9 min


    • Marketing


Time to bust a myth about capturing attention and creating engagement in marketing.

It's getting harder to get engagement... it’s getting harder to get attention... and it’s getting even harder to get people onto the phone for sales calls… 

So the question is what the hell is going on?

That’s what I want to talk to you about...

I’ve been hearing people tell themselves this (destructive) story all the time…

“I just need to get in front of people more than everyone else to break through the noise and get noticed”.

They believe more content and visibility is the key to getting attention and ultimately results.

So, they constantly broadcast content and information… more posts, emails, and everything else…

And when it falls flat… they just broadcast more… and repeat the cycle.

It’s like some kind of “Attention Hamster Wheel”.

Here’s the thing…

Yes… it’s important to create content and communicate your message with people consistently.

Extremely important.

But volume isn’t the difference maker… What you SAY is the difference maker.

Most people have lost sight of that… and I’ll tell you why.

I remember when the majority of the marketing content I would see in a day came from turning the TV on.

And if I didn’t watch TV that day… I wouldn’t see much… compared to where we are today.

Now it’s hard to look anywhere or do anything without being bombarded by content.

On our phones… computers… tablets… apps… everywhere... every minute.

People are constantly consuming content… and most of the time not by choice…

And it’s gotten to the point where it’s overwhelming and chaotic.

So, when you give people MORE stuff to consume…

You only make the problem worse and become more noise… if you aren’t talking about something that MATTERS to them.

It’s like serving people water vs. whiskey.

What happens when people take 12 shots of whiskey?

They get drunk, disoriented, scattered… and are hard to talk to.

What happens when people take 12 shots of water?

They feel refreshed, clear, alert… and are easy to talk to.

It’s the same with marketing.

More content doesn’t mean more engagement and attention... only relevant, valuable content.


Ask yourself this question:

1) What are the top things my audience cares about?


Love the Power and Production Principles & Insights Shared in Today’s Episode? Join the daily conversation with over a THOUSAND entrepreneurs committed to creating more sales, impact, and influence -- and ultimately getting big results and building things that matter, inside the SELL IT WITH STORIES Facebook Group, TODAY!

Be great,



Time to bust a myth about capturing attention and creating engagement in marketing.

It's getting harder to get engagement... it’s getting harder to get attention... and it’s getting even harder to get people onto the phone for sales calls… 

So the question is what the hell is going on?

That’s what I want to talk to you about...

I’ve been hearing people tell themselves this (destructive) story all the time…

“I just need to get in front of people more than everyone else to break through the noise and get noticed”.

They believe more content and visibility is the key to getting attention and ultimately results.

So, they constantly broadcast content and information… more posts, emails, and everything else…

And when it falls flat… they just broadcast more… and repeat the cycle.

It’s like some kind of “Attention Hamster Wheel”.

Here’s the thing…

Yes… it’s important to create content and communicate your message with people consistently.

Extremely important.

But volume isn’t the difference maker… What you SAY is the difference maker.

Most people have lost sight of that… and I’ll tell you why.

I remember when the majority of the marketing content I would see in a day came from turning the TV on.

And if I didn’t watch TV that day… I wouldn’t see much… compared to where we are today.

Now it’s hard to look anywhere or do anything without being bombarded by content.

On our phones… computers… tablets… apps… everywhere... every minute.

People are constantly consuming content… and most of the time not by choice…

And it’s gotten to the point where it’s overwhelming and chaotic.

So, when you give people MORE stuff to consume…

You only make the problem worse and become more noise… if you aren’t talking about something that MATTERS to them.

It’s like serving people water vs. whiskey.

What happens when people take 12 shots of whiskey?

They get drunk, disoriented, scattered… and are hard to talk to.

What happens when people take 12 shots of water?

They feel refreshed, clear, alert… and are easy to talk to.

It’s the same with marketing.

More content doesn’t mean more engagement and attention... only relevant, valuable content.


Ask yourself this question:

1) What are the top things my audience cares about?


Love the Power and Production Principles & Insights Shared in Today’s Episode? Join the daily conversation with over a THOUSAND entrepreneurs committed to creating more sales, impact, and influence -- and ultimately getting big results and building things that matter, inside the SELL IT WITH STORIES Facebook Group, TODAY!

Be great,


9 min