9 episodios

This podcast is for aspiring course creators and creator elites looking to scale their courses with high ticket offers. Join us as we dissect top-selling courses from creative experts, uncovering strategies and tactics that earn them six-figure launches. Get out your notepad...this next episode will transform the way you think about creating online courses!

High Ticket Online Courses Larry Peacock

    • Economía y empresa

This podcast is for aspiring course creators and creator elites looking to scale their courses with high ticket offers. Join us as we dissect top-selling courses from creative experts, uncovering strategies and tactics that earn them six-figure launches. Get out your notepad...this next episode will transform the way you think about creating online courses!

    Launch Episode 008 - Elite Gamification for Online Courses - Mark Ster‪n‬

    Launch Episode 008 - Elite Gamification for Online Courses - Mark Ster‪n‬

    In this episode of the High Ticket Online Course Podcast, our guest is the founder of the Custom Box Agency, Mark Stern. Over the past few years, he has helped from course creators to large Fortune 500, adopt game-changing business strategies to stand out in the Marketplace. Today, he talks with us about the Custom Box Challenge and his secrets in Digital Marketing.

    The Custom Box Guy


    Mark lives in Austin, Texas, and runs an agency called the Custom Box Agency. He works with clients to create fully branded custom box experiences. He says that it's not about putting swag into a box but bringing together the physical and digitals realms to better activate, engage, and monetize the business.

    The Digital Marketing Bite


    Mark was deep into corporate America. For years, he thought that corporate America was the only way to do business. He then got exposed to a way of life that he didn't know existed, and the bubble surrounding him with people just like him bursted. That moment, he saw a new reality and knew that nothing would ever be the same again.

    The Custom Box Agency


    When Mark left corporate America to pursue the dream of being an entrepreneur, he went all-in on virtual events. Whenever he launched a product or service, he always introduces a physical box because he thought it was cool. It was just one of the things he wanted to learn because it made his products better. People started to promote his products and service without him even asking them to do it, which he didn't expect.


    People started asking Mark and his team about how they do their work. Mark constantly receives 4 to 6 requests a week about how they were doing it, so he launched the Custom Box Challenge to buy back his time. People who took the challenge started to take off, and they wanted Mark to do the box for them, so Mark launched his agency, and they became a distributor.

    The Secret to Creating a Profitable Online Course


    Mark says the secret is to take people on the journey with you. Take people on the journey where they can experience you going through the trials and tribulations of building an online course. Many people feel the need to do a course in a vacuum by themselves, which is one of the worst things to do. You are limited by what you know if you try and build a course where you're locking yourself in a room and filming it.


    The second you engage with other people and pull them in on the journey or help them develop a concept, you're connecting the data points between what other people are experiencing. It starts to build and leverage the insights, and you get a better product, and people feel that they're part of the creation of the product.



    The whole premise of gamification is introducing gaming tactics in terms of how you present your course to get people through it and get the right feedback loops to celebrate accomplishing certain milestones throughout. Many people just go through a course, and then they just finish the course.


    Mark says that you buy products and services for a reason because you have a pain point or there's something that you want to accomplish. Gamification has those incentive loops, which are designed so that you can do it where there are so many different ways. Mark does this with the Custom Box Challenge, where it creates micro wins that people celebrate.

    Entrepreneur Elements


    Entrepreneur Elements takes the periodic table of elements and turns it into the elements that every entrepreneur should know. It starts with your foundational elements, then strategy, then tactics, and then implementation. The whole idea is that the biggest struggle for starting entrepreneurs is to have focus.


    The idea is if you have your strategy and know your foundation, all that should be your north star in terms of the tools that you need because you don't need to force your strategy to fit the tools that you need or the team you've hire

    • 12 min
    Launch Episode 007 - Social Growth for Online Courses - Sean Cliffor‪d‬

    Launch Episode 007 - Social Growth for Online Courses - Sean Cliffor‪d‬

    In this episode of the High Ticket Online Courses Podcast, our guest is Sean Clifford. He is a software developer and Growth Hacker. Known as the "Irish Funnel Guy," he has built 6 and 7 figure funnels and has worked with big names such as the United Nations. Today he will share more about his work and creating profitable online courses.

    The Irish Funnel Guy


    Sean is commonly referred to as "The Irish Growth Hacker" or "The Irish Funnel Guy" because he built 6 and 7 figure funnels. He is a developer and has been building a huge following. He has also done lots of growth hacking, software development, and course development. Throughout his career, he's worked with big clients such as the United Nations.


    Sean is a tremendous runner who is always running.

    The Secret to Launching a Profitable Online Course


    Sean says that his secret is that he brought out a software piece that helps course creators automate their band's building process, connections and creating a meaningful network with their target audience for themselves. It's a secret that he implemented himself and has helped people implement it to themselves.


    Sean says that a certain amount of automation can help us. As personal brands, we need to be authentic and connect with people. There are strategies and tools that we can put in place to help growth hack our launch process and get our products and courses to more people.

    The Social Sales Accelerators


    Sean's automations is just getting started. He says that there are many tools and scripts that he personally uses that he wants to be thrown together. At the moment, it turns into a CRM where it has lots of automation that automates the proess of reaching out to people.

    Seans's Software


    The software is socialsalesaccelerator app. Sean's Facebook group is Funnel Mastey Facebook Group, and he is on Facebook 24/7.

    Connect with Sean Clifford

    WEBSITE: https://www.socialsalesaccelerator.app/

    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Sean-Clifford-112517240223127/

    • 9 min
    Launch Episode 006 - Elite Video Creation for Online Courses - Kevin Anso‪n‬

    Launch Episode 006 - Elite Video Creation for Online Courses - Kevin Anso‪n‬

    In this episode of the High Ticket Online Course Podcast, our guest is Kevin Anson. He is an entrepreneur from San Diego, California. He was laid off from his corporate job at 30 and started his own successful video marketing agency. He is a video marketing expert who helps companies profit wildly through organic and paid video and has helped his clients generate tens of millions of dollars using his unique video formulas. Today, he shares some tips on how you can work with the people you want to work with and his secrets to creating a profitable online course.

    The Video Producer


    Kevin has been producing videos since about 2004 and has produced over 10,000 videos. He had the unique opportunity to get hired by Russell Brunson. They developed a relationship where Kevin was making videos for him and their company.


    He had the opportunity to work with Grant Cardone, Brendon Burchard, Frank Kern, Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins, and many others.

    How to Land Rockstar Gigs


    Kevin's advice is that if you are trying to get clients or work with certain people in the industry, offer yourself free. Kevin has done that countless times where he would approach somebody he wanted to work with and offer himself either a discount or for free.


    Kevin's point is to let him prove himself first because he wants his clients to like him and his words. People couldn't say no to that so that what he did. It didn't matter how much he charged at that point.


    If you are trying to get clients, just starting out, or if you've been doing this for a while, then approach people and have more of a giving heart than somebody who's looking to put your hand out and get money.

    The Secret to Creating a Profitable Online Course


    It took Kevin a while to come out with a successful course, but it's all about diligence. Not giving up is the biggest advice that Kevin has to say. If you launch your course, and it doesn't work, it doesn't mean that's your only chance. You get more than one chance to make a successful course.


    It took Kevin a couple iterations, researching the market and figuring out what people really wanted. He spent a lot of time on Facebook and networking with people and figuring out what their struggles were, what their pain points were. It's just figuring out who you want to work with.


    Kevin tried to launch a course where he would sell it to video people but it just didn't take off, and they didn't respond well to it. He was trying to teach them how to grow their video business, and the biggest friction point he had was the cost, so he went back to the drawing board and figured out who he really wanted to work with.


    Don't give up. Model after what other people are doing in your industry who you've seen make a successful online course. What is their funnel look like? What are the videos that they're making look and sound like? Model after some of that stuff and don't be afraid.


    If you're afraid of getting started, hire somebody that can do it for you and has done it before.

    Follow Kevin Anson on:

    The Video Formula:  https://lddy.no/ttf0 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinanson

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kevinansonHQ/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbIipdoqa9Ex4TDvaDl1LGQ

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinanson/?hl=en

    • 12 min
    Launch Episode 005 - Elite Automations for Online Courses - David Sambor and Philippe LeCoutr‪e‬

    Launch Episode 005 - Elite Automations for Online Courses - David Sambor and Philippe LeCoutr‪e‬

    In this episode of the High Ticket Online Courses, we have David Sambor and Philippe Le Coutre. They are the founders of Messenger Marketing Experts. Philippe is a Sales & Marketing strategist with 25 years of consulting for small & large businesses. And David is a data-driven expert. His attention to detail with automation helped generate over $13 million in extra sales for the KBB launch. Today, they share with us tips and valuable information about starting in the digital marketing industry and the lessons they've learned that you can apply to yourself and your business.

    The Secret to Creating a Profitable Online Course

    Know your audience. Make sure what it is that you are offering gives value to the audience.

    Make sure that you're hoping for the best but also preparing for the worst.

    Be ready and get prepared and anticipate what could go wrong. You need some experience to anticipate because at first, you don't know what you don't know. When you know your software, the software stack you're using, and you try to dig in and to understand, you won't have the same issues if you're just starting out.

    Be Prepared

    You have to be even more prepared even for a small launch because when you just start out, you will have few people so the software won't crash. When David and Philippe did the KGB, everything crashed included Facebook.

    People would opt-in it. They have a traditional opt-in page. On the thank you page, they had a choice to get Facebook messenger reminders for all the videos for the live events. David and Philippe sent out links to people who came into messenger, which send links out to the value videos on DH.

    Suppose you've invested a lot of money into doing a launch, and something goes wrong at the last minute. In that case, you want to leverage as many different communication channels as possible to communicate in the Channel that people prefer to be communicated with.


    David always meets people where they're at and where they prefer to be communicating.

    Lesson Learned

    The lesson they learned from 2020, where they were doing multi-channel and sending emails and messages, ended up annoying many people because they were spamming across different communication channels.

    Suppose somebody gets action in a specific way, and we sent an email, and they click on a link to watch a video. In that case, we can then shut down all of the other channels. We don't need to send the same message twice when they've already taken action.

    They teach people how to use Omni Channel and not multi Channel because the Channel is very powerful when it's used in the right way

    Follow David Sambor

    Omni Channel Funnels Formula

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/david_sambor/?hl=en

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-sambor-641533a/

    Follow Philippe Le Coutre

    Omni Channel Funnels Formula

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/philippelecoutre/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Philip_LeCoutre

    Learn more about Omni Channels at https://www.omnichannelfunnels.com/scale-method44080550

    • 14 min
    Launch Episode 004 - Get "As Seen On TV" For Your Online Course - Marianne Schwa‪b‬

    Launch Episode 004 - Get "As Seen On TV" For Your Online Course - Marianne Schwa‪b‬

    In this episode of the High Ticket Online Courses Podcast, our guest is Marianne Schwab, a former national network TV talk show producer and author of the Experts Guide to TV Talk Shows. She helps book authors, speakers, and online entrepreneurs become sought after on-camera and go-to experts for TV and radio programs. Marianne has produced for ABC TV in New York and LA and used her insider expertise to help fortune 500 secure almost 1000 interviews. She is the go-to person to show you how to land talk show interviews.

    Stick to what you know


    Marianne says to only do a course in what you know and then promote it like a pro. Many experts say that you can start a course, and the only thing is you have to know one step ahead of the person you are teaching, which Marianne doesn't recommend.


    You really need to stick with what you know. That's important in business.


    Marianne loves what she does which is helping her cliet get talk show interviews. She has been doing that for over 25 years after she left Behind the Scenes on the Insider. She uses hr expertise to help others with what she knows.

    Zone of Genius


    She says that as far as the online course, it's really got to be your expertise. Once you do that, you need to put it in a gotcha kind of moment that's something news producers or talk show producers have never seen before.


    Do something that no one else knows that your expertise does. Most people don't know about getting booked on talk shows because they don't think like a producer. Mariane teaches in her course how to think like a producer. One of the best things you can do if you're promoting your course is to have a media hook and a great story angle. It's not about you. It's about your expertise and your zone of genius



    It's not about the book. It's not about the online course. It's about what that course teaches.


    When the people that information, they want your product and not someone else's product because they heard you talk about it. You've shared that it's such a valuable thing that they want to learn more, and you've created credibility in a way that no amount of advertising can.


    Marianne says that you've got to give them enough of an insider peek of it and look to how you think and that they know that you're the expert. That is what is so important about putting your online course together and what you do with your online course. You want to stay in your lane and take your expertise. Take something that you have that you know and help someone with your knowledge, and they're gonna want to know how to do it.

    Lead Magnet


    Marianne's lead magnet is called the 50 Media hooked templates that work. It's a fill in the blank, and it's going to take some ideas. With 50mediahooks.com, you can get the cheat sheet that will allow you to take your idea, your zone of genius, and your expertise to turn it into a media hook that will get news producers and talk show producers' attention as well.

    Follow Marianne Schwarb

    Website: https://www.marianneschwab.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marianne-schwab

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/travelproducer?lang=en

    • 10 min
    Launch Episode 003 - Podcast Software Designed for Course Creators - Lindsay Padill‪a‬

    Launch Episode 003 - Podcast Software Designed for Course Creators - Lindsay Padill‪a‬

    In this episode of the High Ticket Online Courses Podcast, our guest is Dr. Lindsay Padilla. She is the CEO and Co-founder of the software called Hello Audio. All of her business ideas were born out of her tenure-track years teaching adults online at a community college, the ridiculous amount of learning she's done in all things education, and the years spent growing her course creation business online. Today, she shares with us about how the norm of teaching and how you can get your students to be more focused and get the information you want them to have.

    Taking Action


    Lindsay has been in the course business and consulting people with courses for the last four years. She built a course business and decided to solve a problem with software that she saw in that very coarse business. She has been working with people who've launched multi seven-figure courses all the way down to their first five-figure beta.


    According to Lindsay, the biggest problem is course completion and getting your students to really get through the material and learn.

    Lindsay's Tip


    Lindsay's tip is to take into consideration what your students need to learn. She built Hello Audio to solve this very problem because she thinks logging into a learning management system, signing in, sitting down, and having to watch a video and navigate transcripts and workbooks and then download mp3 files is just all over the place

    The Reason for creating Hello Audio


    What Lindsay and her team are doing with Hello Audio and why they built it is they started to recognize that we're all very busy. Audio is literally the only medium that you can multitask. Your eyes are not occupied when you're listening to something.

    A Course that will be memorable


    Lindsay says that friction that you remove to get students to the information as soon and as quick as possible and in a way that will best serve them will take you so far. When we talk about profitable online courses, we're talking about courses that sell themselves that the people who get the results go out and talk about it.


    Consuming that content and getting the students from A to B is literally the goal, and if you can do that, they will talk about how great your content is.

    The Core of Becoming an Educator


    Lindays says that the core of becoming an educator and passing on your knowledge is watching someone take that jump and move a couple steps further ahead of where they are right now.


    Lindsay says that some of the first initial use cases are people just taking their video content and dragging and dropping it into whole audio. It's almost like repurposing, and it's offering a different way of getting the material.

    Converting Videos


    Lindsay and her team built full drag and drop and convert the video for the students. They take video files and turn them into audio. They also create transcripts as well. If you already have a course and have a product in video form, one of the easiest and first things you can do with Hello audio is convert that into a podcast so your students can listen to it and be consumed.

    Lindsay's Feed


    Lindsay made a feed for herself of content that she wants to read and listen to that she experienced online with coaching and consulting things that she buys. She sends private feeds to people and is actually raising capital for Hello audio. She sends the audio version of the pitch with a personal message to each investor.


    Lindsay wants people to realize that audio content is not just podcasts and that it's more like a production. She has people using raw files for one-on-one coaching experiences and also people who use those as lead magnets and challenges. She and her team made it an unlimited feature is because they wanted people to play with the idea of turning content that they already have into audio to skyrocket consumption rates.

    Follow Lindsay Padilla on:

    Learn more about Hello Audio at https://he

    • 12 min

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