
Drew says the blessing before we eat supper - THE SELVA LIFE S1E1 THE SELVA LIFE - Aprender Ingles Escuchando A Nativos

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Welcome to THE SELVA LIFE, a non-edited, simple audio podcast of me, Jessica Ojeda, living life with my family. Listen to a real English-speaking family interact with no scripts. Be the fly on my wall! ******** There are a few things concerning my family that I'm a stickler about. One is eating supper together at the table without any screens on. I absolutely love our time around the table together. It's not always easy with three little ones five and under, but it is absolutely the best! Often when I look at my little ones I really just can't believe they are mine, this is MY family, that God has given me all this love. Many of you know I had a long struggle with depression. In the early months of my first pregnancy my depression vanished. I have frequently attributed my depression to my hormones instead of attitude, but yesterday it came right out of my mouth that gratefulness is the cure to depression. Depression is no doubt controlled by things out of our control, but maybe mine was cured by my gratefulness to be a mother and to have some little person to love and cherish after all. As you listen to my five year old son you can see it would be difficult not to be gratefull for this life. God is so good! #TheSelvaLife #SELVAingles #RealityEnglish #NoScriptEnglish

Welcome to THE SELVA LIFE, a non-edited, simple audio podcast of me, Jessica Ojeda, living life with my family. Listen to a real English-speaking family interact with no scripts. Be the fly on my wall! ******** There are a few things concerning my family that I'm a stickler about. One is eating supper together at the table without any screens on. I absolutely love our time around the table together. It's not always easy with three little ones five and under, but it is absolutely the best! Often when I look at my little ones I really just can't believe they are mine, this is MY family, that God has given me all this love. Many of you know I had a long struggle with depression. In the early months of my first pregnancy my depression vanished. I have frequently attributed my depression to my hormones instead of attitude, but yesterday it came right out of my mouth that gratefulness is the cure to depression. Depression is no doubt controlled by things out of our control, but maybe mine was cured by my gratefulness to be a mother and to have some little person to love and cherish after all. As you listen to my five year old son you can see it would be difficult not to be gratefull for this life. God is so good! #TheSelvaLife #SELVAingles #RealityEnglish #NoScriptEnglish
