
Caring Voices Eastside Stories

    • 歴史

This podcast was created for our project Caring Stories, made possible by Newham’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Community Grant. The podcast was made during six workshops run by Eastside Community Heritage with a group of carers based in Newham to share their stories and make their voices heard for the caring community.The sound clips used in the podcast are taken from interviews with a group of carers during community oral history and podcasting workshops, where participants recorded each other. These are their stories. You can access a transcript of the podcast here: https://eastsidech-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/aiden_ech_org_uk/EWc3irA198VPnVWb6WVim2YB8xO0k7awBREpyi6lyjmE6Q?e=fgKp1c

This podcast was created for our project Caring Stories, made possible by Newham’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Community Grant. The podcast was made during six workshops run by Eastside Community Heritage with a group of carers based in Newham to share their stories and make their voices heard for the caring community.The sound clips used in the podcast are taken from interviews with a group of carers during community oral history and podcasting workshops, where participants recorded each other. These are their stories. You can access a transcript of the podcast here: https://eastsidech-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/aiden_ech_org_uk/EWc3irA198VPnVWb6WVim2YB8xO0k7awBREpyi6lyjmE6Q?e=fgKp1c



歴史を面白く学ぶコテンラジオ (COTEN RADIO)
COTEN inc.
ラジレキ 〜思わずシェアしたくなる歴史の話〜
Elementary Traditionology