87 episodi

Do you have a nagging feeling that you are capable of doing, being, and achieving more? Are you unsure of how to unlock that potential? Every week, join Dr. Ram and Chris Morrell on our personal journeys to make self-development relatable and digestible. We help Achievers and Go-Getters reach their next level of success and fulfillment. Each episode contains powerful habits and strategies to help you discover your unlimited potential.

The Unlimited Potential Show I Relatable Self Development Dr. Ram and Chris Morrell

    • Istruzione

Do you have a nagging feeling that you are capable of doing, being, and achieving more? Are you unsure of how to unlock that potential? Every week, join Dr. Ram and Chris Morrell on our personal journeys to make self-development relatable and digestible. We help Achievers and Go-Getters reach their next level of success and fulfillment. Each episode contains powerful habits and strategies to help you discover your unlimited potential.

    85. Ego: Use It To Your Advantage

    85. Ego: Use It To Your Advantage

    Let’s face it, we all have little quirks or do things we maybe shouldn’t do throughout the day. For example, have you ever found yourself gazing through the fridge without even being hungry? Perhaps you incessantly check your email just to see if there's anything new. Or maybe you have engaged in the act of gossiping behind someone's back. Moments like these (and countless others) in our daily lives all have something in common. Can you guess what it is? The answer may surprise you. 
    When you take a deeper look into psychology and learn more about why humans do what they do, you’ll discover the reason that we engage in these types of behaviors is because of our ego. Our ego is so much more than just something that gives you the “feeling” of confidence. It’s actually one of the most powerful forces that can make or break the course of our future. 
    Welcome back to another episode of the Unlimited Potential show! During episode 83, Dr. Ram and Chris have a deep-dive conversation all about this topic and define exactly what the ego is.  We outline the unexpected ways ego can manifest in your life, and we also provide some simple ways to keep your ego at bay if it turns toxic. 
    This is one of the episodes you can put on the “power playlist” for the show. Even if this is the only episode you ever listen to, understanding these concepts and learning how to apply the life principles discussed in today’s episode can help unlock your next level of success and higher consciousness. We hope you enjoy and re-listen to it as much as we are. 
    After you’re finished with today’s show, it’s time to take action! What’s one thing you can take from these episodes about “ego” and start applying it in your own life? Let us know! Reach out to us and join the Unlimited Potential Community! Follow the links below to learn more. 
    More Of What’s Inside:
    What a confident personal actual looks like  The best way to start gaining more confidence What’s best for the community vs. what is in it for me How entrepreneurship humbles you How Chris approaches sales and marketing What is the ego and how does it manifest in your life? The best books to read about this topic (Our favorites) The real ROI of curving your ego  And much more!  
    Connect with Chris and Dr. Ram: 
    Private Facebook Community: 
    www.facebook.com/groups/unlimitedpotentialpodcast  Personal Websites: 
    morrellfirm.com  ramcheruvu.wixsite.com/doctorram  Youtube Channel: 
    www.youtube.com/channel/UCtSIgawdfsNk0bk4Rwotz7w  Social Media: 
    www.linkedin.com/in/doctorram  https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopher-morrell   
    Links For This Episode:
    https://www.amazon.com/Ego-Enemy-Ryan-Holiday/dp/1591847818 https://www.amazon.com/Untethered-Soul-Journey-Beyond-Yourself/dp/1572245379 https://www.amazon.com/New-Earth-Awakening-Purpose-Selection/dp/0452289963 https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000190/ https://garyvaynerchuk.com/ https://www.amazon.com/Leaders-Eat-Last-Together-Others-ebook/dp/B00DGZKQM8  
    Episode Minute By Minute: 
    0:58 What’s inside today’s conversation  2:22 What is the ego and how it shows up day to day  10:25 Are we truly all connected? 15:01 How eco subtle can show up 17:01 The danger of short-term thinking  23:00 How to overcome the fear of man 27:38 How Dr. Ram learned how to serve people well  34:17 Habits to Adonis to overcome your ego 41:00 How to start your day with more peace 

    • 44 min
    83. When: The Scientific Truth Behind Time Mastery

    83. When: The Scientific Truth Behind Time Mastery

    Time isn't the main thing, it's the only thing. - Miles Davis
    A few weeks ago we did an episode on motivation and we covered some of the major points from a keynote speech Dr. Ram heard from Daniel Pink. He was so fascinated by some of the concepts that he talked about during the event, he had to dig deeper specifically into one of his books called “When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing.”
    Today we are going to cover the main takeaways you need to know to unlock your Unlimited Potential! If you haven’t already read When here is some context about the book. It was published in 2018, and the book is made of data and research he gathered through 700 different scientific studies to get a better understanding of how big of a role timing plays in our life.
    He looked at the different facets of society and culture in fields like economics, anthropology, social psychology, and others. And his goal was to give us a look as to why we make the decisions we do. But not only that. When we make these decisions, why we make them when we do rather.
    He looked at fields like economics, anthropology, social psychology, and others with the goal of giving us a look at why we make the decisions we do. Not only that, when we do. Hit play to learn about the power of timing, how to optimize every second of your day, what you can do to make your business or workplace more efficient, and so much more. 
    After you’re finished with today’s show, it’s time to take action! What’s one thing you can take from these episodes about “motivation” and start applying it in your own life? Let us know! Reach out to us and join the Unlimited Potential Community! Follow the links below to learn more. 
    More Of What’s Inside:
    The real power of daily habits How time affects humans (way more than you think)  Why Daniel Pink found this study so important  How Chris stays effective and efficient in his law firm How to create an optimized daily, weekly and monthly schedule  How to set yourself up to win The emotional cycle of humans throughout the day Practical tips on staying focused  Dr. Ram shares how his company keeps meetings productive  And much more!  
    Connect with Chris and Dr. Ram: 
    Private Facebook Community: 
    Personal Websites: 
    morrellfirm.com  ramcheruvu.wixsite.com/doctorram  Youtube Channel: 
    www.youtube.com/channel/UCtSIgawdfsNk0bk4Rwotz7w  Social Media: 
    www.linkedin.com/in/doctorram  https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopher-morrell  Links For This Episode:
    https://tim.blog https://www.tenpercent.com https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0480249 https://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Harris_(journalist) https://www.aetna.com/ https://www.franklincovey.com/the-7-habits https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Frankl  
    Episode Minute By Minute: 
    0:02 How to have a more productive day (60 seconds quick tip!) 1:26 What’s inside today’s episode  7:16 The barriers we create around time 9:40 The emotional patterns most people have during a day 21:12 You can train yourself to focus  27:30 How to have a more productive meeting   34:09 The worst time to get medical treatment  40:44 How to increase efficiency at the office

    • 42 min
    83. A Beginners Guide to Meditation

    83. A Beginners Guide to Meditation

    What if there were ONE skill that you could practice daily that would automatically make you better at everything else that you did in your day? Plus, it’s free and anyone can do it. (Even with little time on your hands.)
    This type of skill is what is referred to as a “meta-skill” and many of the world's most productive people and high performers have reported practicing this one skill as well…Hit play to find out what it is! 
    Welcome back to another episode of the Unlimited Potential Show. Over the last 80+ episodes, we have brought up the topic of meditation here or there several times. That's why we decided it was time to take a full episode and share what you need to know. 
    During our conversation, we discuss what the science says about meditation and our personal beliefs about why everyone needs to have this in their daily lives. Even if you know nothing about meditation or if you have tried and failed in the past, we share our best tips and tricks on how to get started and remain consistent. 
    You’ll also hear why this transformation experience is practiced by the world elites, and how 80% of the world's top professionals and performers across every industry are reported to do the same. (This is just some of the mind-blowing data we cover on today’s show.) 
    After you’re finished with today’s show, it’s time to take action! What’s one thing you can take from this episode about “meditation” and start applying it in your own life? Let us know! Reach out to us and join the Unlimited Potential Community! Follow the links below to learn more. 
    More Of What’s Inside:
    Why your problem isn’t overthinking One tool that helps up-level your meditation  The reason meditation matters so much  How the stars and high performers use meditation  The importance of mastering your emotions What to do if you want to grow in compassion  Other resources to check out if you want to start meditating The common misconceptions about meditation And much more!  
    Connect with Chris and Dr. Ram: 
    Private Facebook Community: 
    Personal Websites: 
    morrellfirm.com  ramcheruvu.wixsite.com/doctorram   
    Youtube Channel: 
    Social Media: 
    www.linkedin.com/in/doctorram  https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopher-morrell   
    Links For This Episode:
    https://www.amazon.com/When-Scientific-Secrets-Perfect-Timing/dp/0735210624 https://www.cornell.edu/ https://www.amazon.com/ONE-Thing-Surprisingly-Extraordinary-Results/dp/1885167776 https://tim.blog/ https://www.vishen.com  
    Episode Minute By Minute: 
    0:02 A look into today’s content  0:45 How this episode can help you get better at EVERYTHING  4:30 What 80% of successful people do every day 8:50 When Dr. Ram started to master meditation 12:33 What mindfulness truly teaches us 16:00 The difference between meditation and prayer 19:04 Most people first experience meditating 25:00 How to start being more effective in your day-to-day 28:35 The power of choosing your response  41:27 The fast track to increasing your compassion 51:05 What’s coming up on the next episode 

    • 54 min
    82. How To Achieve New Levels of Greatness with Alan Stein - Part 2

    82. How To Achieve New Levels of Greatness with Alan Stein - Part 2

    Today on the show we have (in our opinion) one of the best guests to date!
    Hit play to meet Alan Stein Jr. He's a successful basketball performance coach who's worked alongside and with superstars like Steph Curry, Kevin Durant, and Kobe Bryant for over 15 years.
    Since then he transitioned his career to one of a keynote speaker for major companies like Pepsi and Amex, and more. He has customized programs that are designed to transfer his unique expertise to maximize both individual and organizational performance.
    This insanely valuable conversation was so good we had to split it up into two parts! What you are about to hear is part two. Check out episode 81 for the first half of this conversation with the one and only Alan Stein.
    In part two, we talk about important concepts such as having clarity over your future self, how to forgive yourself and to move on from mistakes of the past and how to become comfortable with being uncomfortable.
    You’ll also learn how habits, behaviors, and the micro-skills around your daily decisions have the power to radically transform your health, wealth, mindset, relationships, and all other areas of life.
    After you’re finished with today’s show, it’s time to take action! What’s one thing you can take from these episodes and start applying it in your own life? Let us know! Reach out to us and join the Unlimited Potential Community! Follow the links below to learn more.
    Coming up next:
    Why are the afternoons may be more dangerous…? Find out what we mean WHEN we are back for episode #83!

    More Of What’s Inside:
    Does your future self matter now? The key to hitting all your goals Why “manifesting” isn’t weird or fake Why you have to just keep going You should always be improving  Forgive yourself and move on Lessons from the highest achievers in the world Why your habits matter more than you think  The road to becoming your higher-self And much more!  
    Connect with Chris and Dr. Ram: 
    Private Facebook Community: 
    www.facebook.com/groups/unlimitedpotentialpodcast  Personal Websites: 
    morrellfirm.com  ramcheruvu.wixsite.com/doctorram  Youtube Channel: 
    www.youtube.com/channel/UCtSIgawdfsNk0bk4Rwotz7w  Social Media: 
    www.linkedin.com/in/doctorram  https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopher-morrell   
    Links For This Episode:
    Alan Stein, Jr. On:
    Instagram  Twitter Facebook LinkedIn  
    Other links:
    https://alansteinjr.com https://www.amazon.com/Sustain-Your-Game-Performance-Stagnation-ebook/dp/B09BN3ZTCG https://jamesclear.com/ https://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Millionaire-Mind-Mastering-Wealth/dp/0060763280 https://www.psu.edu/ https://www.elon.edu/ https://profiles.stanford.edu/carol-dweck https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wooden https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Hsieh https://www.vishen.com/ https://www.lindseyvonn.com/en/home/ https://davidgoggins.com/ https://www.spartan.com/ https://tim.blog/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LeBron_James https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Dre https://icecube.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Seinfeld https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Chappelle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie_Foxx

    Episode Minute By Minute: 
    0:02 What you’ll hear in today’s episode  5:24 What Alan asks himself every night in bed 7:29 Why causes lack fulfillment  12:27 There is nothing easy about doing the personal work 18:16 How to get comfortable with being uncomfortable  23:28 Chris explains the 40% capacity rule  29:40 Why sustaining your game is the hardest path 34:27 Life lessons from Jaime Fox  39:37 Why humility has massive ROI 

    • 44 min
    81. How To Achieve New Levels of Greatness with Alan Stein - Part 1

    81. How To Achieve New Levels of Greatness with Alan Stein - Part 1

    Today on the show we have (in our opinion) one of the best guests to date! 
    Hit play to meet Alan Stein Jr. He's a successful basketball performance coach who's worked alongside and with superstars like Steph Curry, Kevin Durant, and Kobe Bryant for over 15 years. 
    Since then he transitioned his career to one of a keynote speaker for major companies like Pepsi and Amex, and more. He has customized programs that are designed to transfer his unique expertise to maximize both individual and organizational performance. 
    This insanely valuable conversation was too good we had to split it up into two parts! What you are about to hear is part one. Check out episode 82 for the conclusion of this conversation with the one and only Alan Stein.
    In part one Alan shares his journey to success, what he learned from working with some of the biggest names in the sports and acting world, how he approaches reaching for higher goals, and more! 
    You’ll also learn the importance of having an attitude of service, the power of gratitude, optimism, and enthusiasm. By the end of this episode, you’ll understand why these are just a bunch of “positive words” but the basic fundamentals we all need to succeed.
    To hear the conclusion to this crash course on disciplined, relationships, and dreaming bigger join us for episode 82 for part two with Alan Stein.
    After you’re finished with today’s show, it’s time to take action! What’s one thing you can take from these episodes and start applying it in your own life? Let us know! Reach out to us and join the Unlimited Potential Community! Follow the links below to learn more. 
    More Of What’s Inside:
    A look into Alan’s books  How Alan approaches writing  You can make progress every day The importance of discipline  Why you should never give up The 3 toxic traits most people suffer with You are not alone in struggling  Life lessons from Kobe Bryant Why making your bed is more important than you think The systems you need in your life  And much more!  
    Connect with Chris and Dr. Ram: 
    Private Facebook Community: 
    Personal Websites: 
    morrellfirm.com  ramcheruvu.wixsite.com/doctorram   
    Youtube Channel: 
    Social Media: 
    www.linkedin.com/in/doctorram  https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopher-morrell   
    Links For This Episode:
    Alan Stein, Jr. On:
    Instagram  Twitter Facebook LinkedIn  
    Other links:
    https://alansteinjr.com/ https://www.amazon.com/Sustain-Your-Game-Performance-Stagnation-ebook/dp/B09BN3ZTCG https://jamesclear.com/ https://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Millionaire-Mind-Mastering-Wealth/dp/0060763280 https://www.psu.edu/ https://www.elon.edu/ https://profiles.stanford.edu/carol-dweck https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Wooden https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Hsieh https://www.vishen.com/ https://www.lindseyvonn.com/en/home/ https://davidgoggins.com/ https://www.spartan.com/ https://tim.blog/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LeBron_James https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Dre https://icecube.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerry_Seinfeld https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Chappelle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie_Foxx

    Episode Minute By Minute: 
    1:51 Get to know Alan Stein 5:18 You’re not alone in the struggle  7:49 What your focus should be in everything 13:33 Alan’s experience with Kobe Bryant  18:12 The significance of disciplined  22:10 Why Alen’s quote is on the wall at Penn State 28:33 The truth about failing and achievement  36:50 Empowering lounge to use with your kids  40:14 What’s coming up on the next episode  

    • 41 min
    80. Motivation: What We Learned From Daniel Pink - Part 3

    80. Motivation: What We Learned From Daniel Pink - Part 3

    At the end of the day, we all want to go to bed at night knowing we performed at our best…and every morning we should be motivated to perform at an even higher level than the day before. But what actually gives us this type of motivation? In this two-part series, we hope to answer that question and more. 
    If you haven’t listened to parts one and two of this conversation, go back and do so before jumping in! We cover a few powerful concepts and contexts we think all leaders should know. If you have already heard episodes 78, and 79, hit play to hear the conclusion to our deep dive conversation on the topic of all things “motivation!”
    Today's episode is actually inspired by a keynote speech Dr. Ram heard recently at a conference. The speech was called “5 ways of increasing performance amongst yourself or those you work with” by entrepreneurs and author Daniel Pink. 
    The speech was so inspiring Dr. Ram took pages of notes during the presentation. Obviously, we knew he had to bring this level of gold to the podcast for you! At this point in this conversation, we have made a compelling case for leaders about what it takes on a practical and physiological level to motivate your team. 
    We have covered five simple research back methods that you can start implementing immediately. In this show, we want to drive home the concept and difference between “extrinsic and intrinsic motivation” and share how some of the biggest companies in the world like Google are using these tips and tricks. 
    Whether you are a leader to many, a parent to one, or just someone who wants to get better at encouraging people, we hope this series is exactly what you need to unlock your next level of potential. There is greatness inside of you, we are just here to help bring it out! 
    After you’re finished with today’s show, it’s time to take action! What’s one thing you can take from these episodes about “motivation” and start applying it in your own life? Let us know! Reach out to us and join the Unlimited Potential Community! Follow the links below to learn more. 
    More Of What’s Inside:
    The power of using 20% of your time Keeping the main thing the main thing The level of autonomy your team needs to succeed  Leadership lessons from Phil Jackson How Fortunate 500 companies are using these tips Parenting tips for raising powerful kids Why we must find the meaning in our work Why the verbiage and attitude behind your words matter How do you connect with the world? The value of being a part of a team  And much more!  
    Connect with Chris and Dr. Ram: 
    Private Facebook Community: 
    www.facebook.com/groups/unlimitedpotentialpodcast  Personal Websites: 
    morrellfirm.com  ramcheruvu.wixsite.com/doctorram  Youtube Channel: 
    www.youtube.com/channel/UCtSIgawdfsNk0bk4Rwotz7w  Social Media: 
    www.linkedin.com/in/doctorram  https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopher-morrell  Links For This Episode:
    https://www.danpink.com/books/drive/ https://www.amazon.com/Drive-Surprising-Truth-About-Motivates/dp/1594484805 https://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/ https://www.wikipedia.org/ https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Dance_(miniseries) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Jordan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobe_Bryant https://www.valvesoftware.com/en/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zappos https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/32-leading-with-vision-and-an-infinite-mindset/id1548941077?i=1000531676658 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/53-part-1-learning-from-champions-eleven-rings-by-phil/id1548941077?i=1000549028170 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Jackson https://profiles.stanford.edu/carol-dweck  
    Episode Minute By Minute: 
    ​​2:09 Why you must create autonomy for your team 7:54 The rewards of money and freedom 10:33 The power of purpose and meaningful work 14:54 What brings your team together 16:34 How to apply th

    • 29 min

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