52 मिनट

Ep 97: Running Faster, with Pete Pfitzinger Run with Fitpage

    • तंदुरुस्ती

In the 97th episode of Run with Fitpage, we had the opportunity to speak to Pete Pfitzinger. Pete is an American former distance runner, an author, and an exercise physiologist. In this episode, Vikas and Pete talk about how you can train to run faster.Pfitzinger is a 1979 graduate of Cornell University. He also holds a Master of Business Administration from Cornell's Johnson Graduate School of Management and a Master of Arts in exercise science from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst...

In the 97th episode of Run with Fitpage, we had the opportunity to speak to Pete Pfitzinger. Pete is an American former distance runner, an author, and an exercise physiologist. In this episode, Vikas and Pete talk about how you can train to run faster.Pfitzinger is a 1979 graduate of Cornell University. He also holds a Master of Business Administration from Cornell's Johnson Graduate School of Management and a Master of Arts in exercise science from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst...

52 मिनट