
Welcome to our Clean Sailors podcast!

Hosted by Clean Sailors founder, Holly, we talk all about sea, sailing and keeping it clean, exploring some of the areas in which sailing and our wider marine industry can become that bit cleaner.

Through conversations with experts, innovators, inventors and activists, all working towards the health of our seas, we showcase the people and projects changing the way things are done.

We believe great ideas should be shared so our podcast is free to appear on. If you've got a project, idea or topic you think we should be discussing - get in touch!

Clean Sailors podcast Clean Sailors Crew 🌊

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こちらで聴く: Apple Podcasts
macOS 11.4以降が必要です

Welcome to our Clean Sailors podcast!

Hosted by Clean Sailors founder, Holly, we talk all about sea, sailing and keeping it clean, exploring some of the areas in which sailing and our wider marine industry can become that bit cleaner.

Through conversations with experts, innovators, inventors and activists, all working towards the health of our seas, we showcase the people and projects changing the way things are done.

We believe great ideas should be shared so our podcast is free to appear on. If you've got a project, idea or topic you think we should be discussing - get in touch!

こちらで聴く: Apple Podcasts
macOS 11.4以降が必要です

    Ep 15. Me, My SHE and Mental Health with Freya Terry

    Ep 15. Me, My SHE and Mental Health with Freya Terry

    Freya Terry is a 22-year-old female solo sailor making her way around the UK and Ireland. Aside from this exciting and lengthy journey of 2300 nautical miles, Freya is raising awareness of mental health as she goes. It’s foggy Sunday morning, and we are snug in the cabin of her 31ft boat, a beautiful Sparkman and Stephens SHE, doused in bright pink.
    Listen in to hear about Freya's solo-sailing accomplishments, her big ambitions, why the topic of our mental health is the message she is spreading as she goes, as well as how we can support each other in discussing the same.
    For more on Freya's journey and to support her cause, head to her website and GoFundMe page for donations:

    • 35分
    Ep 14. The Power of Tech in Protecting Our Seabeds

    Ep 14. The Power of Tech in Protecting Our Seabeds

    What exactly is seagrass and why is it important? How do we sailors impact the seabed, and what can we do about it?
    Tune in to hear a conversation of experts around our joint #ProtectOurBeds campaign - why seagrass is an instrumental species for our planet, how it's threatened and how we sailors can find out exactly where it lies, when out on the water.
    With the Ocean Conservation Trust, savvy navvy and Falmouth Harbour.

    • 35分
    Ep 13. On Olympic Wins and Ocean Conservation with Theresa Zabell OLY

    Ep 13. On Olympic Wins and Ocean Conservation with Theresa Zabell OLY

    As sailors, the sea is our pleasure, our passion and our pastime and for many - profession. Who better, then, to help protect the health of our waters than sailors...
    In this episode, host, Holly, is joined by Theresa Zabell OLY; two-time Olympic gold winning sailor, with five world championship titles and one silver, three European titles, 14 International Olympic weeks and 13 National Championships under her belt, who, for over twenty years, has been been educating and inspiring young people on ocean pollution and conserving our seas through her Ecomar Foundation.
    From rising to meet the Olympic standard in sailing to helping address the global challenge of ocean health, hear Theresa discuss her golden achievements and how we all play a role in improving and preserving our watery environments, worldwide.

    • 28分
    Ep 12. Melting Ice with Ella Hibbert

    Ep 12. Melting Ice with Ella Hibbert

    Our polar ice caps are probably the most referred to, as a proxy for the alarming temperature changes of our planet. These large sheets of ice, as preserved for millions of years, have been undergoing change, so much so that once impassable and certainly inhospitable areas of our globe are opening up.
    Host, Holly, is joined by Ella Hibbert, a sailor who and in just a few short weeks will slip lines, alone, for the Arctic Circle, attempting the worlds- first single-handed non-stop circumnavigation of the Arctic.
    But, in her own words – ‘this is not a record attempt, it’s a wake-up call’.

    • 26分
    Ep 11. Building Better Boats

    Ep 11. Building Better Boats

    During the 1950s, glass fibre reinforced polyester (GRP/FRP/fibreglass) composites displaced wood as the material of choice for boats as it permitted easier manufacture, smoother hydrodynamic surfaces and significantly reduced the maintenance costs.
    Such materials revolutionised not just the production of vessels, leisure in particular, but also the accessibility of boating to a much wider audience. However, the durability of the composite materials is now becoming an issue given that many boats are no longer required and disposal is not trivial.
    In this episode, podcast host, Holly, is joined by two teams changing the way boats are built. Listen in to hear how material science is revolutionising recyclability in boat-building with a view to solve the end-of-life problem, with guests Alessandro Stagni from NL Comp and Patrick Pacchetti from RECARBON.

    • 40分
    Ep 10. On The Next Generation of Sails

    Ep 10. On The Next Generation of Sails

    Sails, like many things, have a long history. From papyrus leaves or animal hide rigged to catch the wind to today's highly complex highly engineered sail cloth, designed to withstand some of the toughest environments on our planet. With no formal recycling for end-of-life sails, anywhere in the world, we speak with Dede De Luca, Co-founder and CEO of OneSails, on the evolution of sail technology, why end-of-life materials are so complicated, and his top tips for looking after our sails.

    • 39分


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