30 episodios

Actually 19 living in NY as an acting student🦋 I talk about my thoughts and opinions about how I see life. My objective is to be as honest as possible🍂

Eighteen �‪�‬ Emilia Guerra

    • Sociedad y cultura

Actually 19 living in NY as an acting student🦋 I talk about my thoughts and opinions about how I see life. My objective is to be as honest as possible🍂

    Cuarentena en Latinoamérica 🌎🔥🔥🔥

    Cuarentena en Latinoamérica 🌎🔥🔥🔥

    Estoy de vuelta con un nuevo episodio, les cuento sobre mi experiencia en cuarentena, un poco de mi vida. Busco conectarme con ustedes!! Cuéntenme de dónde son y cómo están pasando. Les mando un fuerte abrazo desde Ecuador❤️

    • 4 min
    I’m 21, Happy, quarantining❤️

    I’m 21, Happy, quarantining❤️

    I have been through so much during the last few years. I’m finally finding happiness after several mistakes in my profesional and personal life. It’s important to share during this tough times of pandemic. I want to connect hopefully you too ❤️

    • 6 min
    Un poco de positividad !♥️

    Un poco de positividad !♥️

    Un episodio describiendo mi mañana y como me ayudo a ser positiva. Gracias por escuchar♥️

    • 4 min
    My name is not eighteen!

    My name is not eighteen!

    What to do in Sunday’s??? I don’t know♥️ sending lots of love to people listening today.

    • 5 min
    Que tengo que hacer/saber antes de mudarme a USA?

    Que tengo que hacer/saber antes de mudarme a USA?

    Unos consejos de una niña de 19 años que pueden ser útiles. Les mando un abrazo a toda la gente hispana que escuche esto♥️

    • 11 min
    A life changing experience: Leaves of grass 🍂

    A life changing experience: Leaves of grass 🍂

    This poem is so beautiful so full and truthful. This are my thoughts about the poem leaves of grass🍂 what helped me was to read it out loud in a group and letting words affect me.

    • 3 min

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