15 min

The Power of Simplification: Achieving More by Doing Less in Your Agency The Agency Accelerator

    • Marketing

Struggling to juggle numerous tasks and tools in your agency, leading to decision fatigue and diluted quality of service? 

Imagine achieving more by doing less. 

In this episode, Rob discusses the power of simplifying your agency's operations, from service offerings to marketing strategies, and the profound impact it can have on your business and your stress levels. 

With practical strategies and personal experiences, Rob provides valuable insights on how to streamline marketing, business development, and service delivery to achieve greater profitability and client satisfaction. Tune in to gain a fresh perspective on doing less to achieve more, and discover the power of simplification in growing a successful agency.

Time Stamp

[00:00] Introduction to the concept of simplifying business goals for the new year.

[04:01] Observations of resistance towards simplification from clients.

[05:02] Benefits of simplification in terms of focus and excellence.

[06:09] Communicating core differentiation through simplicity.

[07:55] Increased profitability through specialisation.

[10:31] Simplification in marketing and business development strategies.

[14:26] Encouragement to do less and do it better, while resisting the temptation to do more.


“Do less and do it better, rather than being tempted to do more and spreading ourselves too thin." - Rob Da Costa

"Simplify your services and be seen as the expert, not the generalist, to achieve greater excellence and profitability." - Rob Da Costa

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Useful links mentioned in this episode:

Contact Rob: robert@dacostacoaching.co.ukJoin one of my free live trainings; The AgencyAccelerator FREE Workshops

Further questions (AskRob):

If you've got questions about anything we discussed in this episode, or if you've got questions about anything I've ever discussed on this podcast, head here and I will give you my best answer!

Struggling to juggle numerous tasks and tools in your agency, leading to decision fatigue and diluted quality of service? 

Imagine achieving more by doing less. 

In this episode, Rob discusses the power of simplifying your agency's operations, from service offerings to marketing strategies, and the profound impact it can have on your business and your stress levels. 

With practical strategies and personal experiences, Rob provides valuable insights on how to streamline marketing, business development, and service delivery to achieve greater profitability and client satisfaction. Tune in to gain a fresh perspective on doing less to achieve more, and discover the power of simplification in growing a successful agency.

Time Stamp

[00:00] Introduction to the concept of simplifying business goals for the new year.

[04:01] Observations of resistance towards simplification from clients.

[05:02] Benefits of simplification in terms of focus and excellence.

[06:09] Communicating core differentiation through simplicity.

[07:55] Increased profitability through specialisation.

[10:31] Simplification in marketing and business development strategies.

[14:26] Encouragement to do less and do it better, while resisting the temptation to do more.


“Do less and do it better, rather than being tempted to do more and spreading ourselves too thin." - Rob Da Costa

"Simplify your services and be seen as the expert, not the generalist, to achieve greater excellence and profitability." - Rob Da Costa

Rate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts

“I enjoy listening to The Agency Accelerator Podcast. I always learn something from every episode.”

If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people like you to move towards a Self-Running Agency. How to leave a review on Apple Podcasts

Scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then, let me know what you loved most about the episode!

Also, if you haven’t done so already, subscribe to the podcast. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you’re not subscribed, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Subscribe now!

Useful links mentioned in this episode:

Contact Rob: robert@dacostacoaching.co.ukJoin one of my free live trainings; The AgencyAccelerator FREE Workshops

Further questions (AskRob):

If you've got questions about anything we discussed in this episode, or if you've got questions about anything I've ever discussed on this podcast, head here and I will give you my best answer!

15 min