
Friends S05E19:教皇法律天然气 打情骂俏都会‪区‬ Andy漫谈《老友记》 Season Five

    • 言語学習

1. flirt with someone 跟某人调情 
这集的名字里包含的一个词flirting.打情骂俏, 调情。其实这个的翻译有一些问题,因为在中文里调情是有贬义的,事实上flirt 是个中性词。对异性的搭讪,有时候异性间的玩笑都可以是flirt的一种。
flirt with someone 跟某人打情骂俏

Ross: What the hell was that?!
Chandler: What?
Ross: The flirting! Aren't you supposed to be going out with, I don't know hmm, let's say my sister?!
Chandler: I was not flirting.
Ross: It was totally flirting. "Somebody got a haircut "
Chandler: Okay first of all, the impression, uncanny. And second, that was not flirting, that was just casual conversation between two people. That is all.
Ross: Yeah, right.
Chandler: You wanna see flirting? I'll show you flirting. (Starts to move towards Ross.)
Ross: (backing away) I'm good.
2. Law and Order 法律与秩序 
在本集中Joey将要客串一部电视剧Law and Order 《法律与秩序》。法律与秩序是一部比较真实反映美国法律制度的电视连续剧,从1990年开播以来,每周一集,热播至今,是美国第二长命电视剧。故事大部分取材自真实的案例,在美国收视率很高,和《老友记》一样是NBC的王牌剧之一。

Rachel: I am so proud of Joey, I can't believe he's going to be on Law & Order!
Phoebe: I know. But don't you think that it should be called Order and Law?
Rachel: No because first they arrest the guy and then they try him.
Phoebe: Don't get me started on that
3. Tri State Area 纽约都会区 
Chandler说Monica和所有Tri State Area的人都flirt. Tri state area 指纽约市和纽约州,新泽西,康涅狄克州交界处,这三个州靠近纽约,所以说到Tri state area指的就是纽约地区, 也叫纽约都会区。

Chandler: So uh Monica, do you, do you like the Law & Order?
Monica: Yeah, it's good.
Chandler: See, I'm finding out all this stuff about you today, like you like the Law & Order and that you flirted with every guy in the Tri-State area!
Monica: Chandler! Okay, let me get this straight, it's okay for you to flirt, but not for me.
Chandler: Oh, I'm so glad we cleared that up. Look, I'm sorry, some things are different for men and for women.
Monica: Go on, teach me something about men and women.
Chandler: Okay, I've already taught you so much already, but whatever. See when you flirt with a guy you think, "I'm just flirting, no big deal." But the guy is thinking, "Finally! Somebody who wants to sleep with me!"
Monica: No way!
Chandler: It's true.
Monica: Well that's pathetic!
Chandler: Again true.
Monica: And this goes for all guys?
Chandler: All guys that are awake. Then we go to sleep and then all the guys from the other end of the world wake up and behave the exact same way.
4. gas 天然气,汽油 
Pizza delivery girl说我们的披萨是gas做的,在这里gas 指天然气,瓦斯。

Ross: (He opens the door while faking a laugh.) Hey! Oh, we-we can't keep eating like this. 
Caitlin: It's uh, $12.50.
Ross: Okay, (gets the money) so, do you make the pizzas in one of those uh, wood-burning ovens?
Caitlin: No actually umm, I think that they're umm, gas.
Ross: Gas? Wow! Intense.
Chandler: (To Monica) If this is the way all the Gellers flirt, we don't have a problem.
5. Pope 教皇 
Pope 天主教的教皇,教宗。这个词源于希腊语,本意是父亲。Joey说看到Pope来分散奶奶的注意力。现任教皇是方济各。

Joey: (entering) Hey! Is the show still on?
Chandler: Almost over man.
Joey: (says hi to his grandma) Look! Oh! (Pointing out the window.) Is that the Pope?! (Chandler and his grandma turn to look and Joey slips a tape into the VCR.)
Chandler: Why am I looking?

1. flirt with someone 跟某人调情 
这集的名字里包含的一个词flirting.打情骂俏, 调情。其实这个的翻译有一些问题,因为在中文里调情是有贬义的,事实上flirt 是个中性词。对异性的搭讪,有时候异性间的玩笑都可以是flirt的一种。
flirt with someone 跟某人打情骂俏

Ross: What the hell was that?!
Chandler: What?
Ross: The flirting! Aren't you supposed to be going out with, I don't know hmm, let's say my sister?!
Chandler: I was not flirting.
Ross: It was totally flirting. "Somebody got a haircut "
Chandler: Okay first of all, the impression, uncanny. And second, that was not flirting, that was just casual conversation between two people. That is all.
Ross: Yeah, right.
Chandler: You wanna see flirting? I'll show you flirting. (Starts to move towards Ross.)
Ross: (backing away) I'm good.
2. Law and Order 法律与秩序 
在本集中Joey将要客串一部电视剧Law and Order 《法律与秩序》。法律与秩序是一部比较真实反映美国法律制度的电视连续剧,从1990年开播以来,每周一集,热播至今,是美国第二长命电视剧。故事大部分取材自真实的案例,在美国收视率很高,和《老友记》一样是NBC的王牌剧之一。

Rachel: I am so proud of Joey, I can't believe he's going to be on Law & Order!
Phoebe: I know. But don't you think that it should be called Order and Law?
Rachel: No because first they arrest the guy and then they try him.
Phoebe: Don't get me started on that
3. Tri State Area 纽约都会区 
Chandler说Monica和所有Tri State Area的人都flirt. Tri state area 指纽约市和纽约州,新泽西,康涅狄克州交界处,这三个州靠近纽约,所以说到Tri state area指的就是纽约地区, 也叫纽约都会区。

Chandler: So uh Monica, do you, do you like the Law & Order?
Monica: Yeah, it's good.
Chandler: See, I'm finding out all this stuff about you today, like you like the Law & Order and that you flirted with every guy in the Tri-State area!
Monica: Chandler! Okay, let me get this straight, it's okay for you to flirt, but not for me.
Chandler: Oh, I'm so glad we cleared that up. Look, I'm sorry, some things are different for men and for women.
Monica: Go on, teach me something about men and women.
Chandler: Okay, I've already taught you so much already, but whatever. See when you flirt with a guy you think, "I'm just flirting, no big deal." But the guy is thinking, "Finally! Somebody who wants to sleep with me!"
Monica: No way!
Chandler: It's true.
Monica: Well that's pathetic!
Chandler: Again true.
Monica: And this goes for all guys?
Chandler: All guys that are awake. Then we go to sleep and then all the guys from the other end of the world wake up and behave the exact same way.
4. gas 天然气,汽油 
Pizza delivery girl说我们的披萨是gas做的,在这里gas 指天然气,瓦斯。

Ross: (He opens the door while faking a laugh.) Hey! Oh, we-we can't keep eating like this. 
Caitlin: It's uh, $12.50.
Ross: Okay, (gets the money) so, do you make the pizzas in one of those uh, wood-burning ovens?
Caitlin: No actually umm, I think that they're umm, gas.
Ross: Gas? Wow! Intense.
Chandler: (To Monica) If this is the way all the Gellers flirt, we don't have a problem.
5. Pope 教皇 
Pope 天主教的教皇,教宗。这个词源于希腊语,本意是父亲。Joey说看到Pope来分散奶奶的注意力。现任教皇是方济各。

Joey: (entering) Hey! Is the show still on?
Chandler: Almost over man.
Joey: (says hi to his grandma) Look! Oh! (Pointing out the window.) Is that the Pope?! (Chandler and his grandma turn to look and Joey slips a tape into the VCR.)
Chandler: Why am I looking?
