Sparks by Ignium

Ignium Consulting Ltd
Sparks by Ignium Podcast

Conversations with business founders, leaders and experts, examining the changing landscape of leadership, purpose, business growth, Scaling Up, resilience and change with business leaders and owners in mind. We cover a mix of topics designed to ignite (or re-ignite) your spark one conversation at a time. Learn More: visit the Ignium Subscribe for more exclusive content in the Ignium Spark Tank: Connect with your host Phil Rose on LinkedIn:

  1. 17 SEPT

    How behavioural solutions unlock the power of purpose with Hugh Massie

    In the first of a 2-part episode, Founder of DNA Behaviour International Hugh Massie and podcast host Phil Rose explore where the spheres of money and human behaviour meet. In particular, they look at human behaviour and how it drives business outcomes, particularly in financial contexts. Hugh shares his insights as a Behavioural Solutions Architect and explains how understanding, measuring and then adapting behaviours removes stubborn barriers to personal and business growth. Key points: ·       If money drives business but the results come about through the actions of people, how do you actively create an environment where people can express their unique talents and do their best work? ·       ‘Behind every business problem is a human behaviour – problems don’t just happen.’ Find the behavioural issues and you’ve likely found your solution. ·       What are the Engager and Initiator types, what are their advantages and how does DNA Behavior sit apart from other profiling tools? ·       Ensuring all bases are covered with different leadership styles can cause friction but it can also give birth to a robust and profitable culture. ·       Strengths if overplayed become a struggle but by gaining clarity, adapting or learning how to delegate we save our energy to create first-class outcomes. ·       Where financial behaviour fits into the mix. If two people can look at the same transaction differently what implications does this have for your business growth? This conversation is an intersection of so many themes: personal and business; behaviour and financial; and leadership and cultural. Where each meets is a place for pause, consideration, clarity and possibly redirection – but always at the heart, there is purpose. Main Recording Points for Listeners: Behavioural Solutions Architect Defined [9:18] Hugh explains his role as a Behavioural Solutions Architect and how he helps businesses design solutions driven by human behaviour.The Importance of Financial Behaviour [17:11] Discover why measuring financial behaviours is crucial and how it differentiates DNA Behaviour from other profiling tools.Identity and Purpose in Business [25:16] Phil and Hugh discuss the impact of identity and purpose on business decisions and leadership effectiveness.The Strengths and Struggles of Leadership Styles [32:47] Learn about the different leadership styles, such as initiators and engagers, and how their strengths can also be their struggles.Linking Behaviour to Financial Decisions [41:04] Hugh connects the dots between behavioural strengths and financial outcomes, emphasizing the importance of understanding how leaders make financial decisions.Quotes and Highlights: "Behind every business problem, life problem, and financial problem is human behaviour. Problems don’t just happen—they're driven by people.""Money drives a business, but the results come from the actions of people.""Your strengths overplayed can become a struggle; awareness of this is key to effective leadership."Learn More: Visit the Ignium websiteSubscribe for more exclusive content in the Ignium Spark Tank hereListen to the show hereConnect with Hugh Massie: Website: DNA BehaviourLinkedIn: Hugh MassieBooks and Articles Referenced: The Power of Identity: The Information Age by Manuel CastellsStrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom RathKeywords in this episode: Behavioural solutions, financial behaviour, leadership styles, identity, purpose, DNA Behaviour, business success Download Links: Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon MusicGoogle Podcasts

    41 min
  2. 9 JUL

    Engaging voices – how to expand your business through strategic speaking

    ‘When someone is working for a greater mission, it fuels all of our work.’ In this episode of Sparks by Ignium, Phil Rose talks to strategic speaking expert Blair Bryant Nichols about ensuring our message is heard loud and clear. It’s not just what we say that makes the magic, it’s how we purposefully connect it to our audience. We’re not all public speakers but we are all business owners so we need to get our message out there in a way that makes sense. How else are we going to achieve our aims or drive growth? Whether speaking is part of your business model, a sideline or not even on your radar, this podcast is full of takeaways about authenticity, story and the uplifting power of communication. Key points: ·       Why speaking isn’t just a vocation, it’s an advocation. Purpose fuels success. ·       Get over the butterflies by remembering you’re there to give your unique gift to the audience. ·       The expansive nature of diverse voices – and not just when discussing diversity. ·       The pitfalls of not rehearsing enough – and being over-scripted. ·       Why speaking is an effective business tool you might not have thought of. ·       How to convert from the spoken word to personal connections (and sales). ·       Be aspirational but seek to close the gap between you and your audience. ·       Authentic, personal, relatable stories build the strongest connections. ·       Tips on how to use slides. Hint: don’t read them to your audience. There are times when the pressure is on to speak to everyone in the room – and it doesn’t matter if we’re a keynote speaker at a conference or delivering a pitch to our peers. Then there are the times when we’re reaching out to our ideal clients and feel less than confident about it. So there’s something for everyone here.  The Sparks by Ignium podcast is all about you, the listener. That’s why we love it when you get involved. So if there’s something you’d like us to cover, please get in touch – and remember to comment, like and subscribe so that we can help as many people as possible. Thank you. About Blair Strategic speaking expert Blair Bryant Nichols advocates for diverse and purposeful success in the speaking industry. He’s the founder of BBN Creative Management, developing speakers for corporate events, conferences and other opportunities so they can stand up and build engagement with their voices. At the heart of his work is the strategy behind speaking events – in particular, how we leverage stories to engage the minds and hearts of the audience to transform them into clients. He loves new and distant places, reading, creating and being at home with his husband and Shepherd-mix Aspen. Learn more: visit the Ignium Subscribe for more exclusive content in the Ignium Spark Tank Connect with today’s guest: Learn more about Scaling Up:  Sign up to our Ignium bi-monthly Newsletter Connect on LinkedIn Phil Rose

    44 min
  3. 19 JUN

    Why embracing ego is your key to success – and it’s not what you think it is

    Sometimes sorry seems to be the hardest word. How much time and energy could we save if we owned up and apologised more often? We discover that it’s only the right thing to do but it’s the best thing to do if you’re trying to build a team that will expand your business.   Welcome to round two with the ego. This is the second podcast discussion between leadership coach, speaker and author Christie Garcia, and our host, Phil Rose.   They talk about:   What do we think about when we hear the word ego? What misconceptions do we have and how does this harm the way we relate to others?How ego management can save you time, energy and your relationships (both inside and outside the boardroom).When ‘fine’ really isn’t and the pitfalls of not speaking up.You can’t change other people but you can change how you approach them – alleviate frustration, miscommunication and even anger by flexing the way you communicate.How ego doesn’t always have to be on a soap box – it can be even more disabling when it isn’t.The power of vulnerability and owning your dark side. Embracing your not-so-best self is key to unleashing the very best you have to offer.The strong case for understanding, managing and harnessing ego for organisational harmony and growth.  If boardroom disjoint and frayed nerves are frustrating your progress, this episode will give you a new perspective on how to build unity, trust and a shared vision – no matter how diverse your team is.   For more context on Christie Garcia’s approach and the three types of ego at play, the first episode available here is a must-listen. Make some time in your diary to come back to it later.   The Sparks by Ignium podcast is all about you, the listener. That’s why we love it when you get involved. So if there’s something you’d like us to cover, please get in touch – and remember to comment, like and subscribe so that we can help as many people as possible. Thank you.   Ego management expert Christie is the founder of the Mindful Choice Leadership Academy, an organisation dedicated to developing established and emerging leaders along with entrepreneurs and teams. The focus is on lasting change at a human level.

    38 min
  4. 4 JUN

    The power of two: why when we turn monologue into dialogue we double our chances of success.

    In this episode, Phil Rose explores the dynamics of listening to ourselves as much as others. A celebration of the art of the podcast, host Phil Rose invites you, the listener, to join in the conversation.  Highlights include: ·       How you can have your say with ideas for future episodes or questions you’d like answered. (Spotify has a handy participation feature.) ·       Twenty years as a coach have taught him plenty about team training and change management. What do you do when one member of the team threatens to hold everyone back? ·       Are you the dissenter in your own room? ·       How fear of what’s in the gap (or when we feel we’ve missed the mark) can flatten our mood – and how to charge it up again. ·       When we have a conversation with fearful members of our team or our own fears, we’re able to compassionately and effectively dissolve them. Leaving them to fester won’t help. ·       How we all need to challenge our mindset sometimes (including coaches). ·       Why having the right coach will open up dialogues that otherwise may not have occurred. When someone takes the time to ask us the right questions in a safe atmosphere, we’re able to open up to the monologues in our heads. What kind of conversations are you having with yourself right now? Are you throwing too much light on your struggles and misgivings at this time or could you give your achievements and ambition the floor? Listen in and then tell us what you think. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, do you know someone else who would enjoy it too? And please remember to leave us a comment, like and subscribe. Thank you.  Learn More: visit the Ignium Subscribe for more exclusive content in the Ignium Spark Tank Listen to the show: Learn more about Scaling Up: Sign Up to our Ignium Bi Monthly Newsletter Connect on LinkedIn Phil Rose

    21 min
  5. 21 MAY

    Growing your business AND being present for those you love: David Braithwaite Part 2/2

    Phil Rose talks to David Braithwaite Part 2: Growing your business AND being present for those you loveWelcome back to Sparks by Ignium and our second conversation with Strategic Coach and entrepreneur David Braithwaite.In this lively conversation, Phil Rose and David discuss why creating a life that makes sense is imperative to business success. Key points to listen out for: • How can you be more present for the things that matter in life? Can you do this when you’re growing a business? The answer lies in distinguishing between what’s urgent and what’s important. You can put your phone away on sports day and still be successful.• There is a solid connection between regularly writing down your goals and your ability to spot opportunities. It also builds the confidence you need to take the risks your business needs to grow. David shares tips on how to do this and make it into a disciplined practice that will serve you for years to come.• Why tweaking the rudder just one per cent can take you to where you want to go. Tiny habits build into a bigger picture, so it doesn’t always have to be about the big jumps.• The value of looking back as well as looking forward. You’re able to live in the gain of what you’ve accomplished rather than the gap that causes stress and anxiety.• What drives entrepreneurs to keep working well into their 80s? A sense of purpose, connection and doing good. When it’s not work, there’s no need to retire. So we should think about what we’re retiring to not just from. What if retirement was more than just the finish line? An episode full of moments of reflection, it asks deep questions but in a way that makes so much sense. Why shouldn’t we show up as ourselves in our business? Why shouldn’t we prioritise our health and spend time with the people we love? That’s why we set up business for ourselves in the first place. Own your business rather than it owning you to improve your chances of living a long and happy life. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, do you know someone else who would enjoy it too? And please remember to leave us a comment, a review and subscribe for further episodes. Thank you.(Some of) The main points for listeners:Key Questions for listeners to consider: * How does one man run four businesses and balance family life? And how can you do the same?* What does freedom of time, money, relationships, and purpose mean to me?* What is the significance of unique ability in business success?* How does the Strategic Coach program help business owners walk the talk and implement the tools and strategies they learn?* What are the implications of expanding versus contracting in life?* How do you plan for retirement and longevity?* How can I create a plan for where I want to be in life and business?* How can I build habits to become better 1% every day? About David Most people David speaks to feel guilty that they’re not taking more interest in their personal finances, invariably because they either don’t have the time, or they’re intimidated by the jargon-packed confusing mess and cost. David’s passion is to make financial advice understandable. To explain complex matters in ways that make sense and are relevant. He believes in empowering people through knowledge and giving everyone the service and the skills to be able to approach their finances with confidence.This is why he’s often in the media: he loves to demystify money. He guests regularly on live national TV and radio and has written for national magazines and newspapers like The Independent and The Daily Telegraph. He has also spoken at numerous conferences both here and overseas in countries such as Australia, USA, Canada and Ireland. However, his clients always come first. With more than 25 years’ experience in financial planning, from a background in financial services within a stockbroking and banking environment, he uses all this accumulated expertise to serve his clients. He is qualified

    36 min
  6. 30 APR

    From having a ‘JOB’ to running multiple businesses: David Braithwaite on the power of coaching to create freedom Part 1/2

    From having a ‘JOB’ to running multiple businesses: David Braithwaite on the power of coaching to create freedom In this episode of the Sparks by Ignium Podcast, Phil Rose talks to David Braithwaite from Strategic Coach about his experience and advice to entrepreneurs in helping them find the balance they are looking for in their lives. Amongst some of the things discussed he provides valuable insights into the complexities of entrepreneurship and the pursuit of a balanced, fulfilling life. What more could we want! Summary: The summary from said ‘the speakers shared insights into their approaches to coaching, sales, and entrepreneurship, highlighting the importance of effective communication, delegation, and self-motivation. They also discussed the significance of prioritising personal time and family over work, and the need for freedom in various aspects of life.’ I wonder what more needs to be said! But just in case you need more, here’s my take… The conversation delved into the challenges and rewards of business ownership, reflecting on the importance of taking risks and learning from past experiences. Phil and David shared personal stories and reflections on the impact of being present for family moments, highlighting the need to avoid prioritizing work over family. They also discussed the significance of retirement and finding purpose in later life, emphasizing the value of doing what one loves and staying active in later years. David shared his insights into the Strategic Coach program and how it has contributed to his success in achieving his goals. Some of the key take aways for listeners include:  ·         the importance of setting and tracking goals, ·         the impact of accountability and self-discipline on overall fulfilment and progress.    (Some of) The main points for listeners: David's Journey to Entrepreneurship David Braithwaite shares his journey from a young age, where he worked multiple jobs to earn money and gain independence. He explains how his desire to provide honest advice to people led him to transition into financial services, seeking the freedom to guide others based on his own knowledge and experiences, rather than being restricted by representing a specific bank. Running Your Own Business David and Phil share their experiences and insights about the entrepreneurial journey, emphasizing the need for self-motivation and the realization that success is self-driven. They discuss the differences between being employed and self-employed, highlighting the challenges and rewards of running their own businesses. Additionally, they explore the concept of becoming ‘unemployable’ after being self-employed for an extended period. Prioritising Life and Business The need to prioritise personal time and family over work, emphasizing the limited nature of time. They share their experiences in setting up their own businesses and the challenges they encountered in achieving a work-life balance. Key words to listen for: Freedom of time, money, relationships, and purpose Reflections on Priorities and Realizations David shares a personal anecdote about feeling disconnected from his father during a game of golf due to work distractions, leading to a realization about the importance of being present in the moment. He also reflects on his past mindset of prioritizing pension contributions as an escape plan, and the subsequent realization that he was wishing his life away. Reflections on Business and Work-Life Balance Phil shares his emotional reaction to his parents' experience running a business and the sacrifices they made for work. He reflects on the need to find ways to make the business self-managing to achieve a better work-life balance. David discusses his successful hires of a COO and a PA, emphasizing the importance of delegating tasks to focus on one's unique abilities for a more fulfilling work-life balance. Key words to listen for: Importance of Delegation Intro

    47 min
  7. 16 APR

    Unlocking the Power of Storytelling: Insights from Jeff Bartsch on Creativity & Communication - Part 2/2

    In this episode of the Sparks by Ignium Podcast, Phil Rose continues the discussion of storytelling, communication, and creativity with Jeff Bartsch. Jeff shares his journey from music to communication development, emphasizing the importance of understanding audience desires. They explore infusing soul into work, strategic storytelling elements, and effective audience communication. Summary: Phil Rose talks to Jeff Bartsch, covering a range of topics related to storytelling, communication, and creativity. Jeff shares his personal journey of musical development and how it leads him to pursue a path focused on meaningful communication and storytelling. He also discusses his entrepreneurial journey, from coaching television editors to specializing in thought leader and communication development for the accounting and financial world. The discussion delves into the concept of thought leadership, with an emphasis on understanding the audience's desires and obstacles to create impactful storytelling. Phil and Jeff engage in a deep conversation about the essence of communication and creativity, delving into the idea of infusing soul into one's work and connecting with the audience on a deeper level. They draw parallels between playing the piano and building with Legos to underscore the importance of mastering the fundamentals and creating meaningful connections in storytelling and creativity. The discussion also touches on the concept of attaching meaning to ideas and the significance of understanding the audience's perspective, highlighting the transformative power of communication. The conversation covers the core elements of strategic storytelling, including identity, desire, obstacles, and change, and emphasizes the significance of understanding the audience's identity and desires. They explore the concept of understanding the audience's identity, desires, obstacles, and the change they seek, emphasizing the need for businesses to communicate effectively by addressing the audience's problems. The conversation also touches on the strategic level of communication, highlighting the importance of choosing who to communicate with and who not to, in order to narrow down the market and effectively serve the audience's needs. (Some of) The main points for listeners: Jeff Bartsch’s Journey to Playing from the Soul:Reflections on his musical journey.Transition from being known as “Jeff the Piano Guy.” Realization of playing from the soul and connecting deeply with the audience. Shift from technical skills to infusing emotion and meaning into music. Impact on communication and human connection in his career. Transition to Thought Leadership:Jeff’s shift from coaching television editors. Focus on thought leadership and communication development in accounting and finance. Significance of helping accountants become thought leaders. Effective communication and emotional connection.The Power of Storytelling:Highlighting storytelling’s role in connecting with the audience. Tailoring narratives to resonate with the medium used. Fundamental communication and storytelling skills.Empowering Accountants to Become Thought Leaders:Leveraging fundamental skills. Overcoming the “curse of expertise.”  Case study: Virtual CFO Hannah’s successful communication of financial meaning to the CEO. Balancing Numbers and Meaning: The Hannah Case Study o    Meet virtual CFO Hannah, a master of balancing company valuation and employee compensation. o    Discover how effective communication about financial numbers transformed her interactions with the CEO. o    Learn how Hannah’s ability to convey meaning behind the metrics elevated her role and impact. Creativity, Communication, and Legos o    Jeff and Phil explore the transformative power of creativity and communication. o    Beyond mastering the basics, they discuss infusing soul into work and creating something meaningful. o    Drawing parallels between playing the piano and build

    31 min
  8. 2 APR

    Unlocking the Power of Storytelling: Insights from Jeff Bartsch on Creativity & Communication - Part 1/2

    Unlocking the Power of Storytelling: Insights from Jeff Bartsch on Creativity & Communication In this episode of the Sparks by Ignium Podcast, Phil Rose discusses storytelling, communication, and creativity with Jeff Bartsch. Jeff shares his journey from music to communication development, emphasizing the importance of understanding audience desires. They explore infusing soul into work, strategic storytelling elements, and effective audience communication. Summary: Phil Rose talks to Jeff Bartsch, covering a range of topics related to storytelling, communication, and creativity. Jeff shares his personal journey of musical development and how it leads him to pursue a path focused on meaningful communication and storytelling. He also discusses his entrepreneurial journey, from coaching television editors to specializing in thought leader and communication development for the accounting and financial world. The discussion delves into the concept of thought leadership, with an emphasis on understanding the audience's desires and obstacles to create impactful storytelling. Phil and Jeff engage in a deep conversation about the essence of communication and creativity, delving into the idea of infusing soul into one's work and connecting with the audience on a deeper level. They draw parallels between playing the piano and building with Legos to underscore the importance of mastering the fundamentals and creating meaningful connections in storytelling and creativity. The discussion also touches on the concept of attaching meaning to ideas and the significance of understanding the audience's perspective, highlighting the transformative power of communication. The conversation covers the core elements of strategic storytelling, including identity, desire, obstacles, and change, and emphasizes the significance of understanding the audience's identity and desires. They explore the concept of understanding the audience's identity, desires, obstacles, and the change they seek, emphasizing the need for businesses to communicate effectively by addressing the audience's problems. The conversation also touches on the strategic level of communication, highlighting the importance of choosing who to communicate with and who not to, in order to narrow down the market and effectively serve the audience's needs. (Some of) The main points for listeners: Jeff Bartsch’s Journey to Playing from the Soul: Reflections on his musical journey. Transition from being known as “Jeff the Piano Guy.” Realization of playing from the soul and connecting deeply with the audience. Shift from technical skills to infusing emotion and meaning into music. Impact on communication and human connection in his career. Transition to Thought Leadership: Jeff’s shift from coaching television editors. Focus on thought leadership and communication development in accounting and finance. Significance of helping accountants become thought leaders. Effective communication and emotional connection. The Power of Storytelling: Highlighting storytelling’s role in connecting with the audience. Tailoring narratives to resonate with the medium used. Fundamental communication and storytelling skills. Empowering Accountants to Become Thought Leaders: Leveraging fundamental skills. Overcoming the “curse of expertise.”  Case study: Virtual CFO Hannah’s successful communication of financial meaning to the CEO. Balancing Numbers and Meaning: The Hannah Case Study o    Meet virtual CFO Hannah, a master of balancing company valuation and employee compensation. o    Discover how effective communication about financial numbers transformed her interactions with the CEO. o    Learn how Hannah’s ability to convey meaning behind the metrics elevated her role and impact. Creativity, Communication, and Legos o    Jeff and Phil explore the transformative power of creativity and communication. o    Beyond mastering the basics, they discuss infusing soul into work and creati

    46 min


Conversations with business founders, leaders and experts, examining the changing landscape of leadership, purpose, business growth, Scaling Up, resilience and change with business leaders and owners in mind. We cover a mix of topics designed to ignite (or re-ignite) your spark one conversation at a time. Learn More: visit the Ignium Subscribe for more exclusive content in the Ignium Spark Tank: Connect with your host Phil Rose on LinkedIn:

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