38 min

Trust in Online Marketplaces The Trust Series

    • Management

“Sellers trust marketplaces to treat them fairly vis-a-vis exposure.” Kate Burns, ex-General Counsel at Not on the High Street, discusses the role of a GC from being the ‘risk assessor’ to the ‘conscience’ of a company. Speaking about the important role trust plays in the online buying journey, and the likelihood of marketplaces being the proven future model, Kate outlines the difficulty with regulation when there isn’t a one-size fits all marketplace model.

“Sellers trust marketplaces to treat them fairly vis-a-vis exposure.” Kate Burns, ex-General Counsel at Not on the High Street, discusses the role of a GC from being the ‘risk assessor’ to the ‘conscience’ of a company. Speaking about the important role trust plays in the online buying journey, and the likelihood of marketplaces being the proven future model, Kate outlines the difficulty with regulation when there isn’t a one-size fits all marketplace model.

38 min