56 episodi

Healthy home design is where your healthy lifestyle and your love for protecting the planet meet. This podcast will help prepare you for your upcoming home renovation / addition or your new home build. It'll help guide you through the process of creating a home that'll enhance the health and happiness of your family, of all people on this earth, and of the earth itself.
Join licensed architect, Kate Hamblet as she dives into healthy home design topics such as sustainable design, reducing household toxins, creating a natural home, how to tackle the home planning process, and designing a functional and comfortable home.
When you live in a home designed for health and wellness, you're living in a home that allows you to easily prioritize self-care, that creates a better sleep environment, that boosts your immune system, that energizes you, that helps create more quality time with your family, that promotes happiness, and that protects the planet and all people on it.
A healthy home nourishes your body, your mind and the earth.

Healthy Home Design Kate Hamblet

    • Tempo libero

Healthy home design is where your healthy lifestyle and your love for protecting the planet meet. This podcast will help prepare you for your upcoming home renovation / addition or your new home build. It'll help guide you through the process of creating a home that'll enhance the health and happiness of your family, of all people on this earth, and of the earth itself.
Join licensed architect, Kate Hamblet as she dives into healthy home design topics such as sustainable design, reducing household toxins, creating a natural home, how to tackle the home planning process, and designing a functional and comfortable home.
When you live in a home designed for health and wellness, you're living in a home that allows you to easily prioritize self-care, that creates a better sleep environment, that boosts your immune system, that energizes you, that helps create more quality time with your family, that promotes happiness, and that protects the planet and all people on it.
A healthy home nourishes your body, your mind and the earth.

    056 // The Home-Building Process: Who To Have On Your Team

    056 // The Home-Building Process: Who To Have On Your Team

    Today we’re talking about who to have on your project team as you design and build your new home, renovation or addition.
    When you’re ready to build a custom new home or renovate your existing home, you have options on who you want to help you complete the project.  
    If you’ve never gone through the renovation or new build process before, you might be feeling a bit clueless on who will be involved.  Do you need an architect, engineers, surveyors?  I’m sure all these questions are swirling around in your head as you begin to plan out the steps to how your house is going to get designed and built.
    So let’s break down all the potential professionals that may need to get involved in your project, and when they typically need to get involved.
    Helpful Links:
    Balanced Architecture (my website)
    Designed For Wellness Course Waitlist
    What is a Healthy Home Consultant

    • 29 min
    055 // Core Green Building: Why You Should Use A Green Certification Program When Designing Your Home

    055 // Core Green Building: Why You Should Use A Green Certification Program When Designing Your Home

    The living building challenge is a program created by the International Living Future Institute (ILFI).  It is about creating buildings that improve the planet and people by being built.  It's very aspirational and pretty hard to achieve.  That’s why ILFA created a second certification program called the Core Green Building Certification that makes achieving a super healthy and sustainable home within reach.  
    I love the concept of building certifications because it provides goals and metrics to keep everyone accountable for creating better buildings.  And I’ve found that the Core Green Building Certification is one of the best programs that encompasses all aspects of health, well-being and planetary health in a realistic, achievable way.  
    So if the idea of having goals and metrics to ensure you really are creating a home that supports your health and well-being, along with the planet, then this certification program is a great one to consider.
    I’m going to discuss the 10 imperatives that combine to create the Core Green Building Certification requirements, and why I love this certification so much that I  plan to follow this framework when I build my home.

    • 30 min
    054 // How to stay within budget when building or renovating your sustainable, healthy home

    054 // How to stay within budget when building or renovating your sustainable, healthy home

    What makes building a house so expensive?  
    Rising construction costs have put a lot of projects on hold or have sent the design team back to the drawing board.  
    How can you renovate or build a new home in these expensive times without compromising your sustainable and wellness-focused design values?
    In this eposide, I talk about the main factors in controlling building costs so that you don't get to the end of your design journey only to find out that you can't afford to build it.

    • 37 min
    053 // Getting your home design ideas out of your head and into a floor plan

    053 // Getting your home design ideas out of your head and into a floor plan

    Link to Blog Post that has ALL the links I mention in the eposide!!
    Are you ready to start designing your dream home, but have no idea how to get all the thoughts and ideas you have floating in your head down on paper?  
    If you’ve been thinking about your house design for a while, and have been saving Pinterest images and making inspiration boards, you have any idea of what you want, but you may be feeling lost on how you turn those ideas into a floor plan.
    If so, I’m going to walk you through 5 steps to get all the ideas out of your head and into a floor plan.
    It is soooo important to spend a lot of time working on the plans for your home renovation or a new build.  
    Even if you plan to hire an architect, I recommend spending time up front on your own working through your ideas and trying out some floor plan layout options.  This will allow you to have more meaningful and detailed conversations with your architect.
    What you’ll discover:
    5 key steps to get your home design right
    The most important thing to figure out for your new home or renovation
    How to create a program of spaces
    What a bubble diagram is and why this needs to be done before creating a floor plan
    The best tools for sketching floor plans
    Link to Blog Post that has ALL the links I mention in the eposide!!

    • 34 min
    052 // Interior Design Options For A Low-Maintenance And Durable House

    052 // Interior Design Options For A Low-Maintenance And Durable House

    In Part 2 of the How to design a durable house episode, we’re covering all things interior.  There are some great ways to make sure the inside of your home is easy to maintain, will keep you safe and healthy, and will last a long time.  We’ll get into materials, ventilation, lighting, and even storage!
    What you’ll discover:
    Why ventilation is key for a durable home and what kind you need
    Low-maintenance and durable flooring options
    Ways to make sure your floors and flooring systems last a long time
    How to make your home easy to clean

    • 27 min
    051 // Design Strategies for a Durable, Low-Maintenance House

    051 // Design Strategies for a Durable, Low-Maintenance House

    Creating a durable home is a big part of creating a sustainable and healthy home.  A durable home means that the house will last a long time and be relatively low-maintenance.  This will help save you money in the long run, so it’s well worth it.  It also helps maintain a healthy indoor environment and makes you more comfortable.  
    In this episode we’ll break down some of the big picture design strategies that you can incorporate into your renovation or new home design to make it a durable, sustainable, long-lasting, healthy, low-maintenance home.

    • 29 min

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