164 episodi

Improving your COMMUNICATION SKILLS can help you get noticed and get promoted!

Dr. Andrea Wojnicki is a Harvard-educated communication coach whose research focuses on interpersonal communication and consumer psychology. Through the TALK ABOUT TALK podcast, Andrea and her guests share advice on how to elevate your communication skills.

Learn about:

• overcoming IMPOSTER SYNDROME & communicating with CONFIDENCE


• communication skills for LEADERS


• LISTENING skills


and more!

Subscribe to the Talk About Talk podcast and sign up for the weekly communication coaching newsletter.

Talk About Talk - Communication Skills Training Dr. Andrea Wojnicki

    • Istruzione

Improving your COMMUNICATION SKILLS can help you get noticed and get promoted!

Dr. Andrea Wojnicki is a Harvard-educated communication coach whose research focuses on interpersonal communication and consumer psychology. Through the TALK ABOUT TALK podcast, Andrea and her guests share advice on how to elevate your communication skills.

Learn about:

• overcoming IMPOSTER SYNDROME & communicating with CONFIDENCE


• communication skills for LEADERS


• LISTENING skills


and more!

Subscribe to the Talk About Talk podcast and sign up for the weekly communication coaching newsletter.

    Let’s Talk AGEISM (ep.160)

    Let’s Talk AGEISM (ep.160)

    Has ageism impacted you – yet? Learn what ageism is, the nuances of how it affects us, and most importantly, three actionable strategies to combat it. Andrea highlights the importance of maintaining a strong personal brand, avoiding age-related details, and the opportunity to control your narrative by addressing age directly 



    LinkedIn – Andrea: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreawojnicki/

    LinkedIn Talk About Talk:  https://www.linkedin.com/company/talkabouttalk/

    Website: TalkAboutTalk.com

    Newsletter:  https://talkabouttalk.com/blog/#newsletter-signup 

    Talk About Talk YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/@talkabouttalkyoutube/



    Douglas Guilbeault (2024) Nature – article about online images: https://techxplore.com/news/2024-02-online-images-gender-stereotypes-text.html

    Jessica Grose (2023) NYTimes “The Hour Between Babe and Hag”: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/04/opinion/women-men-work.html

    Lisa LaFlamme Story: https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/open-letter-to-bell-says-laflamme-ousting-shows-sexism-ageism-women-face-at-work-1.6045084

    Olena Hankivsky (2012) Social Science and Medicine: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277953612000408

    UN Human Development Report: https://hdr.undp.org/content/human-development-report-2023-24

    Wilkinson J and Ferraro K, Thirty Years of Ageism Research. In Nelson T (ed). Ageism: Stereotyping and Prejudice Against Older Persons. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 200


    Recently when I was on stage giving a keynote for an audience of women in the banking industry, I mentioned my age.

    Someone asked me an insightful question regarding a topic that I’ve recently changed my opinion on. I thought about it for a moment, and then I turned to the audience, and declared: “I’m 54 years old. And I’m still learning!” I paused and looked around. I distinctly remember noticing many encouraging smiles and nods from the audience. Interesting. Then later, several people came up to me and explicitly mentioned how impressed they were that I mentioned my age. Wow.

    The subtext was clear. People rarely publicly declare the taboo topic of their age. Particularly, when they’re OLD.

    After this recent experience, declaring my age in front of an audience, I decided to do some research and thinking about ageism. Up until now, as I’ve been preparing for this episode, I haven’t given ageism it much thought. Perhaps I’m lucky because I’m a healthy 54-year-old. Also, I run my own show. I’m responsible for creating the culture at talk about talk where ageism is definitely not tolerated. But not everybody is so fortunate. Consider those aged 50 or 60+ who are on the job market.

    Recently, I met such a job seeker. Let’s call her Carla. Carla is a 57-year-old Caucasian female who’s experienced ageism multiple times in her job search. Here is Carla:

    One cannot prove that ageism is the problem or speak to the elephant in the room if one cannot get anywhere near being in the room. Try getting past an algorithm over age 40 these days and even getting an interv...

    • 26 min
    Think, Do, Say with Ron Tite (ep.159)

    Think, Do, Say with Ron Tite (ep.159)

    “Think Do Say” author Ron Tite joins Andrea to talk about thinking before saying, leaning in to our idiosyncrasies (or “bugs”), thoughts on profanity, how filtering your personal brand is like choosing an outfit from your closet, and how to deal with those annoying pitch slappers!


    “THINK DO SAY: How to seize attention and build trust in a busy, busy world” by Ron Tite – https://amzn.to/4bO2hqf

    LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/rontite/ (no pitch slapping, please)

    Church+State agency – https://churchstate.co/

    Video reco: “Talking Funny” with Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Rickey Gervais & Louis CK – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKY6BGcx37k

    Book reco: “What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School” – https://amzn.to/3yGJaQA


    * LinkedIn Andrea –  https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreawojnicki/

    * LinkedIn Talk about Talk – https://www.linkedin.com/company/talkabouttalk/

    * Website: TalkAboutTalk.com

    Communication Coaching Newsletter:  https://talkabouttalk.com/blog/#newsletter-signup

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@talkabouttalkyoutube/


    If you’re like me, and a lot of people that I talk to, you probably have a love hate relationship with social media. We love connecting with interesting people and learning new things. but we hate the annoying people and wasting our time. sound familiar?

    I choose to spend most of my time on social media on linkedin.

    LinkedIn used to be the online platform for job seekers. but nowadays it’s more like the virtual water cooler conversation. sure it’s focused on our careers and our professional life but it’s a lot more than just job seeking. it’s learning, it’s mentoring, it’s connecting, and a lot more.

    Of course there are the folks on LinkedIn who are constantly in sales mode, sending you direct messages To help you accelerate your sales funnel or gain a million followers. I also get a lot of pitches from people who want to be a guest on this podcast or who want to write a guest post on the talkabouttalk.com website. again, this is all about generating sales. So annoying.

    That all said, just about every day I read something that inspires me on linkedin. There are certain people who I follow who consistently add value to the platform. one of these folks is the knowledgeable, generous and entertaining Ron Tite, whom you’re going to meet in just a few minutes

    In this conversation with ron, you’re going to his advice for how to simplify your out of control brand strategy document. We also talk about how to apply these insights to your own Personal brand. We cover the difference between self-awareness, honesty, transparency and authenticity, we cover insights about profanity, and yes, we talk about Pitch-Slappers… Pitch slappers is the name is the label that Ron tight gave to those annoying folks on social media who politely request a connection and then bam – slap you with a pitch. he even created a segmentation scheme for them.

    Pitch slappers is the label that Ron Tite gave to those annoying folks on social media who politely request a connection and then bam – slap you with a pitch.

    • 53 min
    7 Ways to Boost Your Confidence & Your Credibility (ep. 158)

    7 Ways to Boost Your Confidence & Your Credibility (ep. 158)

    Credibility in the workplace starts with confidence. Andrea shares two mindsets and five tactics to help build your confidence and credibility. Her challenge to you is to identify a few suggestions from this list that will help you establish credibility.


    * LinkedIn Andrea –  https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreawojnicki/

    * LinkedIn Talk about Talk – https://www.linkedin.com/company/talkabouttalk/

    * Website: TalkAboutTalk.com

    Communication Coaching Newsletter:  https://talkabouttalk.com/blog/#newsletter-signup

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@talkabouttalkyoutube/


    Recently, I was hired by a CEO to coach one of his middle managers. The CEO told me that this manager was an emerging leader. He was showing signs of being ready for promotion, but he really needed to demonstrate credibility and leadership.


    Last week when we were in our third 1:1 coaching session, this young emerging leader admitted to me that he often feels imposter syndrome, and he could use a confidence boost. He and I decided to create a list of strategies for him to improve his confidence and credibility. His list included many many mindsets, frameworks, and tactics that we went through one by one. After our coaching session, I thought: gosh this would be a great list to share with the talk about talk listeners! so what I’ve done is I’ve taken the seven of the strategies on this list and I’m gonna share them with you now. These are the seven strategies that I personally use and that seem to get the most traction with my clients.

    This list includes two mindsets and five tactics. My challenge to you is to identify a couple of the things on this list that you can use to help you boost your confidence and your credibility. Are you ready?


    Welcome to Talk about Talk Podcast Episode #156 Five ways to reinforce your Professional identity. In case we haven’t met, my name is Doctor Andrea. Wojnicki please just call me. I’m your executive communication. I coach and business executives like you to improve their communication skills so you can communicate with confidence and clarity. Credibility. And then you can create impact, ultimately achieving your career goals. Sound good? If you want to learn more, check out talk about talk.com. I’ve got lots and lots of resources for you there. I’ve got one-on-one coaching, bootcamps, online courses, information about corporate workshops, the archive of this bi weekly podcast, and when you’re there, I really hope to sign up for my email newsletter. That newsletter is your chance to get free communication program from me every two weeks. Sound good? 


    OK let me start with a quick story about my own confidence or lack there of. Some of you may have heard this story before. Early in my career when I was working in brand management at Kraft foods, I was asked to speak at a national sales conference. This was a great honour for me. As you can imagine, I prepared myself thoroughly. When the day finally came, I stepped out on stage… And I completely lost it. My face turned red. My hands turned clammy. I had sweaty armpits. And I was shaking. It was a lovely site. Let me tell you. It was all I could do to walk across the stage grasp onto the podium and read my presentation. Word for Word from my written notes. Pathetic. When I was done, I ran off stage and my boss Sandra asked Me Andrea are you OK? No I’m definitely not. I went to a quiet place and collected my though...

    Self-Improvement & The Possible Self with Professor Maja Djikic (ep.157)

    Self-Improvement & The Possible Self with Professor Maja Djikic (ep.157)


    How can you become your best possible self? Andrea interviews The Possible Self author, Professor Maya Djikic. Learn two false assumptions that will change how you tackle self-improvement, plus, the “Wheel of Self” model that will help you make real change and achieve your goals.



    BOOK: “The Possible Self – A Leader’s Guide to Personal Development” by Professor Maja Djikic – https://amzn.to/4aMBXMJ

    LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/majaDjikic/

    Faculty Page – https://discover.research.utoronto.ca/11970-maja-Djikic

    Maja’s Recommendation: Book – “The Body Keeps the Score“ by Bessel van der Kolk MD


    * LinkedIn Andrea –  https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreawojnicki/

    * LinkedIn Talk about Talk – https://www.linkedin.com/company/talkabouttalk/

    * Website: TalkAboutTalk.com

    Communication Coaching Newsletter:  https://talkabouttalk.com/blog/#newsletter-signup

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@talkabouttalkyoutube/


    At Talk About Talk, we spent a lot of time thinking – and talking – about our strengths and our passions. Particularly when it comes to our respective personal brands. We focus on our strengths and our passions, because these are the things that we want to reinforce. But what about our development areas? Or “”areas of opportunity””? Our – dare I say it – our weaknesses?

    Recently I had the privilege of being invited to a book talk at the University of Toronto where Professor Maja Djikic spoke about her new book, called the possible self – a leaders guide to self development. This is a book focused on how to overcome your weaknesses.

    It was standing room only, and notably, a significant proportion of the audience was comprised of her faithful and loyal students from various programs at the Rotman school of management at the University of Toronto.

    Just a few minutes into professor Djikic talk, I decided I need to interview her for a Talk About Talk podcast episode. And here we are.

    In this episode, you’re going to learn, about 2 widely-held false assumptions that many of us hold when it comes to self improvement. You’ll learn what the research tells us, and what Professor Djikic recommends we do instead of relying on these false assumptions. Here’s a hint: she calls it the wheel of self.

    Welcome to Talk about Talk podcast episode #157 “Self-Improvement & The Possible Self with Professor Maja Djikic”. In this episode, you’re gonna learn how to step it up in terms of your self improvement efforts.

    In case we haven’t met, my name is Dr. Andrea Wojnicki please just call me Andrea. I’m your executive communication coach. I coach executives like you to improve your communication skills so you can communicate with confidence and clarity, establish credibility, and ultimately achieve your career goals. Sound good? If you want to learn more, check out the website, talkabouttalk.com. There are lots and lots of resources for you there. There’s one-on-one coaching, boot camps, online courses, information about corporate workshops… I recognize that people learn in differen...

    5 Ways to Reinforce Your PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY (ep.156)

    5 Ways to Reinforce Your PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY (ep.156)


    There are infinite ways that we can reinforce our professional identity or personal brand. Here are 5 of the most direct and specific ways that you can reinforce your professional identity starting right now. Let’s start with the most direct: (1) your self introduction. There’s also (2) speaking up in meetings, (3) demonstrating thought leadership, (4) mentoring, teaching, and learning, and (5) being active and visible. 




    * LinkedIn: 

    * Andrea –  https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreawojnicki/

    * Talk about Talk – https://www.linkedin.com/company/talkabouttalk/

    * Website: TalkAboutTalk.com

    Communication Coaching Newsletter:  https://talkabouttalk.com/blog/#newsletter-signup

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@talkabouttalkyoutube/



    This episode is going to be a little different from most of the other Talk about Talk podcast episodes that you may have heard. The topic of today’s episode was inspired by a question that I received at a Q&A question and answer period that I held just earlier this week. This Q&A was hosted on LinkedIn Live and the topic was establishing your professional identity and your personal brand. Some of my favorite topics right? Let me tell you what this particular question was. The question from one of the viewers was. Andrea. How do I broadcast my brand? Pretty simple question, right? I had an answer immediately and this answer is the truth. It’s my truth and it’s this. I am obsessed. Listing categorizing infinite number. Broadcast. We’re communicating directly through our words and interacting. We’re also communicating constantly online and in person. The number of ways that we broadcast. Looking for something? And that’s when I decided to listen to the podcast episode today. Podcast episode, I’m going to answer the question. I’m gonna share with you 5 specific and significant ways you can reinforce your personal brand or your professional, starting right now. Are you ready? 

    Welcome to Talk about Talk Podcast Episode #156 Five ways to reinforce your Professional identity. In case we haven’t met, my name is Doctor Andrea. Wojnicki please just call me. I’m your executive communication. I coach and business executives like you to improve their communication skills so you can communicate with confidence and clarity. Credibility. And then you can create impact, ultimately achieving your career goals. Sound good? If you want to learn more, check out talk about talk.com. I’ve got lots and lots of resources for you there. I’ve got one-on-one coaching. There’s boot camps, information about corporate workshops. Archive of this bi weekly podcast and when you’re there, I really hope to sign up for my Body weekly newsletter. There is an archive of this biweekly podcast, and while you’re at talkabouttalk.com, I really hope you’ll sign up for my e-mail newsletter. That newsletter is your chance to get free communication program from me. Sound good? 

    Alright, let’s get into this. Here’s how this episode is going to go. Then I mean a lot on my original answer to this question of how do we broadcast our brand And then I’m going to share with you 5 specific. And significant ways that you can reinforce your personal brand. So we’re going to get a little more actionable here. 

    Alright, first defining a personal brand.

    • 27 min
    The Currency of GRATITUDE with Michele Bailey (ep.155)

    The Currency of GRATITUDE with Michele Bailey (ep.155)

    Gratitude is a communication skill that can build loyalty, serves as a catalyst to connect, and it releases endorphins! Andrea interviews The Currency of Gratitude author Michele Bailey, who shares insights on how to express gratitude in a professional context, how gratitude relates to brand ambassadors, how gratitude relates to reciprocity, whether expressing gratitude makes you sound weak, and some provocative thoughts about work-life balance.



    * BOOK: The Currency Of Gratitude: Turning Small Gestures Into Powerful Business Results by Michele Bailey – https://amzn.to/434Vqpe

    * Michele Bailey on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michele-bailey-a111b6a/

    * Michele’s agency is BLAZING: https://blazing.agency/

    * Recommended podcasts:

    * Tim Ferriss – https://tim.blog/podcast/

    * Smartless – https://www.smartless.com/

    * Happier – https://gretchenrubin.com/podcasts/

    * On Purpose – https://www.jayshetty.me/podcast

    * Huberman Lab – https://www.hubermanlab.com/podcast

    * Voices of leadership – https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/voices-of-leadership-insights-and-inspirations/id1710435149


    * LinkedIn: 

    * Andrea –  https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreawojnicki/

    * Talk about Talk – https://www.linkedin.com/company/talkabouttalk/

    * Website: TalkAboutTalk.com

    Communication Coaching Newsletter:  https://talkabouttalk.com/blog/#newsletter-signup

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@talkabouttalkyoutube/


    I have a question for you. What are you grateful for? Who are you grateful for? How often do you explicitly express your gratitude? I mean beyond a simple THANK YOU.

    Welcome to Talk About Talk Podcast Episode #155, where we focus on the power of gratitude. My guest for this episode is an expert on Gratitude. In fact, she literally wrote the book entitled, The Currency of Gratitude. Her name is Michele Bailey. I can’t wait for you to meet her. 

    You’re going to learn about the benefits of gratitude, how exactly you can express gratitude in a professional or work context. How gratitude relates to brand ambassadors. And how to think about gratitude and reciprocity. And lots more. Including whether expressing gratitude makes you sound weak, and some provocative thoughts about work life balance. 

    Are you ready? 

    Welcome to the Talk About Talk podcast episode number 155, The Power of Gratitude

    In case we haven’t met, let me introduce myself. My name is Dr. Andrea Wojnicki and I’m your executive communication coach. Please call me Andrea!

    I’m the founder of Talk About Talk, where I coach communication skills to ambitious executives like you – to elevate your communication, your confidence and your clarity, so you can establish credibility and then accomplish your career goals.

    If you go to the TalkAboutTalk.com website, you’ll find many resources to help you out.

    • 46 min

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