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Chapter 19 The Ninth Tuesday - We Talk About How Love Goes On (34‪)‬ 中英对照有声书《相约星期二》

    • 幽默文學

The Ninth Tuesday
We Talk About How Love Goes On
I came to love the way Morrie lit up when I entered the room.
He did this for many people, I know, but it was his special talent to make each visitor feel that the smile was unique.
" Ahhh, it's my buddy," he would say when he saw me, in that foggy, high- pitched voice.
And it didn't stop with the greeting.
When Morrie was with you, he was really with you.
He looked you straight in the eye, and he listened as if you were the only person in the world.
How much better would people get along if their first encounter each day were like this ——instead of a grumble from a waitress or a bus driver or a boss?要是人们每天的第一次见面都能像这样的话那人们之间的相处该要好上多少啊——而不是因为服务员或者公交车司机或者上司而抱怨?
" I believe in being fully present," Morrie said.
" That means you should be with the person you're with. When I'm talking to you now, Mitch, I try to keep focused only on what is going on between us. I am not thinking about something we said last week. I am not thinking of what's coming up this Friday. I am not thinking about doing another Koppel show, or about what medications I'm taking."
" I am talking to you, I am thinking about you,"
I remembered how he used to teach this idea in the Group Process class back at Brandeis.
I had scoffed back then, thinking this was hardly a lesson plan for a university course.我那时却嘲讽了回去,觉得这简直不应该是大学课程该有的课程计划。
Learning to pay attention?
How important could that be?
I now know it is more important than almost everything they taught us in college.我现在明白了这几乎要比他们在大学教我们的任何课程都更加重要。
Morrie motioned for my hand, and as l gave it to him, I felt a surge of guilt.
Here was a man who, if he wanted, could spend every waking moment in self-pity, feeling his body for decay, counting his breaths.
So many people with far smaller problems are so self-absorbed, their eyes glaze over if you speak for more than thirty seconds.
They already have something else in mind ——a friend to call, a fax to send, a lover they're daydreaming about.
They only snap back to f

The Ninth Tuesday
We Talk About How Love Goes On
I came to love the way Morrie lit up when I entered the room.
He did this for many people, I know, but it was his special talent to make each visitor feel that the smile was unique.
" Ahhh, it's my buddy," he would say when he saw me, in that foggy, high- pitched voice.
And it didn't stop with the greeting.
When Morrie was with you, he was really with you.
He looked you straight in the eye, and he listened as if you were the only person in the world.
How much better would people get along if their first encounter each day were like this ——instead of a grumble from a waitress or a bus driver or a boss?要是人们每天的第一次见面都能像这样的话那人们之间的相处该要好上多少啊——而不是因为服务员或者公交车司机或者上司而抱怨?
" I believe in being fully present," Morrie said.
" That means you should be with the person you're with. When I'm talking to you now, Mitch, I try to keep focused only on what is going on between us. I am not thinking about something we said last week. I am not thinking of what's coming up this Friday. I am not thinking about doing another Koppel show, or about what medications I'm taking."
" I am talking to you, I am thinking about you,"
I remembered how he used to teach this idea in the Group Process class back at Brandeis.
I had scoffed back then, thinking this was hardly a lesson plan for a university course.我那时却嘲讽了回去,觉得这简直不应该是大学课程该有的课程计划。
Learning to pay attention?
How important could that be?
I now know it is more important than almost everything they taught us in college.我现在明白了这几乎要比他们在大学教我们的任何课程都更加重要。
Morrie motioned for my hand, and as l gave it to him, I felt a surge of guilt.
Here was a man who, if he wanted, could spend every waking moment in self-pity, feeling his body for decay, counting his breaths.
So many people with far smaller problems are so self-absorbed, their eyes glaze over if you speak for more than thirty seconds.
They already have something else in mind ——a friend to call, a fax to send, a lover they're daydreaming about.
They only snap back to f

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