
This podcast is created for my non tech-savvy entrepreneurs who are looking to build, grow and scale their businesses online without being a programmer, designer and coder.

My goal is to map out the exact blueprint for you to follow along so that you can maximize your reach, impact and profits on the internet.

Follow me along while I reveal the proven marketing strategies and tactics that have worked for me and many other marketers so that you can avoid the trials and errors we went through and shortcut your journey to generating profits online.

I am your host Lik Foon. Welcome to the Internet Profits Blueprint show!

Internet Profits Blueprint Lik Foon

    • ビジネス

This podcast is created for my non tech-savvy entrepreneurs who are looking to build, grow and scale their businesses online without being a programmer, designer and coder.

My goal is to map out the exact blueprint for you to follow along so that you can maximize your reach, impact and profits on the internet.

Follow me along while I reveal the proven marketing strategies and tactics that have worked for me and many other marketers so that you can avoid the trials and errors we went through and shortcut your journey to generating profits online.

I am your host Lik Foon. Welcome to the Internet Profits Blueprint show!

    The Power Of Immersion

    The Power Of Immersion

    If you are in the process of acquiring a skillset, knowledge or creating your information product, you need to have this 'total immersion time'. By immersing yourself into one specific thing, you will start gaining the insight and connecting the dots that you otherwise couldn't. That is going to be our topic today!

    • 9分
    What Makes You A Good Content Creator?

    What Makes You A Good Content Creator?

    In the last one year of me publishing content daily on social media, I have seen content creators come and go. Some content creators no matter how hard they try, they aren't able to grow the way they expected. Eventually they quitted.

    On the other hand, there are creators who continue to strive and grow over time, and able to build up big following of loyal fans. What makes the difference? That's what we are going to talk about today!

    • 15分
    Are You In The Right Vehicle?

    Are You In The Right Vehicle?

    There are many ways you can make money online, obviously. But for you to maximize your earning potential with the skillset you have, you gotta make sure you are plugging your skillset into the right vehicle (or opportunity). Because not all vehicles are created equal. Not all opportunities are worth your effort.

    In this episode, I want to talk about what it means to get into the right vehicle that will get you to the right destination and when to change the vehicle.

    • 11分
    Innovate And Improve (And Why It Is Important)

    Innovate And Improve (And Why It Is Important)

    Innovate is one of the key elements to become great at what you do. Whether it is to become a better content creator, marketer, business owner, you have to always think outside the box. Be willing to try and test out new creativity because that is how you stand out from the sea of sameness.

    In today's episode, I want to talk about one new hobby I am obsessed with recently and how I innovate utilize it in order to get more reach and exposure.

    • 9分
    The Power Of Before & After

    The Power Of Before & After

    Storytelling is probably one of the most LUCRATIVE skillsets that you will ever learned in your business. Whether it is to sell your product, get someone to watch your videos or to keep your customers coming back for more. Obviously there are many techniques or ways to tell good stories, but one of the most powerful one is Before versus After. You can use it everywhere.

    In this episode, I want to share with you my recent experience watching someone brilliantly utilized the power of Before vs. After in their content marketing.

    • 15分
    Create Your Proprietary Asset In Business

    Create Your Proprietary Asset In Business

    If you want to become the 'go-to' person on your topic or the specific problem you can solve, you need to have what I called the proprietary asset in your business. It is what you'll be known for, be remembered and be seen as the authority in your space. In this episode, we are covering how you have this proprietary asset in your business just like Robert Kiyosaki.

    • 8分


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