16 集

IMS’s Forest Refuge has hosted experienced meditators since 2003. Its program is specifically designed to encourage sustained, longer-term retreat practice – a key component in the transmission of Buddhism from Asia to the West. Within a harmonious and secluded environment, meditators can nurture the highest aspiration for liberation. In consultation with visiting insight meditation teachers, a program of training in one or more Early Buddhist practices is created for each participant, allowing the continuing unfolding of deeper levels of wisdom and compassion. A personal retreat here strengthens practice, faith, confidence and self-reliance.

Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge: dharma talks and meditation instruction via dharmaseed.org

    • 宗教與靈修

IMS’s Forest Refuge has hosted experienced meditators since 2003. Its program is specifically designed to encourage sustained, longer-term retreat practice – a key component in the transmission of Buddhism from Asia to the West. Within a harmonious and secluded environment, meditators can nurture the highest aspiration for liberation. In consultation with visiting insight meditation teachers, a program of training in one or more Early Buddhist practices is created for each participant, allowing the continuing unfolding of deeper levels of wisdom and compassion. A personal retreat here strengthens practice, faith, confidence and self-reliance.

    Devon Hase: Tattoos on the Heart

    Devon Hase: Tattoos on the Heart

    (Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge) Stories from Father Gregory Boyle, reflections on love

    • 17 分鐘
    Devon Hase: Untangling the Tangle: On Dependent Co-Arising and Freedom

    Devon Hase: Untangling the Tangle: On Dependent Co-Arising and Freedom

    (Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge) Teachings on the 12 links of dependent origination, including chanting and stories. Description of how we get off the chain, dukkha and the end of dukkha.

    • 49 分鐘
    Devon Hase: To Be a Person

    Devon Hase: To Be a Person

    (Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge) Introduction to paticcasamuppada and Jane Hirshfield's reflection on the human condition.

    • 12 分鐘
    Devon Hase: Like a Flower in the Sky

    Devon Hase: Like a Flower in the Sky

    (Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge) Reflections on emptiness and the unfabricated.

    • 13 分鐘
    Devon Hase: Counting, This Morning, What Powers Still Remain to Me

    Devon Hase: Counting, This Morning, What Powers Still Remain to Me

    (Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge) Homage to Jane Hirshfield and reflections on how the path grows our equanimity, and also our humanity

    • 12 分鐘
    Devon Hase: Equanimity is a Superpower

    Devon Hase: Equanimity is a Superpower

    (Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge) How equanimity helps us navigate life in retreat and in the world

    • 56 分鐘

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