
In today’s world of work, it’s too easy to forget that Human Resource are actually Human People. This podcast gives you fresh perspectives on leadership, teams, change, diversity and values, as well as actionable ideas to make working with other humans better for everyone, because I believe that well-being at work is a basic human right.

Humans at Work with Michael Glazer Michael Glazer

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In today’s world of work, it’s too easy to forget that Human Resource are actually Human People. This podcast gives you fresh perspectives on leadership, teams, change, diversity and values, as well as actionable ideas to make working with other humans better for everyone, because I believe that well-being at work is a basic human right.

    Leaders as Healers

    Leaders as Healers

    In this episode, we're rethinking leadership with Nicholas Janni, author of “Leader As Healer” and teacher at IMD Business School and the University of Oxford Said Business School. Nicholas introduces the revolutionary concept of leaders as healers, advocating for a shift from the hyper-rational, imbalanced corporate norms that prioritize doing over being. He shares how integrating emotional intelligence and deep personal connections can transform leadership effectiveness.
    Join us as Nicholas shares how embracing our whole selves helps businesses and the people who work in them can thrive together.
    If you enjoy the show, please rate it on  Apple or Spotify. Your ratings help more people like you discover the podcast!
     Episode Highlights
    The critical role of leaders in addressing global crises through deep personal and emotional connection. How fostering emotional openness and vulnerability can transform leadership effectiveness and workplace dynamics. Integrating meditative and somatic practices to elevate leaders' perceptual fields and empathy levels. The substantial business benefits of emotionally intelligent leadership, from engagement to profitability. The necessity of taking a leadership approach that prioritizes emotional authenticity for transformative change. How physical awareness and presence enhance leaders' decision-making capabilities and overall effectiveness. Creating organizational cultures that foster resilience and satisfaction. Nicholas’ view on the greatest unmet wellbeing need at work today
    “Emotional the cultivation and welcoming of emotional authenticity. People being allowed to say how they're really feeling and being unconditionally met. There's nothing wrong with feeling frightened, sad. I think without that you'll never have well pay.”
    What "working with humans" means to Nicholas
    “It means working with the full spectrum of who we are. And most workplaces in my great, extensive experience, function on a very small spectrum of who we really are.”
    Follow: Nicholas on LinkedIn
    Visit: Matrix Development website
    Read: Leader as Healer: A new paradigm for 21st-century leadership
    For more episodes that give you fresh perspectives and actionable ideas for making working with other humans better for everyone, visit our website at https://en.peoplefocusconsulting.com/resources/podcast/
    ©Michael Glazer

    • 37分
    The Art of Spontaneous Communication (Rebroadcast)

    The Art of Spontaneous Communication (Rebroadcast)

    We've all been there: put on the spot during a meeting and found ourselves tongue-tied. In this episode, we tackle the challenge of spontaneous communication head-on. I'm joined by Matt Abrahams, who is a Lecturer at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business and the host of the “Think Fast, Talk Smart,” which draws in millions of listeners per episode. His TEDx Talk has captivated a global audience, and his latest book is titled, “Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How to Speak Successfully When You're Put on the Spot.”
    Today, Matt shares his insights into preparing for those unscripted moments, managing speaking anxiety, and mastering the mindset shifts critical for effective communication. We'll cover practical strategies for nailing Q&A sessions and confidently handling challenging conversations. 
    If you enjoy the show, please rate it on iTunes or Spotify. Your ratings help more people like you discover the podcast!
    Episode Highlights
    ·         How preparation paradoxically improves your ability to speak spontaneously
    ·         Making your message resonate and be memorable
    ·         Creating a personalized anxiety management plan to reduce speaking anxiety
    ·         A critical mindset shift that improves communication quality and effectiveness
    ·         Reframing errors as learning opportunities to improve communication skills
    ·         How improving our listening skills can make spontaneous speaking more effective
    ·         Mastering Q&A sessions by engaging with people who are opposed to your ideas
    ·         Methods for handling difficult questions in tricky scenarios
    Matt’s view on the greatest unmet wellbeing need at work today
    “I think we saw with the pandemic, just how raw some people can be. It exposed that and put a light on it. And it's important that we respect it and that we connect with it. As a teacher, I see it in my students, I see it my colleagues. So, I believe all of us have to take a step back and remind ourselves that first and foremost, we're humans, we have challenges and issues, both in inside ourselves and in the relationships we have. And I think we need to spend more time respecting that in offering to help those who are struggling.”
    What “working with humans” means to Matt
    “To me, it is a reminder that communication is relational and about connection, not about transactions. We work with others, others who have their own existence, their own ideas, their own belief, and we need to remember that it's all about the relationship and the connection that we have and I think that is very powerful and very important.”
    Follow: Matt on LinkedIn
    Visit: Matt’s website
    Read: Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How to Speak Successfully When You're Put on the Spot
    For more episodes that give you fresh perspectives and actionable ideas for making working with other humans better for everyone, visit our website at https://en.peoplefocusconsulting.com/resources/podcast/

    • 37分
    Harnessing Trust, Motivation, and Emotions for Team Performance

    Harnessing Trust, Motivation, and Emotions for Team Performance

    This episode examines the components of building and leading high-performing teams with guests Alison Grieve and Jenni Miller, experts in transforming team dynamics at some of the world's leading companies, including PepsiCo and ING.
    Alison and Jenni share practical advice on the critical roles of trust, motivation, and emotional intelligence in team success, as well as advice on fostering resilience, enhancing virtual and hybrid collaborations, and creating a culture of accountability and empowerment. 
    If you enjoy the show, please rate it on iTunes or Spotify. Your ratings help more people like you discover the podcast!
    Episode Highlights
    The importance of understanding and managing emotions within teams. How daily and significant changes within teams can affect team performance. The responsibility of leaders and team members in recognizing and managing emotions. The need for us to recognize our own blind spots and develop better self-awareness. How unchecked assumptions can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. Recognizing that what motivates one team member may not motivate another. Feedback as a Tool for Growth: The significance of creating a culture of constructive feedback to foster personal and team growth. How shared experiences strengthen team bonds and trust. Concrete strategies to build trust and improve team performance.  
    Alison’s and Jenni’s views on the greatest unmet wellbeing need at work today
    “I think isolation—so, talking about meetings, going into meetings, and nobody's got their video on their screen, so you can't see them. People are not communicating very well. They're just sending WhatsApp or Slack messages and emails. They don't meet physically. I think isolation then tends to make people feel that it's just about the task, and work becomes a tool because fun at work often comes from having solved a problem or overcome a challenge with someone else. And so, if we start to lose those, then I think it's really sad.”
    “I was going to fully agree with what Alison said. I think it is the number one challenge that organizations are wrestling with at the moment in the debate about whether hybrids work or whether it's back to the office. I don't think it's actually a location issue. I think it's an isolation issue. So what people are picking up on is that people aren't as motivated or as productive as they could be if they're just working from home. That, the working from home bit, is not the issue. It's the fact that managers and teams aren't putting in mechanisms to make people feel still connected to the organization. You address that, and I imagine it's going to open up something really powerful and positive.”
    What "working with humans" means to Alison and Jenni
    “There is a warmth and creativity that is so empowering [to that phrase], and inspiring and energizing. That's what it's about.”
    “What's the alternative? It's working with robots and artificial intelligence. I'm hearing a lot of concern from people, asking, ‘Are they going to replace me? What does that mean for my job going forward?’
    Actually, the beauty of working with humans, as opposed to AI, is in solving really complex problems together, doing something for the first time that nobody's ever done before, being creative, and coming up with new ideas. Like, ‘I may well be proven wrong, but I don't think that robots and AI can do that.’ So, I believe that's what keeps us special and powerful as a species—all of that.”
    Follow: Alison and Jenni on LinkedIn
    Visit: Management Dynamics
    Read: Leading Edge: Strategies for developing and sustaining high-performing teams
    Visit our website for a full transcript of this episode and for more episodes that give you fresh perspectives and actionable ideas for making working with other humans better for everyone.

    • 49分
    Improv for Wellbeing

    Improv for Wellbeing

    Can improv help us unlock workplace success? In this episode, we explore the positive impact of improvisation on well-being, communication, and the nuances of our daily interactions. Patricia Ryan Madson, Stanford University Emerita and author of “Improv Wisdom,” provides insights on how improv maxims can enhance the way we connect, create, and engage at work – and in life.
    If you enjoy the show, please rate it on iTunes or Spotify. Your ratings help more people like you discover the podcast!
    Episode Highlights
    Learn how simple acts of noticing and acknowledging others can have outsized effects on their well-being and yours. Find out how the maxim of "Yes, And" can enhance teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving. Uncover strategies for tackling common fears and anxieties in the workplace through the lens of improv. Explore how the practices of improv can sharpen your mindfulness and presence. Hear advice for applying improv principles in many aspects of daily life. Learn how to cultivate gratitude for the often-overlooked contributions of others. Discover how improvisation can be a powerful tool for navigating change and uncertainty. Use improv to improve your communication skills, making you a better listener and collaborator. Hear how the ethos of improv can help build a work environment where every voice is heard and valued. Patricia’s view on the greatest unmet wellbeing need at work today 
    “I think that the greatest need is to discover the concept of ‘enough’. I think the workplace and the mania for pushing forward for more and greater, this need in our consumer world, that in order to keep going, everything has to grow and grow. I think we need to say enough. And to find space, and to slow down, and to do less. 
    I think our world would be a lot better, certainly businesses would be, if instead of just looking at the bottom line as the measure of success, more companies would see that the health of the world depends upon all of us being able to slow down a little more, respect each other, maybe not consume as much. 
    I just turned 81. And so, I am looking at trying to notice how my world has so many things that I’ve been collecting over the years, and realizing that it’s hard to get off that ‘let’s get some more stuff’ wagon. But I’m a proponent now of every day trying to find something that I can rehome or give away, or find a different home for, rather than just adding more. So, the concept of enough and slowing down would be what I would wish for our workplaces.”
    What "working with humans" means to Patricia
    “‘Working with humans’ is a reminder somehow that we’re all in this together. And that there’s no way that I can really thrive and succeed if I’m trying to do it on my own. So working with humans means shifting that in fact, as I was thinking about that, my eyes kind of rolled back in my head and I felt myself sort of go into me, but it’s I need to shift the attention so that I’m working with humans meaning never forget all of the others and my place in that to be helpful to them, to try to cause them less trouble and to make it work by doing my part.”
    Read: Improv Wisdom: Don't Prepare, Just Show Up
    Visit our website for a full transcript of this episode and for more episodes that give you fresh perspectives and actionable ideas for making working with other humans better for everyone.

    • 48分
    Reverse Mentoring

    Reverse Mentoring

    Ever wondered what happens when we flip traditional corporate hierarchies, allowing the young to mentor the old? This episode zeroes in on reverse mentoring, showcasing its power to drive innovation and foster understanding across generations. Patrice Gordon, a pioneer at Virgin Atlantic and author of the book “Reverse Mentoring: Removing Barriers and Building Belonging in the Workplace.”
    Patrice explains how embracing uncomfortable moments and challenging our assumptions can lead to growth for both people and organizations. She also shares advice for setting up and running reserve mentoring programs and strategies for bringing more humanity into our organizations. Tune in to discover how you can harness the potential of reverse mentoring to not only enhance leadership but also create a more inclusive, dynamic workplace.
    If you enjoy the show, please rate it on iTunes or Spotify. Your ratings help more people like you discover the podcast!
    Episode Highlights
    Explore reverse mentoring's role in driving innovation and understanding between generations. Gain insights from Patrice Gordon on fostering inclusive leadership and authentic self-expression at work. Learn strategies from Virgin Atlantic's reverse mentoring for cultivating an inclusive culture. Steps to implement effective reverse mentoring programs for organizational change. Tackle misconceptions and challenges in reverse mentoring and DEI for better outcomes. The role of trust in reverse mentoring success and how to assess and build it. Criteria for selecting the right participants for pilot mentoring programs. Establishing psychological safety for impactful mentorship relationships. Enhancing workplace communication and connection through reverse mentoring. Keeping reverse mentoring programs alive and impactful with leadership commitment.  
    Patrice’s view on the greatest unmet wellbeing need at work today 
    “I think it's about connection. So post-pandemic, like, you know, you've got better up service talks about like people who don't feel connected at work, people who would rather not be connected with the people at work, and people who really want to be connected with people at work.
    And so for me, well-being is about connection. Especially when we're talking about in a hybrid world, when we're talking about, you know, a lot of the work that I do is with the Gent with Gen Z and it's about them entering the workforce properly for the first time, and how things that we maybe took for granted being like seasoned, seasoned corporate employees.
    But what does that look like now especially being like digital natives, and now heading into a space where it may not actually be the Digital First, it's more people first. But really that connection and building authentic connection within an organization where people are more like people's opinions or views are more polarized than ever.
    And now we're living our lives at work as well. So, historically, we maybe didn't have the opportunity to bring all of our viewpoints and opinions to the office. But now we have no option but to write because it's just weaved into every part of our being now.
    And so connecting at a deeper level, from a pace of like honesty and transparency, but also with respect, that all feeds into that connection piece for me.”
    What "working with humans" means to Patrice
    “Be more human. Like, bring as much of yourself to work as you feel comfortable in doing I always say, and, but it's recognizing people's individuality and respecting that and acknowledging that you have these wide policies.
    But actually, the one-on-one interaction those conversations…just will mean so much more to people to feel like seen and heard and valued. And I think everyone just needs to create bit more time to do that.”
    Follow: Patrice on LinkedIn
    Visit: Eminere
    Read: Reverse Mentoring: Removing Barriers and Building Belonging in the Workplace
    Watch: How reverse me

    • 59分
    Empowerment After 50

    Empowerment After 50

    Facing gender bias is tough. Add ageism to the mix, and the workplace becomes a whole different challenge. This episode examines the landscape for women over 50 in the workplace, spotlighted through Dr. Lucy Ryan's insights from her book, "Revolting Women." Addressing the dual hurdles of ageism and gender bias, Dr. Ryan explains how societal expectations shape professional experiences. She shares compelling stories about navigating menopause and caregiving, alongside strategies for midlife women. The discussion includes advice for employers, such as having midlife check-ins, to create a more inclusive and equitable environment.
    If you enjoy the show, please rate it on iTunes or Spotify. Your ratings help more people like you discover the podcast!
    Episode Highlights
    Understand the fusion of ageism and sexism affecting workplace dynamics for women. Strategies for managing age and gender perceptions in professional settings. Practical tips for addressing menopause impacts in the workplace. Advice for navigating the compound challenges of caregiving, menopause, and mental health. Innovative approaches to combat workplace discrimination and bias. Steps to create menopause-friendly and supportive environments for midlife women. Key strategies for organizational adaptation to support midlife women’s needs. Lucy's view on the greatest unmet wellbeing need at work today
    "I'm a leadership coach, and one of the things that happens with almost every single client I coach is they don't have enough space to reflect. And it's not built into the workplace. It's as if people are going from call to call to call to call...So where do we reflect? Where do we get space to breathe? So, I would really like that to happen?"
    What "working with humans" means to Lucy
    We forget often that we are working with humans…But I think the organization is so busy with processes. We have jargon for everything. We have all the process going on change processes, target operating models, we have more jargon than you can throw at a person every single day. And we forget that we've just got human beings with their own lives, difficulties, joys going on every day. And that means that we need to build compassionate conversations into our workplace.” 
    Follow: Lucy on LinkedIn
    Visit: Lucy’s website
    Read: Revolting Women: Why midlife women are walking out, and what to do about it
    For a full transcript of this episode and for more episodes that give you fresh perspectives and actionable ideas for making working with other humans better for everyone, visit our website at https://en.peoplefocusconsulting.com/resources/podcast/
    ©Michael Glazer

    • 41分




avocado bikini

Great conversations!

Michael consistently brings in incredible people with unique ideas, and then engages them with a thought provoking conversation. This is one of the few podcasts that I will listen to not only once but several times. Always so much to learn! Thank you!


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