
Wasn’t it just a couple years ago you were sitting on the beach at spring break in Ft. Lauderdale – listening to the Pet Shop Boys, U2, and Def Leppard - with your entire life ahead of you? Now you’re looking back 30 plus years and wondering what the hell happened.

Not that it’s been all bad. Of course, there’ve been highs and lows. And today, everything’s fine. It’s just fine. That’s the problem. You don’t really feel like you have anything to complain about. Lots of people might envy what you have. But you’re feeling a deep undercurrent of suck. Like, there must be something more. And you don’t know what to do about it.

Welcome to Fine is a 4-Letter Word, with host Lori Saitz. Each week, you'll hear inspiring stories of self-discovery and courage from people who have said F*ck Being Fine and have transformed their lives and businesses. Plus, get practical tips and takeaways to move you from spinning in place - to forward action - so you can create a life of joy.

None of us knows how much time we have here. So we have to make the most of it. We have to do the things that light us up and bring us joy.

This show will give you hope, help you find your passion and purpose, and dare you to see the life that’s waiting for you. You’ll never hear - or say - the word “fine” in the same way again.

FINE is a 4-Letter Word Lori Saitz

    • 健康/フィットネス

Wasn’t it just a couple years ago you were sitting on the beach at spring break in Ft. Lauderdale – listening to the Pet Shop Boys, U2, and Def Leppard - with your entire life ahead of you? Now you’re looking back 30 plus years and wondering what the hell happened.

Not that it’s been all bad. Of course, there’ve been highs and lows. And today, everything’s fine. It’s just fine. That’s the problem. You don’t really feel like you have anything to complain about. Lots of people might envy what you have. But you’re feeling a deep undercurrent of suck. Like, there must be something more. And you don’t know what to do about it.

Welcome to Fine is a 4-Letter Word, with host Lori Saitz. Each week, you'll hear inspiring stories of self-discovery and courage from people who have said F*ck Being Fine and have transformed their lives and businesses. Plus, get practical tips and takeaways to move you from spinning in place - to forward action - so you can create a life of joy.

None of us knows how much time we have here. So we have to make the most of it. We have to do the things that light us up and bring us joy.

This show will give you hope, help you find your passion and purpose, and dare you to see the life that’s waiting for you. You’ll never hear - or say - the word “fine” in the same way again.

    Nurturing New Seeds After PTSD Uprooted Us with Luvyna Mantle

    Nurturing New Seeds After PTSD Uprooted Us with Luvyna Mantle

    Building your family and your life is like planting, nurturing, and harvesting crops on a farm. You put a lot of effort, a lot of heart, and a lot of energy into it, hoping your knowledge, wisdom, and patience deliver a bumper crop that fills your pantry and allows you a life of comfort, security, and happiness.
    You may have heard the expression “Man plans, God laughs.” My version of that, of course, is Fine is a 4-Letter Word.
    That’s how things went for Luvyna Mantle, who saw the crops she had patiently planted and nurtured ripped out by the roots just when she thought the harvest was about to come in.
    Luvyna was raised with the values of hard work, sacrifice, and frugality by parents who owned a ranch in Kansas. Her father gave up his corporate job and her mother gave up becoming a global journalist to go all-in with the ranch.
    In college, Luvyna met a man who, unlike the folksy cowboys and farm boys she was used to dating, showed up driving a sleek sports car and listening to rap music. In contrast to her stable upbringing, his parents were divorced and he received little accountability as he was shuffled between his parents and relatives. On their first date, they barely said 3 words to each other.
    Funny, though - they got married at ages 19 and 18 and due in part to Luvyna’s values around money management and avoiding debt, they had a house and a lot more spending money than typical teenagers. Her husband went into the military to become a careerist. This meant following him to his assignment in Germany and giving up her studies – which she was fine doing.
    Fine… yes… Fine is a 4-Letter Word.
    Right before they shipped out, her husband suffered an injury and was unable to get proper treatment due to his responsibilities. Before long, it became apparent that his dreams of a military career would come to naught, and the family, which now included their infant son, would be coming back to Kansas.
    But then COVID kept them stuck in Germany. Eventually, Luvyna was able to return to the States, but because of his condition, her husband had to stay longer. So for nearly a year after she returned to Kansas, Luvyna and her husband were separated except for one three-week furlough.
    Once he was home for good, her husband seemed an entirely different man. While he got along fine with their second child, he constantly berated and flipped out on their toddler who was acting out with aggressive behaviors. Luvyna was afraid to leave her kids alone with their dad and scared that if she went out and came home, she’d find her husband dead. Something had to give.
    The spoiler alert? Luvyna and her husband are still together and are actually happier than they’ve ever been. How does THAT work? What changed? And how has her experience inspired her to help other military families?
    Luvyna’s hype songs are "The Man" by Taylor Swift and "Kings & Queens" by Ava Max.
    Luvyna Mantle’s website: https://mantleandco.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luvyna-mantle Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mantleandco Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mantleandco/ Get Luvyna Mantle’s interactive cost-comparison that helps you save money marketing and selling...

    • 50分
    The F*ck Yes Formula for Energizing Your Life: A Special Episode with Lori

    The F*ck Yes Formula for Energizing Your Life: A Special Episode with Lori

    Today’s solo episode is about ENERGY!
    When you look it up, Energy is defined as the capacity or ability to do work.
    I’d expand it to include the capacity or ability to have fun too.
    If you have no energy, you’re not going to be getting any work done or having any fun.
    “Fine” is not fun – it’s a 4-Letter Word!
    Tune in now as we cover three key areas:
    1) Figuring out your values and why they matter
    2) Finding your energetic home and what’s important about that
    3) Why it’s essential to honor what’s not a F*CK YES for you!
    Thank you for being part of what we do.
    I love you, our listeners, and I appreciate that you’ve said F*ck Yes to listening to Fine is a 4-Letter Word!
    My Website: https://ZenRabbit.com/The F*ck Being Fine Experience: https://zenrabbit.com/f-being-fine-program/ LinkedIn: https://zenrabbit.com/linkedin/ Facebook: https://zenrabbit.com/facebook/ Instagram: https://zenrabbit.com/instagram/
    Invitation from Lori:
    If, like me, you find yourself ready to get energized and enjoy what life has to offer that, up until now, you may not have known existed, the 5 Easy Ways to Start Living The Sabbatical Life guide is your roadmap.
    Once you read it, you’ll
    ✅ Discover a counter-intuitive approach to making intentional changes in mindset and lifestyle.
    ✅ Learn how to own your feelings and your struggles so you can address them.
    ✅ Find out how to face fears, step out of your comfort zone, and rewire your beliefs.
    It’s only 7 pages, so it won’t take you long to get through. If you find yourself feeling stuck or stagnant, this could be the energetic catalyst you need to find what you truly need make this an amazing life.
    When you’re ready to say F*ck Being Fine, this guide is the place to start. It’s time to look beyond where you are now so you can get to where you are destined to go.
    Go to https://zenrabbit.com right now to download it for free.
    Now let’s get pumped up with energy and create a new F*ck Yes for ourselves!

    • 23分
    Regenerating Joy with Brad Chandler

    Regenerating Joy with Brad Chandler

    From the very first episode of Fine is a 4-Letter Word, where my guest revealed that she did not even know what emotions were until she was in middle age because she was punished as a child for having them, I’ve been sharing stories of what happens from the inside out.
    My mission and drive for this podcast is to give you hope, help you find your passion and purpose, and dare you to see the life that’s waiting for you, so you’ll never hear - or say - the word “fine” in the same way again.
    Brad Chandler, who was my client/boss when I was the marketing director for his real estate company, brings a level of clarity and understanding to this work that could change your life in just the next few minutes.
    See, Brad was created – not raised – with the belief that something was wrong with him and he was never good enough. Note how I phrased this.
    His parents didn’t mean for this to happen. It was simply a consequence of how they processed – or failed to process – their own traumas that were handed to them through generational patterns. They handed them down to Brad.
    Fast-forward to when Brad was in his mid-40s. He had a successful company and a boat, but he also had two failed marriages, two kids who lived with severe anxiety, a feeling that even though he was wealthy and owned a successful company he had not succeeded, a lack of joy, and a propensity to smoke a lot of weed.
    Lots of people get divorced, have anxious kids, question their self-worth, lack joy, smoke a little weed now and then, and they seem fine on the day-to-day.
    But you know… you guessed it… Fine is a 4-Letter Word.
    Looking at all these situations, Brad noticed a common denominator in all these situations – Brad Chandler.
    Why didn’t Brad Chandler ever seem to be good enough?
    Why wasn’t all that hard work paying off for him emotionally?
    He was scared. He was hurt. He realized he was protecting himself from something. What did a wealthy guy who from the outside had an incredibly blessed life need protection from?
    In a moment, when you meet Brad, you’re not only going to join him on his journey of self-discovery - that has changed him and made him possibly the happiest guy on earth - you’re also going to get a step-by-step prescription on how to understand and sort your own emotions so you finally come to understand that yes, you are good enough.
    If you can’t see that for yourself right now, gift yourself this episode now.
    Brad’s hype song is “Roar” by Katy Perry.
    Brad Chandler’s website: https://www.bradchandler.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lbradchandler/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brad.chandler1 Instagram: https://instagram.com/bradchandlercoaching X (formerly Twitter): https://twitter.com/lbchandler1 Take the Self-Love Quiz: https://www.bradchandler.com/quiz/ Claim the Joy Regenerator: https://unlocklimitlessyou.com/joy-regenerator/
    Invitation from Lori:
    Now if, like Brad, you just don’t feel like you’re good enough, you’re always...

    • 45分
    Replacing Fine with F*ck Off! with P.J. Roscoe

    Replacing Fine with F*ck Off! with P.J. Roscoe

    Children who are told to be “seen, but not heard” learn early on that their thoughts, feelings, and words don’t matter.
    Then as adults, they continue to silence themselves even when they do speak by hiding and suppressing their true thoughts and feelings.
    Growing up in a small Welsh village, P.J. Roscoe learned early on to know her place, don’t have an opinion, don’t question or challenge anything, and generally stay completely out of the way.
    It was such a small village that as P.J. says, you could fart on one end of the village, and by the time you got home, everyone would know about it. The adults talked with each other about the children constantly, but the children were supposed to stay silent and contribute nothing.
    Ironically, when P.J. and her family moved to another town where she felt more free to express herself, she felt out of place and wanted to go back.
    Going away to college didn’t change much. She ended up in an abusive relationship that gave her no freedom, and in college she was told that she could not have certain jobs or career choices because she was a woman. She was studying to be a beauty health and sports therapist and dance instructor, but she really wanted to be an author. No, she was told, her grades weren’t good enough.
    When she was eight months pregnant, P.J. went for her usual scan where they discovered the baby didn’t have a heartbeat. This tragedy became the catalyst for her to write her first novel, called “Echoes”.
    So maybe things were going to be fine after all – but Fine is a 4-Letter Word.
    P.J.’s next step was training to become a therapist. Her instructor gave her an assignment – for the next three years, instead of saying the word “fine” (or “okay”) when asked how she was doing or how her day was, she was to say “fuck off”.
    Her instructor explained that when you say “fine” as the answer to questions like “how are you” or “how was dinner,” it disrespects the person asking because it shows them you reject their interest or concern for you. Similarly, P.J. should never accept “fine” or “okay” as the response when asking after someone else.
    What should she do instead? How does changing the conversation lead to better communication as well as empower and honor both you and the other person? In what ways does this help us be both seen and heard?
    In a moment, when you meet P.J., you’ll discover a new take on how Fine is a 4-Letter Word which could open new doors for you.
    P.J.’s hype song is "Rain” by The Cult.
    P.J. Roscoe’s website: https://pjroscoe.co.uk/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pjroscoeauthorgriefguru111/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PaulaGriefGuru/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pjroscoeauthor/ X (formerly Twitter): https://twitter.com/PJRoscoeauthor
    P.J. is offering you a 10% discount on her 5-month program when you contact her and say “I heard you on Lori’s show, Fine is a 4-Letter Word”.
    Invitation from Lori:
    Now if, like P.J., you feel seen but not heard – like you’re existing in a reality dictated by somebody else and you’ve no say in the matter, the 5 Easy Ways to Start Living The Sabbatical Life guide can help you find your own voice.
    Once you...

    • 45分
    Are You a Fiction Writer of Your Own Story? with Lana McAra

    Are You a Fiction Writer of Your Own Story? with Lana McAra

    Family trauma and drama flow through generations and can take on a form of fiction around “family unity,” “handed down traditions,” and “that’s the way it is” that sweep the suffering under the rug. But two things can happen.
    Either you’ll find yourself in pain from stepping on the lumps of dirt under the rug, or the rug will slip and slide due to the dirt making it less sticky to the floor – either way, you could fall when you least expect it.
    This need to create narratives could be part of why Lana McAra became a published fiction author, a coach and mentor to fiction writers, and host of an acclaimed podcast that delves deep into the ins and outs of fiction novel writing.
    Lana was raised in a conservative environment as the oldest of five children of a hospital handyman and a housewife. They lived in Amish country and belonged to a Mennonite community. Rustic, yes – however everything looked fine.
    But Fine is a 4-Letter Word – and the contradictions were just beginning.
    Her father seemed to be a pillar of integrity who upheld traditional values, while her mother was a rebel who didn’t wear her bonnet or stockings and therefore “scandalized” the entire family. Eventually, her mother filed for divorce, her father moved to the opposite side of the country, and not even two weeks after the divorce, her mother married a volatile and abusive man.
    As de facto parent to her four younger siblings, Lana created the narrative that their father, who had become a successful tradesman in his new life, was the example they should follow – even though he had completely abandoned them.
    So much for moral rectitude from both parents, huh?
    Lana went to college with the intention of breaking free and blazing her own trail… only to almost immediately meet, and soon marry, a man who had the same hypocritical character and controlling manner her father did.
    Lana and her husband became missionaries, traveling to different countries like Grenada where her husband’s efforts to control her didn’t fly with the culture. It was a culture shock to come back to the United States and learn it all again.
    In the meantime, just as she had been the sole caretaker as a teenager for her four siblings, she now became this for her seven children, all while pursuing her lifelong passion for fiction novel writing.
    After 30 years, Lana and her husband divorced. Her family relationships unraveled as she formed short-term reunion bonds with her parents before they died. Then she became estranged from her siblings. All of this led to a nervous breakdown.
    The fiction stories she had written all fell apart – but then she met someone at a conference who led her toward literally tapping the depths of her trauma.
    You’re about to meet Lana and discover the very real new story she is penning!
    Lana’s hype song is "You Don't Mess Around with Jim” by Jim Croce.
    Lana McAra’s website: http://LanaMcAra.com LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/lanamcara Facebook: https://facebook.com/lana.mcara2 Instagram: https://instagram.com/lanamcara2 X (formerly Twitter): https://www.twitter.com/lanamcara
    Invitation from Lori:
    Now if, like Lana, you find yourself discovering that the life you think is real has turned out to be a...

    • 52分
    Wisdom from Grandpa Owl with Philip Lower

    Wisdom from Grandpa Owl with Philip Lower

    In the United States, more than 64 million men identify themselves as fathers.
    Yet, 7 million American dads are absent from the lives of their minor children, and 17.4 million children live in fatherless homes!
    Philip Lower, technically, grew up as one of these statistics.
    His biological father took his own life when Phil was five years old, leaving him with the question: "Why did Daddy have to leave me?"
    Five years later his mother met and married a wonderful man who became Phil's stepfather. But, it wasn't until until he was 25 that Phil stopped treating his stepdad as a “butthead,”– that was his own term.
    As an adult, Phil became dad to two daughters and worked for a Fortune 250 company managing leadership development and training for 2,000 employees.
    It seemed like everything was fine - but Fine is a 4-Letter Word.
    There was a reorganization and the development team got whacked – and in the meantime, Phil was diagnosed with Guillain–Barré syndrome.
    Due to his condition, he couldn't get another job, even as a Walmart greeter, for the same reason.
    He and his family ended up homeless for almost three years, with a period of time where they lived apart before he was able to figure out a way to afford to live with them in hotel rooms.
    Not only was he physically separated from his daughters, but because of the impact of Guillain–Barré on his nervous system, he couldn't even feel them when touching them on the cheek.
    For Phil and his daughters, as well his career, this experience led to a new beginning. The dad jokes he told to his girls turned into the first published Dad Quote of the Day book. The second book was a collection of recipes they developed in the kitchenette of their Extended Stay hotel room.
    Phil is now on an endeavor to translate concepts and principles of leadership and empathy into language kids can easily understand. From the Trees of Leadership sprung the Grandpa Owl series, which features a wise owl who teaches family values in a way that relates to historical events in a unique, holistic approach you’ve not seen before.
    Phil’s hype song is "Strength of a Thousand Men" by Two Steps from Hell.
    Philip Lower’s website: https://dqotd.com/welcome-to-grandpa-owl/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lowerphil Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dadquoteoftheday Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dadquoteoftheday To learn more about Granda Owl, e-mail Phil at grandpa@grandpaowl.com.
    Invitation from Lori:
    If, like Phil, you find yourself in a place where you either physically or metaphotically lose touch, the 5 Easy Ways to Start Living The Sabbatical Life guide can be the restorative vitamin that brings back the feeling.
    Once you read it, you’ll
    ✅ Discover a counter-intuitive approach to making intentional changes in mindset and lifestyle.
    ✅ Learn how to own your feelings and your struggles so you can address them.
    ✅ Find out how to face fears, step out of your comfort zone, and rewire your beliefs.
    It’s only 7 pages, so it won’t take you long to get through.
    When you’re ready to say F*ck Being Fine, this guide is the place to start. It’s time to reach out and feel the power

    • 54分


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