
WARNING - This podcast WILL challenge your thinking.

Welcome to Business Problems Solved!

In this podcast we help you solve your business problems by providing real examples and practical approaches to make today better than yesterday.

Introducing your host, the multi-sector, self-professed ‘most improved improvement person’ and qualified Business Problem Solver

Lee Houghton (pronounced Hawton)

You can contact Lee on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter by searching for Lee Houghton THE Business Problem Solver or via visiting www.leehoughton.com for more content and to solve your business problems.

And remember – saying you know how to do it, is not doing it …

Business Problems Solved Podcast Lee Houghton

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WARNING - This podcast WILL challenge your thinking.

Welcome to Business Problems Solved!

In this podcast we help you solve your business problems by providing real examples and practical approaches to make today better than yesterday.

Introducing your host, the multi-sector, self-professed ‘most improved improvement person’ and qualified Business Problem Solver

Lee Houghton (pronounced Hawton)

You can contact Lee on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter by searching for Lee Houghton THE Business Problem Solver or via visiting www.leehoughton.com for more content and to solve your business problems.

And remember – saying you know how to do it, is not doing it …

    Are You BEST Connected With Your Change And Leadership Initiatives

    Are You BEST Connected With Your Change And Leadership Initiatives

    This episode explores the crucial concept of connection in the realm of leadership, change management, and organisational success. Lee emphasises the significance of connecting people to the purpose, vision, and initiatives of a business to drive sustainable performance excellence. Through the framework of the four C's - connection, conversation, collaboration, and celebration/reflection - Lee explores how fostering strong connections among individuals and aligning behaviours with organisational goals are essential for achieving desired outcomes.  The episode underscores the necessity of aligning values with behaviours, fostering emotional connections, and continuously striving to improve connectivity within organisations to drive success.
    Connection is Key: Connection in leadership, change management, and overall business is essential for success 
    The Four C's Framework: The four C's framework - Connection, Conversation, Collaboration, and Celebration & Reflection - is a high-level process for delivering sustainable performance excellence.
    The Best Model: The Best Model focuses on connecting strategies and improvement initiatives to influence leadership behaviours, employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and ultimately, business targets.
    Behavioural Alignment: Aligning company values with expected behaviours can be challenging, there is a need for clear communication and understanding to create a cohesive environment.
    Future-Framing: Encouragement is needed to envision the future state of the organisation in terms of what will be seen, heard, and felt, and align improvement initiatives to create that desired future.
    "Connection is absolutely key. And I guess if I was to do a word cloud of all of the podcasts, the nearly 300 podcasts, I think the word connection and connected would probably feature quite highly." 
    "Connection is key. Why am I banging on about connection?" 
    "Engagement is largely influenced by the behaviours of the people that we are working with."
    "We need to connect the behaviours of all of our people. The environment that is being created to engage our employees." 
    "Connect the dots to achieve success. Start with the behaviour and how we wanna be in it actually." 
    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 Lee@leehoughton.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/lhoughton/
    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.
    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.
    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

    • 14分
    What's better? Maturity vs Ownership

    What's better? Maturity vs Ownership

    This episode explores the intriguing debate between maturity and ownership when implementing solutions in organisations. Lee reflects on his experiences and conversations, emphasising the importance of balancing these two factors. Through engaging storytelling and practical advice, Lee navigates the complexities of decision-making in organisational improvement, offering a thought-provoking perspective on achieving long-term success.
    Ownership Over Maturity: When introducing a solution, prioritise ownership over maturity. People are more likely to protect and improve something they have built themselves.
    Balancing Act: Striking a balance between maturity and ownership is crucial. Sometimes compromising on one for the other is necessary.
    Long-Term Success: Focusing on ownership and developing a habit of continuous improvement leads to sustainable success in the long run.
    Context vs. Control: Depending on the situation, decide whether to lead with context (ownership) or control (maturity) to address the problem effectively.
    Infinite Game: Emphasise playing the long game rather than a finite one. Encourage continuous improvement and sustainability for lasting impact.
    "I cannot believe that we are nearly at episode 300. When I started the podcast, I believed after about 10-20 episodes, I would run out of content." 
    "One of the things that I am a big advocate of and we have spoke about before is that people protect what they build." 
    "The right answer is ownership. But I'm not sure that when things play out, when the pressure is on, when we are trying to help people get better, I think that inadvertently a number of people might push the maturity button." 
    "So when you are introducing a solution, consider maturity and ownership. And sometimes you can't have both. You might have to compromise one for the other."
    "It's not about what you would like it to. It's about whether they own it and they know how they can develop it continually. That is successful. That is sustainable. And that is how you win the long game."
    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 Lee@leehoughton.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/lhoughton/
    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.
    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.
    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

    • 15分
    Operational Excellence is About Making People NOT Whiteboards

    Operational Excellence is About Making People NOT Whiteboards

    Business Problems Solved's latest episode discusses the concept of operational excellence and high-performing environments. Lee emphasises the importance of engaged and empowered people in driving business performance. By focusing on the interactions and engagement of team members rather than just metrics and tools, Lee highlights the true essence of operational excellence - making people and driving performance simultaneously. Listeners are encouraged to consider the impact of their leadership style on creating a culture of growth and development within their organisations.
    Operational Excellence: Focus on creating high-performing environments, engaged and empowered people, and effective leadership to drive better performance.
    Purpose of Performance Boards: Emphasise that the purpose of performance boards is not just about the visuals or metrics but about driving engagement, conversation, and improvement within the team.
    Creating Engaged People: Highlight the importance of creating an environment where people feel comfortable being vulnerable, discussing feelings, and addressing challenges openly to drive growth and performance.
    Watermelon Reporting: Address the issue of superficial reporting where problems are covered up due to fear, emphasising the need for honesty, openness, and acceptance of mistakes to drive improvement.
    Focus on People and Environment: Emphasise that true operational excellence is achieved by focusing on developing people and creating an environment that fosters growth, challenge, and continuous improvement for both individuals and business performance.
    "I believe, are working towards the same destination. Because all of these things done correctly help the team, the function, the business perform better than they are today." -
    "And following observing this conversation with the two change folk, I went for a cup of coffee and I reflected on what I had just seen unfold in front of me." 
    "Watermelon reporting. I've often spoke about so it's it looks green on the outside or it's green on the outside. So we're reporting green."
    "Do they all feel like they've just watched the best film or TV programme that they've had an opportunity to do at the end of every meeting?" 
    "You can't just keep hitting people over the head to get them to work faster. You have to help your people grow." 
    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 Lee@leehoughton.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/lhoughton/
    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.
    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.
    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

    • 12分
    Don't Expect People to Ask for Forgiveness, Give Them Permission

    Don't Expect People to Ask for Forgiveness, Give Them Permission

    Lee explores the concept of creating an innovative and engaged workforce by challenging the traditional notion of "ask for forgiveness, not for permission." He discusses the importance of leading with context, giving permission, and encouraging behaviours like challenge, conflict, failure, and problem-solving within a safe environment. Listeners are encouraged to embrace failure and conflict as opportunities for growth and improvement, ultimately fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.
    Encourage Creativity and Risk-Taking: Instead of asking for forgiveness, not permission, create an environment where people feel safe to try new things and be creative without fear of failure.
    Lead with Context, Not Control: Provide clear expectations and direction while allowing individuals to define their own approach. This fosters creativity, innovation, and empowerment.
    Give Permission: Allow individuals to challenge, confront, fail, and solve problems. Make it acceptable to hold each other accountable and provide constructive feedback.
    Role Model Behavior: Leaders should demonstrate the behaviours they expect from others, including being vulnerable and embracing discomfort.
    Check-In and Reflect: After encouraging action, follow up to ensure individuals act on their thoughts and feelings. Address any barriers preventing them from doing so and reinforce a culture of continuous improvement.
    "Ask for forgiveness, not for permission. Ask for forgiveness, not for permission. And you say that when you want people to try new things." 
    "Lead with context, not with control. And when you lead with context and not control, then that is encouraging people to define their own how."
    "We need to give permission and lead with context. Give permission for people to do certain things. Give permission for people to hold people to account, but lead with context." 
    "The more we do it, the easier it becomes. So don't just say to people, ask for forgiveness, not for permission. There's some ground rules, there's some Things you need to do to make that possible." 
    "Let's create this environment where failure, challenge, conflict and problems are recognized, identified, and actually reinforced that actually the good things, they're not bad things, they're good things." 
    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 Lee@leehoughton.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/lhoughton/
    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.
    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.
    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

    • 14分
    ABCD: Always Be Connecting Dots

    ABCD: Always Be Connecting Dots

    Lee explores the concept of operational excellence through the lens of two renowned entrepreneurs, Steve Jobs and Richard Branson. He talks about the importance of connecting the dots in operational excellence, drawing on the wisdom of Jobs and Branson.
     Through examples and practical insights, listeners are encouraged to connect the dots between tools, behaviours, and environments to drive success in business operations. The episode underscores the need to start with the end in mind, as advocated by Stephen Covey, and to always be connecting dots to create a conducive environment for achieving business goals.
    Continuous Improvement: The key habit within operational excellence is the habit of continuous improvement, engaging people, and striving for excellence in all aspects of the business.
    Connecting Dots: The importance of connecting the dots between different elements in a system to achieve a particular destination, as emphasised by successful entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs and Richard Branson.
    Reflecting Backwards: Understanding that one can only join the dots looking backwards, as plans may change and evolve, highlighting the importance of reflection and learning from past experiences.
    Creating the Right Environment: Focusing on creating the ideal environment through connecting the right dots, including leadership behaviours, visual performance boards, and metrics, to drive engagement and achieve business targets.
    Start with the End in Mind: Emphasising the concept of starting with the end goal in mind and connecting the dots looking back to create a path towards success and making a difference in the business.
    "Fundamentally, it's about the habit of continuous improvement and the habit of engaging people." 
    "You can only join the dots looking backwards... the plan's out of date." 
    "Always be connecting dots... you have to stop at a particular point." 
    "If you create the right environment, then people will behave in a particular way."
    "Start with the end in mind, connect the dots looking back." 
    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 Lee@leehoughton.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/lhoughton/
    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.
    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.
    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

    • 14分
    When setting actions does it hinder their completion

    When setting actions does it hinder their completion

    Lee delves into the common issue of setting vague deadlines and lack of follow-through in business meetings. Lee challenges the practice of assigning generic due dates like "next Friday" or "end of the month," urging listeners to prioritise specific times for completing tasks. By emphasising the importance of committing to realistic deadlines and actively prioritising key activities, Lee highlights how this approach can lead to increased productivity and successful task completion. 
    Prioritise specific deadlines: Instead of setting vague deadlines like "next Friday" or "end of the month," prioritise specific dates and times for completing actions to increase accountability and likelihood of completion.
    Gain commitments: By asking individuals when realistically they will make time to complete an action, you can gain commitments and increase the chances of the task being done.
    Avoid procrastination: Proactively scheduling specific times to complete tasks helps avoid procrastination and ensures that important actions are given the attention they deserve.
    Major time on major things: Focus on spending major time on major tasks rather than major time on minor tasks to prioritise activities that will make the biggest impact on achieving goals.
    Challenge and improve: Continuously observe and challenge the way deadlines are set and actions are prioritised to improve efficiency and effectiveness in completing tasks.
    "When realistically are you going to make time to complete this action? That question provides a different answer." 
    "If somebody says to me that they didn't have time My response is you're telling me the action wasn't important enough." 
    "How can you spend major time on major things? and minor time on minor things and that is through prioritisation." 
    "Don't be lazy with setting your due dates. Be disciplined. You can do better." 
    "Saying you know how to do it is not doing it." 
    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 Lee@leehoughton.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/lhoughton/
    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.
    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.
    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

    • 12分


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