24 集

歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學!呢個係由一個數學老師、同埋一個生物醫學博士傾下計,順便探討一下有趣科學知識嘅podcast! 每集我哋會就住一個主題,傾吓相關嘅數學故事同埋科學知識!大家可以喺Instagram: @gmgscience 搞乜咁科學 搵到我哋㗎!如果大家鍾意喺YouTube聽podcast都可以去我哋嘅YouTube Channel gmgscience 收聽,隨時會有bonus content! :)歡迎大家一齊參加呢個盛會,一齊畀科學同數學喚醒大家沉睡於深處嘅好奇心!到時見!

搞乜咁科學 GMG Science Dr Abellona U & Keith Poon

    • 科學
    • 5.0 • 29 個評分

歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學!呢個係由一個數學老師、同埋一個生物醫學博士傾下計,順便探討一下有趣科學知識嘅podcast! 每集我哋會就住一個主題,傾吓相關嘅數學故事同埋科學知識!大家可以喺Instagram: @gmgscience 搞乜咁科學 搵到我哋㗎!如果大家鍾意喺YouTube聽podcast都可以去我哋嘅YouTube Channel gmgscience 收聽,隨時會有bonus content! :)歡迎大家一齊參加呢個盛會,一齊畀科學同數學喚醒大家沉睡於深處嘅好奇心!到時見!

    搞乜咁科學 #23 - 根源 Origin 📍

    搞乜咁科學 #23 - 根源 Origin 📍

    歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第23集!
    今集嘅主題係根源 Origin 📍!Keith會講點解覺得自己係0竟然係一個讚賞?0️⃣ Abellona就會講你幾時發現原來你係非洲人?🌍
    喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)

    Social Media:
    科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎: https://forms.gle/26RSEgW9NeeSMc4a7
    搞乜咁科學網頁: www.gmgscience.com
    搞乜咁科學 IG: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
    搞乜咁科學 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gmgscience
    Abellona IG: www.instagram.com/_doctor_u
    Keith IG: www.instagram.com/keith.poonsir
    Keith YouTube: www.youtube.com/@KeithPoonSir
    後期製作 Ah Long IG: www.instagram.com/arlongphotog.hk
    Show Notes and Links:
    大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎: www.instagram.com/gmgscience

    Abellona's Part
    Museum of African Diaspora, San Francisco - Homepage
    Neanderthal - Wikipedia
    Lucy's Story - Institute of Human Origins
    Australopithecus afarensis, Lucy's species - NHM
    Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - YouTube
    Y chromosome - Wikipedia
    Chromosomal crossover - Wikipedia
    Chromosomal Crossover in Meiosis I - YouTube
    Haplogroup - Wikipedia
    Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup - Wikipedia
    Mitochondrial DNA - Wikipedia
    Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup - Wikipedia
    Further watching: The Two People We're All Related To - YouTube
    Correction: 37:24 每粒精子入面有唔止一粒粒線體,而係有50-75粒喺精子嘅中段(Midpiece),佢哋嘅用途係用黎power粒精子去游水。但呢d粒線體唔會進入受精卵,我地所有嘅粒線體都係黎自卵子,即係媽媽嘅貢獻。

    Keith's Part
    Keith’s Github
    Null Island: The Busiest Place That Doesn't Exist - Minute Earth
    字母數字系統 Alphabetic Numeral System - Wikipedia
    進位制 Positional notation - Wikipedia
    其他數字系統 - Wikipedia
    英國符木 British Tally Sticks - UK Parliament
    十字軍東征 Crusades - Wikipedia
    Further reading: Number: The Language of Science by Tobias Dantzig & Joseph Mazur

    • 1 小時 15 分鐘
    搞乜咁科學 #22 - 成長 Growth 🌱

    搞乜咁科學 #22 - 成長 Growth 🌱

    歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第22集!
    今集嘅主題係成長 Growth 🌱!Keith會講點樣可以喺植物上生到黃金?🏅Abellona會講你點樣先可以有頭有尾?🐩
    喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)
    Social Media:
    科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎: https://forms.gle/26RSEgW9NeeSMc4a7
    搞乜咁科學網頁: www.gmgscience.com
    搞乜咁科學 IG: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
    搞乜咁科學 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gmgscience
    Abellona IG: www.instagram.com/_doctor_u
    Keith IG: www.instagram.com/keith.poonsir
    Keith YouTube: www.youtube.com/@KeithPoonSir
    後期製作 Ahhttps://www.nhs.uk/conditions/thoracic-outlet-syndrome/ Long IG: www.instagram.com/arlongphotog.hk
    Show Notes and Links:
    大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎: www.instagram.com/gmgscience

    Keith's Part
    Golden Ratio - Wikipedia
    Continued Fraction - Wikipedia
    Modeling golden section in plants
    Abellona's Part
    Model organism - Wikipedia
    Fruit flies - Wikipedia
    C. elegans - Wikipedia
    Drosophila embryogenesis - Wikipedia
    Maternal Effect Genes - Wikipedia
    Meiosis - Wikipedia
    Gap Genes - Wikipedia
    The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1995 - Nobel Prize
    Pair rule genes - Wikipedia
    Segment polarity genes - Wikipedia
    Hox genes - Wikipedia
    The Hox code - Nature Scitable
    Cervical Rib - Wikipedia
    Thoracic outlet syndrome - NHS

    • 1 小時 26 分鐘
    搞乜咁科學 #21 - 聲音 Sound 🔊

    搞乜咁科學 #21 - 聲音 Sound 🔊

    歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第21集!
    今集嘅主題係聲音 Sound🔊!Keith會講點解你屋企部琴硬係唔啱音?🎹Abellona會講我地點樣用兩條飲管黎聽音樂?🎧
    喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)
    Social Media:
    科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎: https://forms.gle/26RSEgW9NeeSMc4a7
    搞乜咁科學網頁: www.gmgscience.com
    搞乜咁科學 IG: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
    搞乜咁科學 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gmgscience
    Abellona IG: www.instagram.com/_doctor_u
    Keith IG: www.instagram.com/keith.poonsir
    Keith YouTube: www.youtube.com/@KeithPoonSir
    後期製作 Ah Long IG: www.instagram.com/arlongphotog.hk
    Show Notes and Links:
    大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎: www.instagram.com/gmgscience

    Abellona's Part
    Endometriosis UK
    Vagina Museum
    Outer Ear - Wikipedia
    Georg von Békésy - The Nobel Prize
    Ashmore J. (2018). The neuroscience of hearing or how to do a hard job with soft components. Brain and neuroscience advances, 2, 2398212818810687. https://doi.org/10.1177/2398212818810687
    Fourier Transform - Wikipedia
    Oppenheim, J. N., & Magnasco, M. O. (2013). Human time-frequency acuity beats the Fourier uncertainty principle. Physical review letters, 110(4), 044301. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.044301
    Sound localization - Wikipedia

    Keith’s Part
    五度相生律 Pythagorean tuning - Wikipedia
    純律 Just Intonation - Wikipedia
    12 Equal Temperament 十二平均律 - Wikipedia
    平均律鍵盤曲集 The Well-Tempered Clavier - Wikipedia
    巴哈與十二平均律 - A Gertus History of Music
    Pythagorean tuning vs 12 equal temperament - PTG HomeOffice
    Chopin Étude Op. 10 No. 1 but it's in Just Intonation - ValkyRiver
    Jacob Collier 話你知點解你部琴唔啱音! - George Collier

    • 1 小時 44 分鐘
    搞乜咁科學 #20 - 2023新發現 New in '23 🪄

    搞乜咁科學 #20 - 2023新發現 New in '23 🪄

    歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第20集!
    今集嘅主題係『新發現 New in '23』 🪄!Keith會講點樣可以唔單調咁鋪地板?🧩 Abellona會講細菌抵抗病毒嘅武器而家可以用黎醫病?🩺
    喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)

    Social Media:
    科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎: https://forms.gle/26RSEgW9NeeSMc4a7
    搞乜咁科學網頁: www.gmgscience.com
    搞乜咁科學 IG: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
    搞乜咁科學 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gmgscience
    Abellona IG: www.instagram.com/_doctor_u
    Keith IG: www.instagram.com/keith.poonsir
    Keith YouTube: www.youtube.com/@KeithPoonSir
    後期製作 Ah Long IG: www.instagram.com/arlongphotog.hk

    Show Notes and Links:
    大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎: www.instagram.com/gmgscience

    Keith’s Part
    Archimedean Tessellation 阿基米德密鋪平面 - Wikipedia

    Plane vertex tiling - Wikipedia

    Uniform tiling - Wikipedia

    Zigzag path tiling 唔係長方形嘅長方形磚 - Pinterest

    Uniform tiling using star polygon 星形啊!! - Wikipedia

    Aperiodic tiling - 非週期性密鋪平面 - Wikipedia

    Penrose tiling - misc

    The Infinite Pattern That Never Repeats - Veritasium

    Einstein Tile 愛因斯坦磚(?) - Wikipedia

    How a Hobbyist Solved a 50-Year-Old Math Problem - Up and Atom

    Abellona's Part
    CRISPR - Wikipedia

    Pioneers of revolutionary CRISPR gene editing win chemistry Nobel - Nature
    Sickle Cell Disease - Wikipedia
    Beta Thalassemia - Wikipedia
    UK first to approve CRISPR treatment for diseases: what you need to know - Nature
    FDA approves two gene therapies for sickle cell, bringing hope to thousands with the disease - CNN
    Frangoul H, Altshuler D, Cappellini MD, et al. CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing for Sickle Cell Disease and β-Thalassemia. N Engl J Med. 2021;384(3):252-260. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2031054
    I received the new gene-editing drug for sickle-cell disease. It changed my life. - MIT Technology Review
    Sickle cell: ‘The revolutionary gene-editing treatment that gave me new life’ - BBC

    • 1 小時 34 分鐘
    搞乜咁科學 #19 - 破解 Decipher🗝

    搞乜咁科學 #19 - 破解 Decipher🗝

    歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第19集!
    今集嘅主題係破解 Decipher🗝!Keith會講點樣計數計快啲,就有機會可以破解到你張信用卡?Abellona會講生命密碼係點樣被破解嘅呢?
    喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)
    Social Media:
    科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎: https://forms.gle/26RSEgW9NeeSMc4a7
    搞乜咁科學網頁: www.gmgscience.com
    搞乜咁科學 IG: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
    搞乜咁科學 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gmgscience
    Abellona IG: www.instagram.com/_doctor_u
    Keith IG: www.instagram.com/keith.poonsir
    Keith YouTube: www.youtube.com/@KeithPoonSir
    後期製作 Ah Long IG: www.instagram.com/arlongphotog.hk
    Show Notes and Links:
    大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎: www.instagram.com/gmgscience

    Abellona's Part
    Marina Abramović Exhibition in Royal Academy
    Francis Crick - Wikipedia
    Rosalind Franklin: A Crucial Contribution - Scitable
    George Gamow - Wikipedia
    RNA Tie Club - Wikipedia
    Central Dogma of Molecular Biology - Wikipedia

    Further reading - 幾篇有關發現Genetic Code嘅故事嘅文章
    The Invention of the Genetic Code - American Scientist
    Reading the Genetic Code - Scitable
    Tamura K. (2016). The Genetic Code: Francis Crick's Legacy and Beyond. Life (Basel, Switzerland), 6(3), 36. https://doi.org/10.3390/life6030036

    Keith’s Part
    Chants of Sennaar 巴別塔聖歌 - Steam
    IBM 喺量子電腦嘅發展有重大嘅突破 – Nature
    因式分解有錢收 - RSA Factoring Challenging  - Wikipedia
    量子電腦快速因式分解嘅絕技 - Shor Algorithm – Wikipedia
    Caesar cipher 凱撒密碼 - Wikipedia
    Running Key Cipher 運行密鑰密碼 - Wikipedia
    RSA Encyption RSA加密演算法 – Wikipedia

    • 1 小時 24 分鐘
    搞乜咁科學 #18 - 學習 Learn📚

    搞乜咁科學 #18 - 學習 Learn📚

    歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第18集!

    今集嘅主題係學習 Learn!Keith會講一個秘訣:點樣令到一個數學差嘅人變成一個讀到數學嘅人。Abellona會解釋點樣避免唔記得嘢?

    喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)

    Social Media:

    科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎: https://forms.gle/26RSEgW9NeeSMc4a7

    搞乜咁科學網頁: www.gmgscience.com

    搞乜咁科學 IG: www.instagram.com/gmgscience

    搞乜咁科學 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gmgscience

    Abellona IG: www.instagram.com/_doctor_u

    Keith IG: www.instagram.com/keith.poonsir

    Keith YouTube: www.youtube.com/@KeithPoonSir

    後期製作 Ah Long IG: www.instagram.com/arlongphotog.hk

    Show Notes and Links:

    大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎: www.instagram.com/gmgscience

    Keith's Part

    1904年第一次出現Bridal Showers嘅報紙


    Blackwell, L. S., Trzesniewski, K. H., & Dweck, C. S. (2007). Implicit theories of intelligence predict achievement across an adolescent transition: A longitudinal study and an intervention. Child development, 78(1), 246-263.

    Ali Abdaal 的 科學實證有效率的謢膚Routine

    Abellona's Part

    Soča River - Wikipedia


    Hermann Ebbinghaus - Wikipedia

    Forgetting curve - Wikipedia

    Atkinson-Shiffrin Memory Model - Wikipedia

    The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two - Wikipedia

    The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two by George Miller 原文

    Working Memory Model by Baddeley and Hitch


    Hoosain, R., & Salili, F. (1987). Language differences in pronunciation speed for numbers, digit span, and mathematical ability. Psychologia: An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient.

    Spaced Repetition - Wikipedia

    How pasta became political in Italy - FT

    • 1 小時 13 分鐘


5.0 滿分 5 粒星
29 個評分

29 個評分



Good GG:)


好正 !

講科學講得好有趣 同時夠深度又易明

無名氏 冇名是


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