380 episodi

Our Spotify Playlists are here:

Dhammatalks, Chanting, Precepts and Meditation
with Ajahn Dhammasiha and other
experienced Senior Buddhist Monks
in the Theravada Forest Tradition of Ajahn Chah.
Recorded at Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage,
Brisbane, Australia.

Our website:

Our Youtube Channel,
including regular live streams on the weekend
"Dhammatalks at Dhammagiri":

Our email Newsletter:


Dhammagiri Buddhist Podcasts Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage

    • Religione e spiritualità

Our Spotify Playlists are here:

Dhammatalks, Chanting, Precepts and Meditation
with Ajahn Dhammasiha and other
experienced Senior Buddhist Monks
in the Theravada Forest Tradition of Ajahn Chah.
Recorded at Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage,
Brisbane, Australia.

Our website:

Our Youtube Channel,
including regular live streams on the weekend
"Dhammatalks at Dhammagiri":

Our email Newsletter:


    Joyful Meditation | Ajahn Dhammasiha | Dhammagiri | Buddhist Dhamma Talk

    Joyful Meditation | Ajahn Dhammasiha | Dhammagiri | Buddhist Dhamma Talk

    We can train ourselves to enjoy meditation, or actually any kind of activity.

    Perception is not-self, it depends on conditions, and if we cultivate the right conditions, then our perception will change accordingly.

    The ability to turn ones perception around has been called 'Ariya-Iddhi' (Noble Psychic Power) by the Buddha. The enlightened Arahants can see the attractive as disgusting, or the revolting as delightful, or they can percieve it as neither repulsive nor pleasant, but just observe it with equanimity.

    Once we develop that skill, even only to a limited extend, our life will be much easier:

    Just imagine you perceive doing the dishes, or cleaning the toilet, or any required chores, as being fun - all tough duties are suddenly very easy!
    Just imagine you perceive the experience of breathing in and out as exceedingly delightful, even blissful - breath meditation will be so easy!

    By noticing how much our perception can be deliberately changed, we also undermine the delusion that perception (saññā) is self.

    By the way, we've got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


    Our Podcast is also available on our own Dhammagiri Website, no need for any special app, just listen in any browser:


    More about Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage:


    Our Youtube Channel:


    Our email Newsletter:


    Our Podcasts on Spotify:


    Our Podcasts on Apple/itunes:



    • 28 min
    Visits to Amaravati, Muttodaya & Cittaviveka | LPS90 Event | Ajahn Dhammasiha

    Visits to Amaravati, Muttodaya & Cittaviveka | LPS90 Event | Ajahn Dhammasiha

    After his return to Dhammagiri, Ajahn Dhammasiha shares some experiences from his travels.

    Some photos can be seen here:


    He first attended the huge event for Luang Por Sumedho's 90th birthday at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery near London.

    LP Sumedho is the most senior Western disciple of Ajahn Chah, and the founder of Wat Pah Nanachat, Cittaviveka and Amaravati Monasteries.

    You can find more info about this great celebration attended by some 140 monastics here:


    Ajahn Dhammasiha also visited Muttodaya Monastery in Germany, and Cittaviveka in the south of England, Sussex.

    The website for Ajahn Khantiko's little place in Jena, Germany, which Ajahn couldn't remember correctly in the video, is:




    • 41 min
    What possessions are buddhist monks allowed to own?

    What possessions are buddhist monks allowed to own?

    The term ‘bhikkhu’ is defined as ‘almsman’, or ‘mendicant’. One who depends on the generosity of others for his material needs. What kinds of requisits are buddhist monks allowed to have and how should they relate to them?

    By the way, we’ve got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


    Our Podcast is also available on our own Dhammagiri Website, no need for any special app, just listen in any browser:


    More about Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage:


    Our Youtube Channel:


    Our email Newsletter:


    Our Podcasts on Spotify:


    Our Podcasts on Apple/itunes:



    • 31 min
    Cleanliness is next to Godliness - Spiritual Practice and Purification | Dhammagiri

    Cleanliness is next to Godliness - Spiritual Practice and Purification | Dhammagiri

    Ajahn Dhammasiha compares spiritual practice and meditation with the task of cleaning to show how they are related to each other.

    By the way, we’ve got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


    Our Podcast is also available on our own Dhammagiri Website, no need for any special app, just listen in any browser:


    More about Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage:


    Our Youtube Channel:


    Our email Newsletter:


    Our Podcasts on Spotify:


    Our Podcasts on Apple/itunes:



    • 32 min
    The benefits of Metta (loving-kindness) to motivate ourselves

    The benefits of Metta (loving-kindness) to motivate ourselves

    Ajahn Dhammasiha explains about the various benefits of developing Metta (loving-kindness), especially to motivate ourselves.

    By the way, we’ve got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


    Our Podcast is also available on our own Dhammagiri Website, no need for any special app, just listen in any browser:


    More about Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage:


    Our Youtube Channel:


    Our email Newsletter:


    Our Podcasts on Spotify:


    Our Podcasts on Apple/itunes:



    • 40 min
    Sañña - The role of Perception in the teaching of the Buddha

    Sañña - The role of Perception in the teaching of the Buddha

    Sañña, usually translated as perception, is one of the 5 Aggregates (Khandha), one of the central teachings of the Buddha. Learn more about the meaning of the Pali word and how it relates to the origination and cessation of suffering.

    By the way, we’ve got playlists of our Visiting Teachers, Chanting, Guided Meditations and Sutta Explorations available on our Spotify Profile here:


    Our Podcast is also available on our own Dhammagiri Website, no need for any special app, just listen in any browser:


    More about Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage:


    Our Youtube Channel:


    Our email Newsletter:


    Our Podcasts on Spotify:


    Our Podcasts on Apple/itunes:



    • 42 min

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