49 मिनट

Ep 80: Fatigue, Recovery, and Running Performance with Dr. Guillaume Millet Run with Fitpage

    • तंदुरुस्ती

In this episode of Run with Fitpage, we had one of the top researchers globally, Dr. Guillaume Millet, to discuss a topic that is one of the most discussed and sought-after topics among us runners - FATIGUE. Dr. Guillaume Millet, Ph.D., is a professor at Jean Monnet University in Saint-Etienne. From 1998 to 2013, he held various academic positions in France, including a 4-year full-time research contract at the French National Institute for Medical Research (INSERM). He also was Vice-Chair of...

In this episode of Run with Fitpage, we had one of the top researchers globally, Dr. Guillaume Millet, to discuss a topic that is one of the most discussed and sought-after topics among us runners - FATIGUE. Dr. Guillaume Millet, Ph.D., is a professor at Jean Monnet University in Saint-Etienne. From 1998 to 2013, he held various academic positions in France, including a 4-year full-time research contract at the French National Institute for Medical Research (INSERM). He also was Vice-Chair of...

49 मिनट