20 min

Nanobodies for resolving the pandemic, perspectives on sexuality and violence, boundaries, bodily integration Healthy Mind Fit Body

    • Mental Health

Treating our bodies well with optimal nutrition (lower carb/keto, Primal/Paleo/Carnivorish) can help a lot during this trying pandemic. Engineered nanobodies, which are both relatively inexpensive and easy to produce, are being reported on more now, since UCSF promoted AeroNabs unprecedented potency against SARS CoV-2 (way more potent than vaccines, and potentially safer). Let’s hope they …

Treating our bodies well with optimal nutrition (lower carb/keto, Primal/Paleo/Carnivorish) can help a lot during this trying pandemic. Engineered nanobodies, which are both relatively inexpensive and easy to produce, are being reported on more now, since UCSF promoted AeroNabs unprecedented potency against SARS CoV-2 (way more potent than vaccines, and potentially safer). Let’s hope they …

20 min