15 episodi

This is an English learning podcast where we explore the strangest, craziest, and most interesting stories from around the Web.

英文主講: AJ
中文主講: LC

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Hosting provided by SoundOn

英文這回事 What's Up in English‪?‬ AJ & LC

    • Istruzione

This is an English learning podcast where we explore the strangest, craziest, and most interesting stories from around the Web.

英文主講: AJ
中文主講: LC

★ free逐字稿+詳細重點解析:

★ 我們的IG: ajxlc_english

★ 聯絡信箱:

Hosting provided by SoundOn

    #15 面試路上驚見食人巨獸趴趴走

    #15 面試路上驚見食人巨獸趴趴走

    ★ free逐字稿+詳細重點解析: https://forms.gle/vbthgcNKzLZnrj5Q7


    *send shivers down one’s spine 使人非常害怕或興奮
    ES: When LC yells at me, it sends shivers down my spine.

    *cliffhanger (n.) 懸念、扣人心弦的劇情
    ES: What happened next? Please don’t leave us on a cliffhanger!

    *intrigued (adj.) 感到好奇、有興趣的
    ES: I’m intrigued by the story.

    *mannequin (n.) 人形模特兒
    ES: You can see mannequins in every shopping mall.

    *humanely (adv.) 人道地
    ES: The alligator was humanely killed after being caught.

    *euthanasia (n.) 安樂死
    Euthanasia is legal in some countries.

    ★ 我們的IG: ajxlc_english

    ★ 聯絡信箱:whatsupinenglish@gmail.com

    • 11 min
    #14 104歲人瑞奶奶再戰skydiving!

    #14 104歲人瑞奶奶再戰skydiving!

    ★ free逐字稿+詳細重點解析: https://forms.gle/vbthgcNKzLZnrj5Q7


    *a bucket list 死前夢想清單
    ES: What's on your bucket list?

    *skydive (v.) 高空跳傘
    ES: LC will never ever skydive.
    = LC will never ever go skydiving.

    *break a record 打破紀錄
    set a record 創下紀錄
    ES: Taylor Swift broke the record for the most number-one albums by a woman in history this year.

    *motto (n.) 座右銘
    ES: "Happy wife, happy life" is AJ's motto.

    *regardless of 不論、不管 (+N/Ving)
    ES: Regardless of how old you are, I will still love you.

    ★ 我們的IG: ajxlc_english

    ★ 聯絡信箱:whatsupinenglish@gmail.com

    • 11 min
    #13 外星生物遺骸現身墨西哥國會?

    #13 外星生物遺骸現身墨西哥國會?

    ★ free逐字稿+詳細重點解析: https://forms.gle/vbthgcNKzLZnrj5Q7


    *self-described/self-proclaimed (adj.) 自稱…的
    ES: Jaime Maussan is a self-described UFO expert.
    ES: I'm a self-proclaimed movie buff.

    *create/cause a stir 引發騷動、造成軒然大波
    ES: He created a stir in Mexico's Congress.
    ES: My co-worker’s new look created a stir in the office.

    *skeptical (adj.) 存疑的、抱持懷疑態度的。
    ES: We're also skeptical about Jaime Maussan's claims.
    ES: I’m skeptical about how many guys you dated before meeting me.

    *sth be made up 編造的、造假的
    ES: This whole thing might be made up.

    *UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) 不明飛行物體
    UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) 不明異常現象

    ★ 我們的IG: ajxlc_english

    ★ 聯絡信箱:whatsupinenglish@gmail.com

    • 14 min
    #12 賓州殺人犯的慘痛越獄之路

    #12 賓州殺人犯的慘痛越獄之路

    ★ free逐字稿+詳細重點解析: https://forms.gle/vbthgcNKzLZnrj5Q7


    *convict (v.) 定罪 / (n.) 已在服刑的囚犯
    ES: Danelo Cavalcante was convicted of first-degree murder.
    ES: He is a convict.

    *sentence (n.) 刑期 / (v.) 判刑
    ES: What was his sentence?
    ES: He was sentenced to life in prison.

    *be on the run 某人為躲避警方追捕而逃亡
    ES: He had been on the run for two weeks.

    *fugitive (n.) 逃犯
    ES: He was a fugitive.

    *add character to… 為…增添特色
    ES: That old, weird painting on our wall adds character to our living room.

    ★ 我們的IG: ajxlc_english

    ★ 聯絡信箱:whatsupinenglish@gmail.com

    • 13 min
    #11 日男Tocoの四腳動物夢

    #11 日男Tocoの四腳動物夢

    ★ free逐字稿+詳細重點解析: https://forms.gle/vbthgcNKzLZnrj5Q7


    *custom-made (adj.) 訂製的
    custom-made wedding dresses
    custom-made suits
    custom-made furniture
    ES: Toco spent two million yen on a custom-made collie costume.

    *whopping (adj.) 用來強調數量、尺寸、程度之巨大
    ES: It took me a whopping five months to finish the project.

    *fetish (n.) 戀物癖
    a foot fetish 戀腳癖
    ES: AJ doesn't have a foot fetish.

    *genuinely (adv.) 真實地、真誠地
    ES: I'm genuinely sorry.

    ★ 我們的IG: ajxlc_english

    ★ 聯絡信箱:whatsupinenglish@gmail.com

    • 12 min
    #10 異食女子的白色軟點心

    #10 異食女子的白色軟點心

    ★ free逐字稿+詳細重點解析: https://forms.gle/vbthgcNKzLZnrj5Q7


    *craving (n.) 渴求、渴望
    have a craving for sth 渴求、渴望某事物
    ES: I have a craving for a mango slushie on a hot summer day.

    *crave (v.) 渴求、渴望
    ES: Kinah craves toilet paper.

    *addiction (n.) 成癮、上癮
    have an addiction to sth 對某事物成癮
    ES: Kinah has an addiction to eating toilet paper.
    *addicted (adj.) 成癮的、上癮的
    be addicted to sth 對某事物成癮
    ES: Most people are addicted to their cell phones.

    *indulge (v.)
    indulge in sth 縱情、沉溺於…
    ES: Kinah indulges in her unique habit.

    *mind-boggling (adj.) 難以置信的、無法想像的
    ES: It’s mind-boggling.

    ★ 我們的IG: ajxlc_english

    ★ 聯絡信箱:whatsupinenglish@gmail.com

    • 13 min

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