45 episodes

Kevin Mincher and his guests share ideas to help teenagers, parents and teachers experience more success and happiness.

The Unstoppable Teen Podcast with Kevin Mincher Kevin Mincher | Unstoppable Teen

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 8 Ratings

Kevin Mincher and his guests share ideas to help teenagers, parents and teachers experience more success and happiness.

    #45: 3 essential elements of teen health

    #45: 3 essential elements of teen health

    Health is one of those things that many teenagers take for granted.  We tend not to fully appreciate it while we’ve got it. But as soon as you’re unwell, you realise that health is a vital element of your life.
    In case you’re not convinced that teen health is something we need to talk more about, here are some statistics we’ve found from the research we’ve conducted in high schools this year...
    Less than 3% of young people who completed our surveys are consuming the recommended daily portions of fruits and vegetables. Less than 20% of students are hydrating enough, and around the same number are getting sufficient sleep.
    Shocking statistics like this will inevitably lead to problems.  Is it any wonder that we’re seeing rapidly increasing rates of preventable illnesses and diseases in teenagers?
    If you have poor lifestyle habits and regularly fail to give yourself what you need to be healthy, it’s just a matter of time before something bad happens.  
    Thankfully, there are lots of things you can do to improve your health and wellbeing.  That’s what this episode of The Unstoppable Teen Podcast is all about ☺
    Research shows that the average young person in Britain today spends less time outdoors than an average prison inmate.
    You will learn: Health is more than just the absence of disease. (2:41) Young people now have poorer levels of health than during World War II when food was rationed. (4:23) The first essential element of teen health is your physical health. Kevin divides this into four sections that you can take action to improve. (8:01) How many portions of fruits and vegetables we need to consume every day in order to be healthy (clue: it’s more than five!). (8:41) How a teenager’s mouth is different to an adult’s mouth and how that can cause problems with healthy eating. (10:45) What we need to do hydrate ourselves properly. (11:34) Regular exercise is essential for good teen health. (12:10) Your posture doesn’t just impact your physical wellbeing.  It affects your mental and emotional health too. (13:40) Inappropriate use of technology is preventing many young people from getting the rest they need to be healthy. (14:57) The second essential element of teen health is mental health. (16:08) Mental health, just like physical health, doesn’t happen on its own. You need to train the mind for good mental health. (18:08) The third essential element of teen health is your emotional health. (20:36) Mental health, emotional heath and physical health are interlinked.  Improving one of these elements can have a positive impact on the other two. (22:29) There’s a difference is between being fit and being healthy.  It’s important to focus on the latter instead of only thinking about the former. (26:04) Click here to view this content on the Unstoppable Teen website >>
    “Health is about having the energy you need to live well and achieve your greatest goals.”
    Kevin Mincher – Teen Life Coach
    Get expert help with your health Nobody at Unstoppable Teen is a qualified health professional, so please make sure you get expert advice from your doctor a or a qualified practitioner before making any changes to your health routines.
    You can get FREE help if you’re struggling with mental and emotional issues from Mind, the Samaritans, and Childline.
    You may also like these episodes: #35: 5 solutions for teen stress
    #12: Q&A – I’m embarrassed about my body
    #1: 5 things you need to be GREAT at (if you want a great life)
    Spread the healthy word! Good health is the foundation to creating the life of your dreams.  Please share this episode with anyone think might be interested in teen health (or needs to take more of an interest because their health isn’t as good as it could be!).
    Please share your teen health tips in the comments section below.
    If you have questions or thoughts for a future episode, contact us anytime via our social media channels or by email at podcast@unstop

    • 29 min
    #44: Communication skills and careers advice from Solopreneur Hour host Michael O'Neal

    #44: Communication skills and careers advice from Solopreneur Hour host Michael O'Neal

    We all know how important it is for young people to develop high quality communication skills and receive up-to-date careers advice in order to succeed in the modern jobs market.  If you don’t get that guidance in school, you have to get it elsewhere.
    That’s where this episode of The Unstoppable Teen Podcast comes in…
    You’re about to listen in to a conversation between Kevin Mincher and Michael O’Neal.  Michael is the inspirational host of the Solopreneur Hour Podcast.  He’s an expert in communication, social media, and how to start your own successful business.
    Michael is the first to admit he was a bit of a bad lad in high school, but he discovered his passions and ended up creating a great life for himself.  He understands what it’s like to be a struggling teen, and he gives some brilliant insights on how to discover the right career for you.
    In fact, this entire episode is packed with fantastic wisdom and advice for teenagers, parents and educators about what it takes to have a fantastic life.
    “Building relationships, more than anything in the world,
    will help your business life, it will help your love life, it will help
    your recreational life, it will help all of it.”
    Michael O’Neal – Host of The Solopreneur Hour Podcast
    You will learn: Even though you might speak the same language as someone else, your accent and range of vocabulary can get in the way of good communication. (2:40) Not everyone has to become an entrepreneur.  You can do well and build a fab career life for yourself by specialising in a trade. (5:01) Why it’s important to gain lots of work experience. (6:24) What Michael was like when he was a teenager… It wasn’t all good! (9:06) How Michael got his life on track and became successful today. (15:22) Tips on how to break the ice when meeting new people. (17:39) What the FORM Method is, and how you can use it to have a good conversation with anyone. (20:56) Why you should attend conferences and meet new people. (25:16) Why it’s important to, “Get your face out of your phone.” (26:50) Some tips for successful building your social media following. (30:17) The difference between an entrepreneur and a solopreneur. (32:50) Advice for people who might want to become a solopreneur. (35:38) How to recognise when you’ve found the right thing to do with your life. (41:22) What Michael believes it takes to be unstoppable. (43:49) Click here to view this content on the Unstoppable Teen website >>
    “People like people that are like themselves,
    and they work with people they like.”
    Michael O’Neal – Host of The Solopreneur Hour Podcast
    Learn more from Michael O’Neal You can keep up with Michael O’Neal via his social media channels. He’s on Facebook, on Twitter, and on Instagram as @solohour.
    Michael has a free online course called Conferencetopia, you can use to improve your communication and networking skills.  Check I out here >>
    Michael also has a new coaching program called The Art of the Interview, that students and teachers could use to create an inspirational podcast for your school.  Find out more via this link.
    You may also like these episodes: #38: STEM, learning languages and innovating (Interview with MIT director Dr Luis Perez-Breva
    #34: Teenage pregnancy, body confidence and career success (Interview with fashion blogger Natascha Cox)
    #30: Secrets of teen success (Interview with best-selling author and Business Speaker of the Year Richard Gerver)
    Please help us help more teenagers Students, parents, and teachers can benefit from the fantastic communication skills and careers advice in this episode. So if you know someone who struggles when connecting with others (especially in a work environment), or who’s unsure of what to do for a career, pass this episode on to them!
    What did you like about this episode?  Please share your communication and careers advice in the comments section below.  
    Let us know what topics you’d

    • 48 min
    #43: Top 10 employability skills for young people

    #43: Top 10 employability skills for young people

    Would you like to get a part-time job, internship, voluntary position, or even achieve your dream career?
    If so, do you know what employers are looking for during the interview process?
    It turns out that school grades and qualifications aren’t enough.  There are other employability skills and character traits that employers look for when recruiting young people.  
    Your grades and qualifications might get you to the interview stage of the recruitment process, but do you know what they are looking for next?
    That’s what this episode of The Unstoppable Teen Podcast is all about ☺
    You see, here’s the thing…
    If you know don’t know what employers are looking for when they’re recruiting young people, it’s very difficult to show them you’ve got it.
    Ready to discover the top ten employability skills that researchers have discovered almost everyone need to do almost any job?
    “There’s an unhealthy obsession with academics in school, and a worrying lack of the other employability skills that young people need to have successful careers in the modern economy.”
    Kevin Mincher – Education Innovator
    You will learn: Why Kevin increasingly concerned about students’ lack of understanding about what it really takes to get a good job. (1:37) The role of good grades in getting a good job or career, and why grades alone aren’t enough. (3:30) What Kaplan and the UK Commission for Employment and Skills discovered in their research on the skills that almost everyone needs to do almost any job. (4:53) Why Kevin thinks the current curriculum taught in school has become unbalanced, and the shocking percentage of business leaders that believe school leavers are not ready for the world of work. (6:13) The first employability skill that employers are looking for: accountability. (9:10) Why emotional intelligence is the second employability skill that employers are looking for. (10:15) The third employability skill: having a positive mental attitude! (11:05) That effective communication is the fourth employability skill that young people need to develop. (12:34) Why the fifth skill that employers are looking for is high-quality problem-solving skills. (13:51) The sixth skill: resilience. (14:46) That strong self-confidence is the seventh skill employers are looking for. Just be careful not to cross the line from confidence to arrogance! (16:45) All about skill number eight is: high levels of curiosity. (18:23) That the ninth employability skill is adaptability, and why it’s so important to be flexible. (19:24) Why the tenth and final skill you need is commerciality, and what that actually means. (20:10) Some ways you can develop the employability skills discussed throughout this episode. (22:56) Click here to view this content on the Unstoppable Teen website >>
    “Modern employability skills need to become a more valued part of the national curriculum that is taught in all schools to all students. Until that happens, you need to master these skills in your own time at home.”
    Kevin Mincher – Teen Life Coach
    You may also like these episodes: #42: Live your passion (Interview with Adventurer and Mischief Maker Anna McNuff)
    #40: Developing teens’ financial literacy (Interview with Best-Selling Author Sharon Lechter)
    #3: How to start a successful career? Insights from millionaire entrepreneur and best-selling author Daniel Priestley
    Get ahead of the crowd! If you practice all of these employability skills until you’ve mastered them, we think you’ll have an advantage over the competition and you’ll be well on the way to creating your dream career ☺
    Please share this episode with any teenagers (or adults!) you know who may be planning to interview for a position in the future. We’d also love to hear your careers advice for young people, so please share your thoughts in the comments section below.  
    Let us know if you have questions or ideas for a future episode. You can contact us anytime v

    • 26 min
    #42: Live your passion (Interview with Adventurer and Mischief Maker Anna McNuff)

    #42: Live your passion (Interview with Adventurer and Mischief Maker Anna McNuff)

    This episode of The Unstoppable Teen Podcast is all about how to live your passion – or how to find it, if you haven’t discovered it yet.
    All too often, I hear young people say “I’m bored.” As you’ll hear me explain, this boredom can lead to all kinds of negative behaviours such as disengagement in school, bullying, and even crime.
    If you’re familiar with that feeling of boredom and lack of motivation, be sure to listen in, because our guest today can help you overcome those feelings and get more excitement into your life.
    Ready to hear all about our special guest?
    She’s none other than the brilliant Anna McNuff, who has been voted one of the 50 Most Influential Travellers in the world and one of the top modern female adventurers of our time.
    During Anna’s adventures (which involve bikes and running shoes more than planes or trains), she raises money for charity and gives talks to schools. Her enthusiasm, sense of humour and sheer love for life are infectious – I’m confident you’ll catch them as you listen to our conversation.
    In this interview, Anna talks about how she failed to reach her childhood ambitions (to become and Olympic athlete like her mum and dad), but ended up achieving something far more fulfilling.  It’s inspirational stuff, so tune in if you want to feel uplifted ☺
    “People need to be doing things that they are so passionate about, they can’t think of doing anything else.”
    Anna McNuff – Adventurer & Mischief Maker
    You will learn:
    All about Ann’s latest adventure in The Andes Mountains. (3:37) What Anna was during her teen years. She describes her struggles in school and motivation issues. (7:49) How your level of motivation to do something is linked to how passionate you are about that thing. (9:39) Anna’s advice to those who don’t feel they fit in with the crowd or that they have a passion that doesn’t conform to the norms. (11:43) What parents and educators can do to help young people who haven’t found their passion yet. (13:12) Inspirational books that Anna recommends. (15:29) What it takes to become an Olympian, and how some people just aren’t prepared to make the sacrifices that are necessary. (19:00) That you have to choose your pain, because every goal requires a significant amount of effort. (22:22) How letting go of one goal can lead to opportunities for you to pursue even greater ambitions. (23:28) How Anna discovered that travel and adventure are her “thing”, and why it’s important to read regularly. (26:38) Which event made Anna realise that she needed more adventure in her life, and what her big “aha!” moment was. (28:00) How Anna decided to take her bike and cycle 11,000 miles around America. (31:13) What Anna did to prepare between the time she made her decision and the time she actually quit her job to cycle around America. (33:27) Some of the highlights and challenges of Anna’s trip to America. (39:03) What Anna did to turn adventure into her full-time profession. (41:58) All about Anna’s adventure in New Zealand where she ran 2000 miles! (43:58) Examples of mini-adventures Anna has done in between big trips. (45:18) What inspired Anna to cycle the length of the Andes. (49:55) The biggest things Anna has gained from all of her adventures and travels around the world. (51:56) What Anna believes it takes to be unstoppable. (54:28) “If you’re bored, you haven’t found the thing that excites you, or you haven’t found the right people to hang out with.”
    Anna McNuff – Adventurer & Mischief Maker
    Stay in touch with Anna McNuff
    You can follow Anna’s adventures and learn more from her via these channels:
    You may also like these episodes:
    #36: Transforming teen struggles into super success (Interview with England goalkeeper Tom Heaton)
    #17: From teen hell to all is well
    #1: 5 things teenagers need to be GREAT at (if you want a great life)
    Extend the adventure!

    • 58 min
    #41: What to do in the last 24 hours before important tests and exams

    #41: What to do in the last 24 hours before important tests and exams

    I’ve been on tour recently, helping students all over the country prepare for their final high school tests and exams. After an event in the northwest of England, a student asked for some extra help:
    “Kev, nobody’s ever told me what to do the day before an exam. Have you got any tips that will help me perform at my best?”
    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: many schools are failing to show students how to perform at their best under pressure. They seem to think it’s sufficient to teach the curriculum and say a few encouraging words.  But that’s not good enough.  So as we head into exam season, I want to change that by offering some extra help.
    It turns out that top achievers in sport, entertainment and business have certain routines they do before important performances that enable them to perform at their best.  The same routines can be used by students to succeed in school.
    In this episode of The Unstoppable Teen Podcast, you’ll hear tips on what to do (and what and to avoid!) in the 24 hours before tests and exams in order to boost your chances of getting the grades you want.
    “You don’t have to be perfect in order to pass tests and exams. Mistakes are inevitable. Just keep doing your best.”
    Kevin Mincher – Student Performance Coach
    You will learn:
    How the British government has made significant changes to the way students get their grades. (1:16) Why Kevin believes holistic learning can help more students succeed, and what that actually means. (4:10) How to have a positive mindset before a test or exam. (4:50) How Pareto’s 80/20 Rule applies to studying for tests and exams. (5:42) Why it can be a bad idea to try to learn anything new in the last 24 hours before an exam. (7:57) What top performers do to ensure they have the energy they need to perform at their best in tests and exams. (8:45) What you might want to eat and drink on the day of an exam so you have better concentration. (10:15) A simple strategy for getting to sleep the night before a big test. (12:25) How to use music to get yourself in a positive emotional state before any test or exam. (17:05) Why it’s extra important to avoid negative people during exam season. (17:44) The kind of people you should surround yourself with in the last 24 hours leading up to a test or exam. (19:42)
    Click here to view this content on the Unstoppable Teen website >>
    “The difference between success and failure lies in your daily routines.”
    Kevin Mincher – Student Performance Coach
    FREE webinar for teachers
    Kevin created a new FREE webinar for teachers. He’ll be sharing 8 proven strategies for improving student progress and achievement.
    If you’re a teacher and you’d like to know more, simply go to unstoppableteen.com/progress to register today!
    How to perform at your best in tests and exams
    Invite Kevin to deliver his Exam SOS seminar in your school.  Simply email podcast@unstoppableteen.com for more information.
    Invite Kevin to deliver his Exam SOS seminar in your school.  Simply email podcast@unstoppableteen.com for more information.

    • 24 min
    #40: Developing teens’ financial literacy (Interview with best-selling author Sharon Lechter)

    #40: Developing teens’ financial literacy (Interview with best-selling author Sharon Lechter)

    I’m excited about today’s episode for two reasons! Firstly, because this is the first time we’ve ever done a session on financial literacy. Secondly, because of the calibre of our guest!
    Sharon Lechter is the go-to person if you want your financial future to be better than your financial past. I first came across her in my late teens or early 20s, when I read the world-renowned Rich Dad Poor Dad (which she co-authored). I recently met her at an event in London, and I’m delighted she agreed to share her wealth insights on The Unstoppable Teen Podcast.
    Sharon left school and became an accountant, then set up a publishing business. Next, she started writing and co-writing books, and eventually became CEO of the Rich Dad Poor Dad organization. More recently, she has focused on empowering young people to take control of their money. She currently serves on the National Board of Directors at Childhelp in the United States.
    In this episode, Sharon shares some valuable skills for mastering your finances. While money isn’t everything, taking control of your finances gives you freedom of choice. So if you’d like to have more money in the future than you had in the past, this episode for you.
    “It’s important to understand the difference between you working hard for money, and your money working hard for you.”
    Sharon Lechter – Entrepreneur & Best-Selling Author
    You will learn:
    Where Sharon was born and raised, and how her parents impacted her decision to become an entrepreneur. (5:58) How Sharon played a big role was in modernizing children’s books. (7:55) Some of the key things that Sharon believes enable people to lead happy and successful lives. (9:55) Why Sharon passionately believes it’s important for financial literacy to be taught in schools, along with her formula for success. (11:40) Some of the most common misconceptions that young people believe when it comes to money. (16:23) Why Sharon created her financial literacy game, Thrive Time for Teens. She also talks about two books by Napoleon Hill: Think and Grow Rich, and Outwitting the Devil. (20:38) What “assets” are and why they are important if you want to be rich. Sharon also discusses entrepreneurship as a way to create and maintain wealth. (24:12) What “liabilities” are, and how they make you a slave to money. We also learn the difference between good debt and bad debt. (27:06) The important difference between money that comes from work and money that comes from assets. (30:49) What is financial freedom? (32:15) Why it’s hugely beneficial to start building your wealth earlier rather than later in life. (34:33) Sharon’s thoughts on student debt, and what changes she would make if she were in charge of the government. (35:37) Sharon’s advice on going to university. (38:08) Sharon’s recommendations for listeners who want to increase their financial literacy and success. (41:11) Some things parents can do to help teenagers succeed. (42:33) What suggestions Sharon has for teachers and educators who want to teach financial literacy in school. (44:28) What Sharon believes it takes to be truly unstoppable. (46:30)
    Click here to view this content on the Unstoppable Teen website >>
    “True success is how you feel about yourself when you look in the mirror.”
    Sharon Lechter – Entrepreneur & Best-Selling Author
    Here’s the success formula that Sharon discusses in this episode:
    P + T x A x A + F = S
    Passion + Talent x Associations x Action + Faith In Yourself = Success
    Learn more from Sharon Lechter
    Website:  sharonlechter.com
    Email:  info@sharonlechter.com
    Social:  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn
    You may also like these episodes:
    #10: How to have a rich life
    #3: How to start a successful career? Insights from millionaire entrepreneur and best-selling author Daniel Priestly
    #1: 5 things teenagers need to be GREAT at (If you want a great life)
    Pay it forward!
    We’re on a mission to help 1,000,000 young

    • 51 min

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