53 episodes

A number of years ago, IBM predicted that by the year 2020, the amount of knowledge in the world will be doubling every 12 hours. That’s mind-boggling. I don’t know how close we are to that prediction, but we certainly have an overabundance of knowledge.

What we need, what we desperately need, in the world today is wisdom.

We need to learn how to apply all that knowledge to our everyday lives. The Hebrew word for wisdom means more than mental activity. In our culture we think of wisdom as being smart, but that’s not what it is. It refers primarily to practical knowledge. It’s skillful living. The purpose of Proverbs is to teach us to know wisdom so that we can live well.

We tend to treat Proverbs like we do inspirational quotes. We think they’re simply nice sayings. We listen, nod our heads at the clever wisdom and then go on with life. We treat them like sound bites rather than a full meal that will nourish and fuel our lives.

That’s a mistake.

They’re meant to think deeply about, to chew on and digest to be used for living. Justin S. Holcomb says,

“Many of us love the book of Proverbs for its practicality. Every verse seems to provide us with insight—some way to think or be—that will make our lives run just a bit more smoothly.

And because the book of Proverbs provides us with a poetic roadmap of how God has designed the world to work, following its practical day-to-day guidance does make our lives more pleasant. But even this will prove a bit hollow in the long run if that’s the only reason we study Proverbs. We don’t want to miss the heart of it—what God is saying to his people through this unique portion of Scripture….

This is a collection of sayings that provide skill in the art of godly living and show us how to reflect God’s glory in the details of our lives and relationships. It’s the difference between going to Proverbs for advice and going to it for wisdom.

Seeking wisdom and not just advice requires more heart work, but it’s worth it! That’s because the wisdom found in Proverbs takes us outside of ourselves and our own lives to someone else—our covenant Lord. It teaches us that wisdom is not primarily about what we do but about who God is and what he’s done for us. That’s the heart of the book and the primary reason to study it.”

It’s our goal in this podcast to share God’s tools with you for building a better life, to encourage to you fall in love with God’s wisdom, and to help you grow in Christ-likeness.
Do you need that? God’s wisdom, God’s help in living a better life, and to grow in Christ-likeness? I know I do! So, join me as we walk through Proverbs each weekday! We’ll be recording during a live broadcast on Facebook and YouTube and making that recording available in this podcast.

One more thing I want to mention! We’re making PDF journal pages available each week for free. If you want to follow along with the broadcast and keep a journal of what you learn along the way and have a place to respond to the application questions I ask in each episode, go to www.getwisdom.link/email to sign up. You’ll also find that link in the show notes of every episode.

The book of Proverbs is not just good advice, it’s an invitation from God to step into the wisdom of God. It’s a practical roadmap for developing the skill of living.

I’d love for you to join me on this journey!




God's Wisdom For Today Get Wisdom Publishing & Michelle Berkey

    • Religion & Spirituality

A number of years ago, IBM predicted that by the year 2020, the amount of knowledge in the world will be doubling every 12 hours. That’s mind-boggling. I don’t know how close we are to that prediction, but we certainly have an overabundance of knowledge.

What we need, what we desperately need, in the world today is wisdom.

We need to learn how to apply all that knowledge to our everyday lives. The Hebrew word for wisdom means more than mental activity. In our culture we think of wisdom as being smart, but that’s not what it is. It refers primarily to practical knowledge. It’s skillful living. The purpose of Proverbs is to teach us to know wisdom so that we can live well.

We tend to treat Proverbs like we do inspirational quotes. We think they’re simply nice sayings. We listen, nod our heads at the clever wisdom and then go on with life. We treat them like sound bites rather than a full meal that will nourish and fuel our lives.

That’s a mistake.

They’re meant to think deeply about, to chew on and digest to be used for living. Justin S. Holcomb says,

“Many of us love the book of Proverbs for its practicality. Every verse seems to provide us with insight—some way to think or be—that will make our lives run just a bit more smoothly.

And because the book of Proverbs provides us with a poetic roadmap of how God has designed the world to work, following its practical day-to-day guidance does make our lives more pleasant. But even this will prove a bit hollow in the long run if that’s the only reason we study Proverbs. We don’t want to miss the heart of it—what God is saying to his people through this unique portion of Scripture….

This is a collection of sayings that provide skill in the art of godly living and show us how to reflect God’s glory in the details of our lives and relationships. It’s the difference between going to Proverbs for advice and going to it for wisdom.

Seeking wisdom and not just advice requires more heart work, but it’s worth it! That’s because the wisdom found in Proverbs takes us outside of ourselves and our own lives to someone else—our covenant Lord. It teaches us that wisdom is not primarily about what we do but about who God is and what he’s done for us. That’s the heart of the book and the primary reason to study it.”

It’s our goal in this podcast to share God’s tools with you for building a better life, to encourage to you fall in love with God’s wisdom, and to help you grow in Christ-likeness.
Do you need that? God’s wisdom, God’s help in living a better life, and to grow in Christ-likeness? I know I do! So, join me as we walk through Proverbs each weekday! We’ll be recording during a live broadcast on Facebook and YouTube and making that recording available in this podcast.

One more thing I want to mention! We’re making PDF journal pages available each week for free. If you want to follow along with the broadcast and keep a journal of what you learn along the way and have a place to respond to the application questions I ask in each episode, go to www.getwisdom.link/email to sign up. You’ll also find that link in the show notes of every episode.

The book of Proverbs is not just good advice, it’s an invitation from God to step into the wisdom of God. It’s a practical roadmap for developing the skill of living.

I’d love for you to join me on this journey!




    Awe-Inspiring Wisdom [Proverbs 8:22-36]

    Awe-Inspiring Wisdom [Proverbs 8:22-36]

    Today’s passage teaches us some really amazing things about wisdom and then summarizes the fatherly advice we’ve learned in the first eight chapters on how we should respond to her.
    Today’s Big Question: 
    How will you respond to wisdom?

    Today’s Scripture:  Proverbs 8:22-36
    “The Lord acquired me
    at the beginning of his creation,
    before his works of long ago.
    I was formed before ancient times,
    from the beginning, before the earth began.
    I was born
    when there were no watery depths
    and no springs filled with water.
    Before the mountains were established,
    prior to the hills, I was given birth—
    before he made the land, the fields,
    or the first soil on earth.
    I was there when he established the heavens,
    when he laid out the horizon on the surface of the ocean,
    when he placed the skies above,
    when the fountains of the ocean gushed out,
    when he set a limit for the sea
    so that the waters would not violate his command,
    when he laid out the foundations of the earth.
    I was a skilled craftsman beside him.
    I was his delight every day,
    always rejoicing before him.
    I was rejoicing in his inhabited world,
    delighting in the children of Adam.

    “And now, sons, listen to me;
    those who keep my ways are happy.
    Listen to instruction and be wise;
    don’t ignore it.
    Anyone who listens to me is happy,
    watching at my doors every day,
    waiting by the posts of my doorway.
    For the one who finds me finds life
    and obtains favor from the Lord,
    but the one who misses me harms himself;
    all who hate me love death.”

    Other verses referenced in this episode:
    And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. (Colossians 1:17)

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. (John 1:1-3)

    but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. (1 Corinthians 1:24)

    (in Christ) in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Colossians 2:3)

    The Lord by wisdom founded the earth;
        by understanding he established the heavens;
    by his knowledge the deeps broke open,
        and the clouds drop down the dew. (Proverbs 3:19-20)

    If you want a place to see and answer the questions I ask in the episode and to keep track of the discoveries you make as we study Proverbs, we include a set of free journal pages for this devotional series in each of our Sunday emails 
    Free journal pages to follow the study:  www.getwisdom.link/email


    • 12 min
    The theme of the book of Proverbs [Proverbs 9:10-12]

    The theme of the book of Proverbs [Proverbs 9:10-12]

    The first major section of Proverbs (Chapters 1-9) are bookended by a statement of the theme of Proverbs. Today we’re talking about the fear of the Lord.
    Today’s Big Question: 
    How do you want to respond to correction?

    Today’s Scripture:  Proverbs 9:10-12
    “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
    and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
    For by me your days will be many,
    and years will be added to your life.
    If you are wise, you are wise for your own benefit;
    if you mock, you alone will bear the consequences.”

    Other verses referenced in this episode:
    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
    Fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs 1:7)

    This is what the LORD says: "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,"  declares the LORD. (Jeremiah 9:23-24) 

    “The fear of God includes, but is not limited to, respecting and reverencing him, for we are told to tremble at his presence. Holy fear gives God the place of glory, honor, reverence, thanksgiving, praise, and preeminence he deserves….God holds this preeminent position in our hearts and lives as we esteem his desires over and above our own, hating what he hates and loving what he loves, trembling in his presence and at his Word.
    Hear this and meditate on it: You will serve whom you fear.

    If you fear God, you will serve him. If you fear man, you will serve man. You must choose. Now you can understand why Soloman, after an entire life of both success and hardship, could say:

    When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is this: fear God and keep his commands, because this is for all humanity. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)” - John Bevere

    “The great choice of life, which Solomon repeated often, is the choice of wisdom. If you choose her, you will be blessed; if you reject her, you will be punished. There is no escape; your choice will be repaid. You will bear the consequences. Your wisdom cannot benefit God, nor does your folly hurt him (Job 35:5-8). You alone will bear the results.

    The Preacher of the New Testament, Paul warned, “Every man shall bear his own burden” (Gal 6:5). Do not be deceived; God is not mocked; whatever you sow, that is what you will reap (Gal 6:7-8).” - Anon.

    If you want a place to see and answer the questions I ask in the episode and to keep track of the discoveries you make as we study Proverbs, we include a set of free journal pages for this devotional series in each of our Sunday emails 
    Free journal pages to follow the study:  www.getwisdom.link/email


    • 10 min
    A Seductive Offer [Proverbs 9:13-18]

    A Seductive Offer [Proverbs 9:13-18]

    A Seductive Offer [Proverbs 9:13-18]
    Last week we looked at the offer that Wisdom makes to us. Today we have a description of Folly, who also makes us the same offer.

    Today’s Big Question: 
    Where will you sit down to eat?

    Today’s Scripture:  Proverbs 9:13-18
    Folly is a rowdy woman;
    she is gullible and knows nothing.
    She sits by the doorway of her house,
    on a seat at the highest point of the city,
    calling to those who pass by,
    who go straight ahead on their paths:
    “Whoever is inexperienced, enter here!”
    To the one who lacks sense, she says,
    “Stolen water is sweet,
    and bread eaten secretly is tasty!”
    But he doesn’t know that the departed spirits are there,
    that her guests are in the depths of Sheol.

    If you want a place to see and answer the questions I ask in the episode and to keep track of the discoveries you make as we study Proverbs, we include a set of free journal pages for this devotional series in each of our Sunday emails 
    Free journal pages to follow the study:  www.getwisdom.link/email


    • 9 min
    Important Takeaways from Proverbs 1-9

    Important Takeaways from Proverbs 1-9

    The first 9 chapters of Proverbs help us understand why the wisdom of Proverbs is so important. It lays out for us the ramifications of the choices we make daily to pursue godly wisdom or foolishness. Today we’re doing a summary of what this part of scripture teaches us.
    Today’s Big Question: 
    What has God taught you about Wisdom?

    Verses in Today’s Episode
    Happy is a man who finds wisdom
    and who acquires understanding,
    for she is more profitable than silver,
    and her revenue is better than gold.
    She is more precious than jewels;
    nothing you desire can equal her.
    Long life is in her right hand;
    in her left, riches and honor.
    Her ways are pleasant,
    and all her paths, peaceful.
    She is a tree of life to those who embrace her,
    and those who hold on to her are happy. (Proverbs 3:13-18)

    “In Proverbs, Solomon organizes people into three categories: the wise, the foolish, and the simple.  These categories are not dependent on age, class, race, gender, or socio-economic status. Rather, they are determined by one’s direction in reference to the Lord.” - Peter Krol

    “The idea here is, “Yes, I want to give you practical, moral instruction. But I am not interested to spoon feed you only. I want you learn to think, understand wisdom so that you learn how yourself to make good choices. I want you to consider what a wise and successful life looks like and how to get there. I want you to understand the Scriptures and how to apply them to given situations so that when you are out on your own your mind and heart are well-trained and tuned to wisdom.” - Fred Zaspel

    If you want a place to see and answer the questions I ask in the episode and to keep track of the discoveries you make as we study Proverbs, we include a set of free journal pages for this devotional series in each of our Sunday emails 
    Free journal pages to follow the study:  www.getwisdom.link/email


    • 15 min
    Being Receptive to the Word of God: Proverbs 2:1-2

    Being Receptive to the Word of God: Proverbs 2:1-2

    “It’s a biological principle that you will increasingly value whatever you make it a habit to pursue.”   - Chuck SwindollToday we cover an overview of Proverbs chapter 2 and the big picture for the verses we’ll be looking at this week. Plus we dig in to the verses below.

    Today’s Scripture:  Proverbs 2:1-2. 

    My son, if you accept my words
    and store up my commands within you,
    listening closely to wisdom
    and directing your heart to understanding;  (CSB)

    Good friend, take to heart what I'm telling you;
    collect my counsels and guard them with your life.
    Tune your ears to the world of Wisdom;
    set your heart on a life of Understanding.  (MSG)

    Raymond C Ortland Jr says, “Proverbs 2 is one of the most helpful passages in the Bible, because it explains what growth and sanctification and renewal--what all of that feels like. This passage explains the psychology of change.”
    Today and tomorrow we’ll cover the first four verses which are a series of instructions
    John Phillips outlines these verses as:
    We Must Be Receptive (v 1)We Must Be Responsive (v 2-3)We Must Be Resolute (v 4)

    Chuck Swindoll divides it into four disciplines
    Discipline of the written Word of God (v 1)Discipline of our inner desire (v 2)Discipline of prevailing prayer (v 3)Discipline of daily consistency (v 4)

    If you want a place to see and answer the questions I ask in the episode and to keep track of the discoveries you make as we study Proverbs, we include a set of free journal pages for this devotional series in each of our Sunday emails 
    Free journal pages to follow the study:  www.getwisdom.link/email


    • 12 min
    Searching For Wisdom Like it's Your Lost Cell Phone: Proverbs 2:3-4

    Searching For Wisdom Like it's Your Lost Cell Phone: Proverbs 2:3-4

    “Those who earnestly seek heavenly wisdom, will never complain that they have lost their labor; and the freeness of the gift does not do away the necessity of our diligence” - Matthew HenryToday we’ll cover the second half of four verses which are a series of instructions to believers.
    John Phillips outlines these verses as:
    We Must Be Receptive (v 1)We Must Be Responsive (v 2-3)We Must Be Resolute (v 4)
    Chuck Swindoll divides it into four disciplines
    Discipline of the written Word of God (v 1)Discipline of our inner desire (v 2)Discipline of prevailing prayer (v 3)Discipline of daily consistency (v 4)

    Today’s Scripture:  Proverbs 2:3-4. 

    furthermore, if you call out to insight
    and lift your voice to understanding,
    if you seek it like silver
    and search for it like hidden treasure,  (CSB)

    That’s right—if you make Insight your priority,
        and won’t take no for an answer,
    Searching for it like a prospector panning for gold,
        like an adventurer on a treasure hunt,    (MSG)

    “When Betty Goldstein of Staten Island, New York, entered the hospital, her husband Ron wrapped her 3.5-carat diamond ring in a napkin for safekeeping. But in a forgetful moment, the 63-year-old Goldstein threw the napkin in the trash. When he realized his mistake, he dashed outside, only to see the garbage truck rumbling down the street. So he called the local sanitation department and got permission to follow the truck to a transfer station. Workers began sorting through hundreds of garbage bags and recovered the ring an hour later. The writer of Proverbs urges us to search diligently for something far more precious—wisdom. In Pr 2, a father encourages his son to do whatever is necessary to get insight and wisdom. This strenuous search for wisdom is actually a search for God Himself (Pr 2:3-5). In fact, inner happiness comes when man attains this wisdom (Pr 3:13). He encourages his son to search diligently for this rare jewel because wisdom is not usually discovered by the casual observer. Wisdom is discovered and enjoyed only by those who are diligent, devoted, and determined to seek it. Let us devote our whole being to searching for that rare jewel of wisdom.” —Marvin Williams
    If you want a place to see and answer the questions I ask in the episode and to keep track of the discoveries you make as we study Proverbs, we include a set of free journal pages for this devotional series in each of our Sunday emails 

    Free journal pages to follow the study:  www.getwisdom.link/email


    • 12 min

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