healing)

    There comes a point in your journey that you can no longer push through the pain to change your life and grow your business. Instead, you must sit in the discomfort of your pain and heal the subconscious pattern you're repeating.
    Changing at this subconscious level of patterning will lead to new thoughts, new behaviours and new results in your life and your business.
    But, it's not easy work! At the first level, you need to spot the pattern. Then accept responsibility for changing the pattern. The stop the pattern when it loops again.
    In today's shorter episode, I'm going to show you how getting into debt three times taught me how to heal using this approach, rather than hustle my way through my pain.
    This clip is taken from this full episode: https://youtu.be/rWlYFTSPSnc?si=A78dJwdacW59uT25

    • 8 min
    #24 Under £25k in online sales - listen to this!

    #24 Under £25k in online sales - listen to this!

    This is the truth of how I went from zero to £100,000 in online sales in my online coaching business.
    Look, I know you’re trying and I know you think it should be working right now. You took the leap to build your online business, you’ve made sales here and there but it feels too hard and you’re wondering: Will this ever work; have I got what it takes?
    IT WILL AND YOU DO but -
    You’ve got to do what will actually work and I’m going to be really straight and tell you what those things are right now.
    The truth is it’s harder than a lot of people will tell you online. For this to work, you've got to be so hungry for this to work, you've got to feel like it’s your life's mission to show up in this way and make this work, you've got to focus on learning the proper skills of positioning value, marketing, mindset and sales to turn on sales and set yourself free.
    I know you want more clients and I know you can help more people. But I also know that the best coaches don't win - the best marketeers do, every time. So, if you want to build an online business and be an online coach or course provider, you've got to accept the fact you're about to become an expert in online marketing and selling. And I'm going to help you!
    So here's the bottom line. In a job, you get paid for showing up, regardless if you do the work or not. In entrepreneurship you do not get paid for showing up. You get paid for two reasons: (1) You added meaningful value to someone who was willing to pay for that value; and (2) Enough people got the chance to consider that valuable offer in the first place. If you’re not making sales it HAS to come down to one of those two things and both are skills you develop with work, trial and error and well, more work.
    For juicy context, here are some of those key ideas:
    (1) Get into the world:
    First and foremost (hilarious phrase!?) you’ve got to get out in the world and sell things. Content will not lead to sales, no matter how great it is. What leads to sales is webinars, masterclasses, live workshops, discovery calls, freebies with a clear call to action.
    In the beginning, I understood this deeply. I made a lot of content to help build my brand and build trust, but I was ALLLWAAYYYSSS launching, selling stuff, trying stuff. I’d put on events in local coffee shops, I’d book hotel venues and put on talks every month, I’d go live on Facebook and announce new course launches. When I look back on my journey, I can see I was out there in the world. I was making new connections ALL THE TIME. I was meeting people. I was making pitches and offering things and I built my business one client at a time.
    Now, I tend to do long copy PDFs, and online masterclasses and workshops rather than live stuff. Back then, I did a lot in person.
    So ask yourself: How many times have I offered something low risk to bring people to the front of the room this year? If you can 10x that you will massively increase your sales.
    (2) Tell people what you believe:
    Don’t share boring generic sh!t and DON’T YOU DARE USE CHAT WHATEVER IT’S CALLED TO SHARE YOUR CONTENT. I don’t even think you can use it for ideas if I’m honest. No-one wants to hear from a robot and no-one wants a generic summary of waffle off the internet. They want to know what worked for you! They want your powerful insights. They want the map you made! They want a human's journey.
    So honestly, get really deep with yourself and think about two things: (1) What is the one big outcome you can deliver right now for clients; and (2) What is the truth of what that will take. Go make that content. Go write those mailers. Go build offers in answer to that.
    (3) More time with clients:
    Listen - get on calls with clients, offer more group time, offer more live time, offer more 121 time. If you’re not making sales right now, being tight with your time is hilarious isn’t it?! Instead offer more!! Double the time they get with you.
    If you

    • 35 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
19 Ratings

19 Ratings

Sian Finn ,

Feed your mind and heart with this one!

Lisa’s vlogs are gold and her podcasts are an equally awesome way to consume her knowledge and be inspired. Use it and take action, it’s like having a mentor in your ear giving you both the push and truth to move the needle with your business ideas. Thank you Daretogrow team for bringing the podcast!! Finn :)

Alice Allum ,

Best podcast for business owners!

Yes! I love how you don’t beat around the bush and just give it! So hard to find business without BS! Thanks Lisa! Helping good people make good money and feel great! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 whilst entertaining us!!!

TheMindfulJuggler ,

A must listen business podcast!

Lisa’s enthusiasm for life and business is infectious and if you want to get the lowdown on real-life business from someone who knows what they’re talking about, then this is the podcast for you. Jam packed with practical advice and real-life anecdotes, Lisa doesn’t mess around, she genuinely wants you to build a business that lets you live the life you love.
But don’t take my word for it, have a listen and my bet is you’ll be hitting the subscribe button by the end of the first podcast.

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