
Get insights and strategies to lead, earn and live well.

Career Revamp Alicia Perkins

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Get insights and strategies to lead, earn and live well.

    #77 How to Future-Proof Your Career with the Right Strategy

    #77 How to Future-Proof Your Career with the Right Strategy

    In a job market flooded with candidates, distinguishing yourself is crucial. I talk about how to propel your career forward and ensure you're prepared for the future's demands.

    ✨Access My Free Masterclass

    Simple 4 Steps To Eliminate Self-Doubt, End Burnout, & Finally Become the Powerhouse Leader You Are Meant to Be (without sacrificing your authenticity or values.)  www.iamaliciaperkins.com/masterclass

    Hi, I'm Alicia!I've helped 250+ senior leaders settle into new roles, navigate career transitions, secure promotions, and elevate their impact and income allowing them to lead authentically & live fully. ◾ Apply to Work With Me: Aliciaperkins.me/discovery

    📍 Connect with me:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alicia-perkins/ Website: https://www.iamaliciaperkins.com/

    • 38分
    #78 Don't Bring These into Your Career in 2024

    #78 Don't Bring These into Your Career in 2024

    ✨Access My Free Masterclass

    Simple 4 Steps To Eliminate Self-Doubt, End Burnout, & Finally Become the Powerhouse Leader You Are Meant to Be (without sacrificing your authenticity or values.)  www.iamaliciaperkins.com/masterclass

    Hi, I'm Alicia!I've helped 250+ senior leaders settle into new roles, navigate career transitions, secure promotions, and elevate their impact and income allowing them to lead authentically & live fully. ◾ Apply to Work With Me: Aliciaperkins.me/discovery

    📍 Connect with me:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alicia-perkins/ Website: https://www.iamaliciaperkins.com/

    • 57分
    #77 Integrity and Character are More Important than your Skills

    #77 Integrity and Character are More Important than your Skills

    ✨Access My Free Masterclass

    Simple 4 Steps To Eliminate Self-Doubt, End Burnout, & Finally Become the Powerhouse Leader You Are Meant to Be (without sacrificing your authenticity or values.)  www.iamaliciaperkins.com/masterclass

    Hi, I'm Alicia!I've helped 250+ senior leaders settle into new roles, navigate career transitions, secure promotions, and elevate their impact and income allowing them to lead authentically & live fully. ◾ Apply to Work With Me: Aliciaperkins.me/discovery

    📍 Connect with me:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alicia-perkins/ Website: https://www.iamaliciaperkins.com/

    • 53分
    #76 Take Charge of Your Career – Don't Wait for a Promotion.

    #76 Take Charge of Your Career – Don't Wait for a Promotion.

    Instead of waiting for the next step to come to you, learn how to be proactive in your career journey. Explore strategies to carve your own path and accelerate your growth on your terms.

    ✨Access My Free Masterclass

    Simple 4 Steps To Eliminate Self-Doubt, End Burnout, & Finally Become the Powerhouse Leader You Are Meant to Be (without sacrificing your authenticity or values.)  www.iamaliciaperkins.com/masterclass

    Hi, I'm Alicia!I've helped 250+ senior leaders settle into new roles, navigate career transitions, secure promotions, and elevate their impact and income allowing them to lead authentically & live fully. ◾ Apply to Work With Me: Aliciaperkins.me/discovery

    📍 Connect with me:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alicia-perkins/ Website: https://www.iamaliciaperkins.com/

    • 32分
    #75 Tackle Tough Workplace Conversations with Confidence.

    #75 Tackle Tough Workplace Conversations with Confidence.

    ✨Access My Free Masterclass

    Simple 4 Steps To Eliminate Self-Doubt, End Burnout, & Finally Become the Powerhouse Leader You Are Meant to Be (without sacrificing your authenticity or values.)  www.iamaliciaperkins.com/masterclass

    Hi, I'm Alicia!I've helped 250+ senior leaders settle into new roles, navigate career transitions, secure promotions, and elevate their impact and income allowing them to lead authentically & live fully. ◾ Apply to Work With Me: Aliciaperkins.me/discovery

    📍 Connect with me:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alicia-perkins/ Website: https://www.iamaliciaperkins.com/

    • 1 時間13分
    #74 Boost Your Career by Elevating Personal Growth

    #74 Boost Your Career by Elevating Personal Growth

    ✨Access My Free Masterclass

    Simple 4 Steps To Eliminate Self-Doubt, End Burnout, & Finally Become the Powerhouse Leader You Are Meant to Be (without sacrificing your authenticity or values.)  www.iamaliciaperkins.com/masterclass

    Hi, I'm Alicia!I've helped 250+ senior leaders settle into new roles, navigate career transitions, secure promotions, and elevate their impact and income allowing them to lead authentically & live fully. ◾ Apply to Work With Me: Aliciaperkins.me/discovery

    📍 Connect with me:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alicia-perkins/ Website: https://www.iamaliciaperkins.com/

    • 46分


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