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RSGB GB2RS broadcast published as a downloadable podcast.

GB2RS Weekly RSGB News Broadcast read by Jeremy G4NJH.

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RSGB GB2RS broadcast published as a downloadable podcast.

    RSGB GB2RS News bulletin for 30th June 2024

    RSGB GB2RS News bulletin for 30th June 2024

    GB2RS News
    Sunday the 30th of June 2024
    The news headlines:
    The IARU HF Championship is coming up
    Learn about the QMX+ transceiver at the next RSGB Tonight@8 webinar
    The Examinations Standards Committee has published its annual report
    The IARU HF Championship contest will be held between the 13th and 14th of July and there is a great opportunity for you to get involved in a different way this year. During the contest, ‘Headquarters Stations’ represent their countries and the RSGB’s station GR2HQ will be run by a network of about a dozen stations around the UK and islands. This year, the RSGB Contest Committee has introduced a new challenge to encourage individual stations to work the GR2HQ station on each band-mode slot. You will be able to submit your log, including QSOs with GR2HQ, to the RSGB contest robot for the GR2HQ Challenge. If you include your club or group name when you submit your log, each QSO with GR2HQ will count towards an aggregate score for your club or team. There will be two results tables, one for individuals taking part and one for clubs, so your QSOs can contribute to both! Why not encourage your club members to take part in this special challenge whether they are regular contesters or not. By contacting the GR2HQ station you’ll also help the RSGB’s position in the contest – last year the RSGB came third and the Society would love to improve on that result. You can read more in the June RadCom feature on the GR2HQ Challenge and you can see the rules on the RSGB website at thersgb.org/go/gr2hq
    The next RSGB Tonight@8 webinar is on Monday the 8th of July when Hans Summers, G0UPL from QRP Labs will give a presentation on the QMX+ multi-mode 160 to 6m transceiver kit design and features. This is a great opportunity to find out more and ask questions live on the night. You can watch on the RSGB YouTube channel or special BATC channel. Find out more about the webinar on the RSGB website at rsgb.org/webinars
    The Examinations Standards Committee has published its annual report, relating to activities in 2023. Whilst the report shows that in 2023 there were fewer candidates across all licence levels, the number of people taking exams so far in 2024 has increased significantly. Another item in the report relates to the preparations that are being made to release the bank of questions for the Full licence exam. The ESC Chair, Tony Kent, G8PBH says that it has long been recognised that a review of the question bank, particularly at Full level, is well overdue and has been delayed multiple times by things such as the need to revise the syllabus for EMF and the new licence changes. Reviewing the question bank is the next priority of the ESC and the Exams and Syllabus Review Group and will begin on the 1st of September when Syllabus 1.6 is up and running. The ESC and ESRG believe it is better that this review is conducted before the bank is published as this should reduce the workload on the community and the exams teams in making and responding to queries on questions that may be withdrawn. They are hoping to release the questions in January 2025. To see the full ESC report go to rsgb.org/esc  and click on the minutes, papers and reports tab on the right.
    The team from hi-impact based on the Wirral is planning its first high-altitude balloon launch of 2024. This time, working alongside staff and pupils from Monks Coppenhall Academy near Crewe, they will launch at 11am on Wednesday the 3rd of July 2024, from their usual location in Cilcewydd, near Welshpool in Wales. They will be running a HABduino and encourage all amateurs and short-wave listeners to upload telemetry to SondeHub. The frequency will be 434.650MHz USB, transmitting 50 Baud RTTY, 425Hz Shift and using 7N1 data format. The callsign is MONKS_HAB. Updates will be posted on hi-impact’s Facebook page and on X @hiimpactconsult
    This year, the Churches and Chapels on the Air event will take place on Saturday the 14th of September. I

    • 16 min
    RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 23rd June 2024

    RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 23rd June 2024

    GB2RS News
    Sunday the 23rd of June 2024
    The news headlines:
    RSGB Convention workshops and practical sessions – what would you like?
    RSGB Team interviewed by ICQ Podcast at the Dayton Hamvention in May
    Don’t forget to try the updated RSGB Discovery Scheme
    Do you like making things? Are you interested in finding out more about the Raspberry Pi or programming an Arduino? Have you heard about the NanoVNA and DragonOS but don’t know where to start? The RSGB wants its 2024 Convention to offer practical sessions to help radio amateurs try something new, develop their skills and go away inspired! If you can offer to run a workshop or a practical session over the weekend of the 11th to the 13th of October, or you’d like to take part in one, please email the RSGB Convention Team via convention@rsgb.org.uk by the 3rd of July. As part of its strategy, the RSGB wants to ensure that this prestigious annual event not only meets the needs of its members but also helps every radio amateur to share their love of the hobby with others.
    Members of the RSGB Team, including RSGB President John McCullagh, GI4BWM and RSGB General Manager Steve Thomas, M1ACB, had a successful time at the Dayton Hamvention in May. The event was a brilliant opportunity to engage with radio amateurs from around the world and it resulted in 132 people joining the RSGB. It also provided several media opportunities with podcasters, YouTubers and local news outlets. Martin Butler, M1MRB from ICQ Podcast was one of those who interviewed the President and the General Manager. The interview covered a wide range of topics, from using the new licence conditions as part of outreach, to the RSGB’s role in defending the spectrum and even to the RSGB President’s amateur radio activities with both RAYNET UK and SOTA! For the full interview go to Episode 432 on icqpodcast.com and listen just before two hours into the episode.
    Have you tried the updated RSGB Discovery Scheme? Now called the Discovery Logbook, there are fewer requirements, an easy-to-follow programme and exciting links with external organisations such as Parks On The Air and Worked All Britain. There are also some great RSGB Awards to work towards if you’d like to include those in your programme of activities. As a relatively new radio amateur, Jim, ME7HEF had found that the sheer breadth of the hobby made it a little difficult to know where to start. The Discovery Scheme gave him a simple structure to try various aspects of amateur radio and he has enjoyed it. Read more about Jim’s experience on the RSGB website at rsgb.org/your-stories and follow the links to find out how you could try something new using the Discovery Logbook.
    The RSGB is looking for an individual to take on the complex role of Editor of the annual RSGB Yearbook, following the retirement of the previous Editor. This is a paid post, working part-time from home for a few months each year, and is offered as a fixed-term contract. You will need experience of editing material from a wide range of sources and working to deadlines, as well as having attention to detail. An understanding of desktop publishing programs such as InDesign will be helpful along with knowledge of the breadth of amateur radio in the UK today. If you are interested in this post, please email authors@rsgb.org.uk with an appropriate CV or covering statement of your abilities.
    Last weekend was 1940s weekend at the Bletchley Park Museum. The RSGB National Radio Centre, or NRC, supported the event by hosting the World War Two Special Operations Executive radio station, GB1SOE. The station, operating on the 40m band, attracted lots of visitor attention, as did GB3RS which was busy on the air as part of the Museums on the Air weekend. NRC volunteers made QSOs and invited visitors to pass greetings messages. If appropriate, the volunteers used the new licence conditions to allow visitors to run QSOs themselves under supervision. The weekend was a huge success and 1,211

    • 15 min
    RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 16th June 2024

    RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 16th June 2024

    GB2RS News
    Sunday the 16th of June 2024
     The news headlines:
    The RSGB’s annual Convention is coming up in October
    National Coding Week returns in September
    Exercise Blue Ham is taking place this week
     This year, the RSGB’s annual Convention will take place from the 11th to the 13th of October. What would you like to see at the Convention? This year the Society is offering everyone the opportunity to propose a presentation, a topic, a practical session or a project to share. Are you involved in some new research? Have you discovered something new in amateur radio that you’re keen to share? Are you part of an interesting project that will take amateur radio to new audiences? Or have you helped to make amateur radio more accessible to people with different abilities? If you’d like to offer, or suggest, a presentation on these, or any other topics, please send your proposal to the Convention Team. As part of its strategy, the RSGB wants to ensure that this prestigious annual event not only meets the needs of its members but also helps every radio amateur to share their love of the hobby with others. The deadline for proposals is Wednesday the 3rd of July so it is important to send in your ideas as soon as possible. Email convention@rsgb.org.uk and make sure you put ‘Convention proposal’ and the topic in the email title.
    National Coding Week runs in September. Coding – or programming as it used to be called – is used in a range of amateur radio activities. This year the Society would like to develop its activities further by appointing a volunteer National Coding Week Coordinator. Could you encourage people, help them with their ideas and work with HQ teams to publicise and support activities? If you love computer programming and think you could help others enjoy it through amateur radio, why not think about offering an activity or volunteering to be the RSGB’s National Coding Week Coordinator? Get in touch by emailing strategy@rsgb.org.uk
    RAF Air Cadets are running the ever-popular Blue Ham Radio Communications Exercise, on the 60m band, between the 17th and 21st of June. Subject to your licence conditions, the Blue Ham team hopes that you can put some time aside to join in with the cadets and staff who will be ready to take your calls. The Blue Ham Team will issue you with a participation certificate if, during the period of the exercise, you contact 20 or more special military cadet callsigns with an MRE prefix. For more information visit alphacharlie.org.uk  Please note that only Full licensees may operate on the 60m band.
    The May 2024 edition of the IARU Region 1 Monitoring System Newsletter is now available. The newsletter contains details of intrusions into amateur bands, and you can access it via tinyurl.com/IARUMAY24
    This year, the popular British Inland Waterways on the Air event will take place between the 24th and 26th of August. The event is open to amateurs who use canals, towpaths, rivers, lakes or reservoirs for work or recreation. Registration for the event is now open. To sign up, visit Nunsfield House Amateur Radio Group’s website at nharg.org.uk  and follow the BIWOTA 2024 link.
     And now for details of rallies and events
    The East Suffolk Wireless Revival, also known as the Ipswich Radio Rally, is taking place today, the 16th of June. The venue is Kirton Recreation Ground, Back Road, Kirton, IP10 0PW, just off the A14. The doors open at 9.30 am and the entry fee for visitors is £3. The site has free car parking and catering is available. For more information, contact Kevin, G8MXV on 07710 046 846 or visit eswr.org.uk
    The Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society Rally will take place on Saturday the 22nd of June at Ballygilbert Presbyterian Church Halls. The doors open at 11.30 am. For more information, the Society can be contacted via its Facebook page.
    The Newbury Radio Rally is set to take place on Sunday the 23rd of June. The venue will be Newbury Showground, next to junction 13

    • 13 min
    RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 9th June 2024

    RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 9th June 2024

    GB2RS News
    Sunday the 9th of June 2024
     The news headlines:
    TX Factor is marking its tenth anniversary by launching its 30th episode
    Changes to the four-year planning rule in England
    Bath Based Distance Learning’s next Full licence course is starting soon
    TX Factor is marking its tenth anniversary by launching its 30th episode. It looks at how radio technology has advanced since Marconi conducted some of his early transmissions. The episode includes the first of a two-part feature on operating via the QO-100 geostationary satellite with a look at the hardware and software needed to achieve your first QSO at home or out mobile. Bob, G0FGX reviews the FTM-500D which is the latest mobile transceiver from Yaesu and demonstrates the many advanced features of this versatile FM and digital rig. There is a visit to Sidmouth Amateur Radio Society which secured a derelict former sports social club from the local council and turned it into a community hub and the club’s new QTH. Watch this interesting episode and don’t miss out on the TX Factor free-to-enter draw with a chance to win three RSGB publications. You can see this and previous episodes on txfactor.co.uk
    The four-year planning rule has offered a degree of protection for antennas and masts that have been erected without planning permission. Under this rule any installations which had been installed and unchanged for four years or more were protected against planning enforcement action. However, as of the 25th of April 2024, this rule ceased to exist in its current form in England under changes introduced under the Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023. The rule has been replaced by a more stringent ten-year period for the exemption from enforcement for residential dwellings. This change does not affect Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland where the four-year rule will continue to apply. Any installation that was substantially completed before the introduction of the Act will still be subject to the four-year rule meaning, for most radio amateurs, the ten-year rule will not apply until the 24th of April 2028. For more information on planning matters visit rsgb.org/planning
    Bath Based Distance Learning’s next Full licence course runs from August to December, with exams in January. There is no charge for the training, but applicants must work through some pre-course material and complete a quiz to be eligible for a place. To request full details, and an application form, please email Bath Based Distance Learning’s Team Leader, Steve, G0FUW via g0fuw@bbdl.org.uk
    A reminder that the RSGB is asking radio amateurs to share their ideas on the theme of ‘change and adapt’, as part of plans for British Science Week 2025. The event is run by the British Science Association and celebrates science, technology, engineering and maths. The 2025 theme offers a huge range of opportunities for creativity and discovery. Ideas could cover any area from construction to propagation, from making QSOs under supervision to space and satellites. This is a chance to show young people in schools, or anyone in your local community, just how interesting and enjoyable amateur radio can be. Please send ideas to the RSGB British Science Week Coordinator Ian Neal, M0KEO at bsw@rsgb.org.uk To find out more about the previous year’s activities, or next year’s theme, you can visit rsgb.org/bsw
    Don’t forget that you have the opportunity to get even more out of your RSGB membership. If you recommend a friend who hasn’t been an RSGB member during the last 12 months, you will both receive £10 cashback when they become a member paying by direct debit. Whether you’re an individual RSGB member or an affiliated club, you can sign up as many friends as you like. Membership of the RSGB gives you a range of fantastic benefits so why not encourage others to join? Members have access to RadCom, exclusive online resources, RSGB award schemes and contests, as well as advice from the Society’s specia

    • 19 min
    RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 2nd June 2024

    RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 2nd June 2024

    GB2RS News
    Sunday the 2nd of June 2024
     The news headlines:
    Nominations for IARU President and Vice President have been ratified
    The next RSGB Tonight@8 webinar is coming up
    RSGB National Radio Centre to operate D-Day anniversary special event stations
    IARU member societies have ratified the nomination of Tim Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA and Thomas Wrede, DF2OO as IARU President and Vice President, respectively, for a five-year term which began on the 9th of May 2024. On starting his 4th term as President, Tim Ellam thanked member societies for their support, congratulated Thomas Wrede on his election as Vice President, and also offered a special and heartfelt thank you to Ole Garpestad, LA2RR who retired as IARU Vice President. You can read more on this story via the IARU website at tinyurl.com/IARU2024
    The RSGB Tonight@8 webinar this Monday, the 3rd of June, examines how amateur radio can be accessible and enjoyable even if you have sight, hearing or mobility difficulties. Three radio amateurs will explain how they have adapted their equipment, written software or used extra support from the RSGB or other radio amateurs, to enable them to enjoy all that amateur radio has to offer. There will also be input from Sight Matters, an Isle of Man charity helping to assist over 700 visually impaired members. The charity has recently discovered how much amateur radio can offer people with visual impairments and it has formed the Sight Matters Amateur Radio Club. This aims to encourage new people into the hobby and to help assist existing licence holders back onto the air. Whether this webinar is relevant to you, a friend or colleague, or you’re in a club that is wondering how to support all radio amateurs to enjoy the hobby, make a note of the date and be inspired! You can watch and ask questions live on the RSGB special BATC channel or YouTube channel at youtube.com/theRSGB
    The RSGB’s National Radio Centre will be operating a special event callsign GB2DAY to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings during World War Two. The station will be active between the 6th  and 9th of June. In addition, volunteers will be hosting the special demonstration station GB1SOE on Saturday the 15th of June. Don’t forget that RSGB members can gain free entry to Bletchley Park and the RSGB’s National Radio Centre by downloading a voucher from the RSGB website: rsgb.org/bpvoucher
    The RSGB Board recently spent an afternoon visiting RSGB Headquarters, meeting staff and gaining a more detailed understanding of the work of this professional team. Later that day, the Board received training from members of the senior team about their specialist areas. During the Board meeting the following day, the Board decided to continue with its chosen four strategic priorities until the 2025 AGM. These priorities are the growth of amateur radio; membership of the RSGB; spectrum and licensing; and ensuring the continued financial stability of the Society. To make further progress with the outcomes of the recent growth workshop, the Board allocated a member of its team to champion each of the seven workstreams. Each workstream champion will now create a volunteer team, prioritise work tasks, set measurable objectives, define what success looks like, list deliverables and establish reporting mechanisms and frequency. More details will be shared about these over the coming months.
    Do you have some spare time to support fellow radio amateurs? Are you passionate about the future of amateur radio? Do you like a challenge? The RSGB currently has volunteer vacancies for Regional Representatives in Region 7 South Wales, and Region 12 England East and East Anglia. Could you fill one of those roles? To learn more about being a Regional Representative see the RSGB website or contact the Regional Team Forum Chair, Keith Bird, G4JED via rr10@rsgb.org.uk
    Next week is the 40th anniversary of Volunteers’ Week in the UK. As always, the RSGB will be taking part in t

    • 17 min
    RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 26th May 2024

    RSGB GB2RS News Bulletin for 26th May 2024

    GB2RS News
    Sunday the 26th of May 2024
    The news headlines:
    The RSGB’s Exams and Syllabus Review Group is seeking volunteers
    RSGB representatives had a successful time at Dayton Hamvention
    The RSGB Discovery scheme has just been relaunched in a new format
    The Exams and Syllabus Review Group – or ESRG as it is often known – is looking for new members to move the group forward. Its current task is to approve a new Direct to Full syllabus and to write and approve new questions for the new exams in September due to licence changes. The group meets online every Tuesday between 3 pm and 4.30 pm, with members of the Exam Standards Committee, but meeting times can be changed to accommodate everyone. ESRG volunteers need to be Full licence holders, members of the RSGB and be able to give a few hours a week. This is your chance to shape the future as we move to Syllabus 2.0 in 2025. To volunteer or find out more, contact the ESRG Chair Andrew Lenton via esrg.chair@rsgb.org.uk
    Members of the RSGB Team, including RSGB General Manager, Steve Thomas M1ACB and the RSGB President, John McCullagh GI4BWM had a successful time at the Dayton Hamvention last weekend. The event was a brilliant opportunity to engage with radio amateurs from around the world and resulted in 132 people joining or rejoining the RSGB. There were also several podcasters, YouTubers and local news outlets in attendance. This included WHIO, which is a local US news channel, who interviewed RSGB President, John McCullagh GI4BWM. This was shared on local TV news, radio, as well as online. Josh from Ham Radio Crash Course also did a live stream to his 346,000 YouTube subscribers, which included a chat with RSGB General Manager, Steve Thomas M1ACB and the RSGB President. You can find links to view these clips on the RSGB notices section of the RSGB website.
    The RSGB Discovery scheme has just been relaunched in a new format. Now called the Discovery Logbook, there are fewer requirements, an easy-to-follow programme and exciting links with external organisations such as Parks on the Air and Worked All Britain. There are also some great RSGB Awards to work towards if you’d like to include those in your programme of activities. The RSGB hopes that these links will enable radio amateurs to discover new ways of enjoying their hobby with the guidance and support of experts in those fields. There are three difficulty levels and the first of these, called Explorer, has just been launched. To see the programme activities, find out how to get involved or talk to the Society about linking your organisation with the Discovery Logbook, go to the RSGB website at rsgb.org/discovery
    British Science Week is an annual event run by the British Science Association celebrating science, technology, engineering and maths. The event, which is taking place between the 7th and 16th of March 2025, will have the theme ‘change and adapt’, which lends itself perfectly to amateur radio in the 21st century. As part of its commitment to encourage new radio amateurs into the hobby, the RSGB will again be providing resources and activities to inspire people of all ages to get involved. The RSGB is now collecting ideas for activities for primary and secondary schools, or for use with the wider community. The 2025 theme offers a huge range of opportunities for creativity and discovery. Ideas could cover any area of the hobby, from construction to propagation, from making QSOs under supervision, to space and satellites. Whatever the idea, the Society would love to hear from you. Please send ideas to the RSGB British Science Week Coordinator Ian Neal, M0KEO at bsw@rsgb.org.uk. To find out more about previous activities you can visit rsgb.org/bsw and britishscienceweek.org
    The popular Electromagnetic Field event, also known as ‘EMF Camp’, is taking place between the 30th of May and the 2nd of June. The event is a non-profit camping festival for those with an inquisitive mind. Over 3,000 like-mind

    • 16 min

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