
Sermons from Oxford Nazarene Church in Oxford, Mississippi.

Oxford Nazarene Church Oxford Nazarene Church

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Sermons from Oxford Nazarene Church in Oxford, Mississippi.

こちらで聴く: Apple Podcasts
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    “The Apostles’ Creed Pt. 1” - Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 12

    “The Apostles’ Creed Pt. 1” - Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 12

    Pastor Jeff Byler kicks off a summer sermon series on The Apostles’ Creed. In this introductory sermon, he makes a case for reciting the Apostles’ Creed weekly by comparing it to the command of God through Moses to God’s people to recite the Shema in Deuteronomy.

    “God’s Grace on Palm Sunday” - Mark 11:1-11

    “God’s Grace on Palm Sunday” - Mark 11:1-11

    People praised Jesus and worshipped him on Palm Sunday. They gave their donkey and their coats to be used by Jesus. His disciples obeyed him and walked by his side. This was short lived. By Friday, those same people would betray him, turn their backs on him, and shout “crucify him.” Jesus still loved them. For these people, and for everyone in between, Jesus went to the cross.

    “Snakes, Wilderness, and the Cross” - Number 21:4-9

    “Snakes, Wilderness, and the Cross” - Number 21:4-9

    A bizarre yet highly metaphorical story out of the Old Testament points us to, of all places, the cross of Jesus Christ. We’re invited to gaze upon the cross, see all our sin and past mistakes there on Jesus, and receive the grace and healing that is ours in Christ.

    “The Easy Way and the Hard Way” - Mark 8:31-38

    “The Easy Way and the Hard Way” - Mark 8:31-38

    If we’re ever tempted to take the easy way out, we’re in good company- Christ himself was tempted, first by Satan and then by one of his best friends, to take the easy way out. But he did not succumb to this temptation. He instead chose the path of the cross. He was obedient all the way to the end. His life is an example for us, and his Spirit comes to us to enable us to choose the hard but necessary path in all circumstances.

    “Zeal for the Temple” - John 2:13-22

    “Zeal for the Temple” - John 2:13-22

    When Jesus encounters the temple in a state not as God intends, he takes direct and immediate action. Just as our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, so too does Jesus desire to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. He is eager, willing, and able to make us holy.

    “Remembering What’s Important” - Genesis 9:8-17

    “Remembering What’s Important” - Genesis 9:8-17

    Symbols help us remember what is important. God gives his people symbols to help them remember that he is with them. In the flood narrative it was the ark, the olive branch, the rainbow. In this season of Lent we’re given the ashes, the cross, and the blood of Jesus. We are invited to ponder these symbols of God’s grace as we journey towards Easter.


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