
Welcome to Passion to Profit, a weekly podcast to help support big hearted creative thinkers, small business owners and entrepreneurs, to transform their knowledge, expertise, and passion into successful and profitable businesses.

I'm Philippa Craddock and I’m obsessed with all things business, marketing, and strategy.

I left my corporate role over ten years ago to pursue a huge dream. In a few short years I grew my design led business from kitchen table to a seven-figure global brand, with all the freedom and excitement that came with it and plenty of ups and downs along the way.

Today, I want to help you to establish and grow your business, to set your goals and to find the right, practical steps to achieve each and every one while living your best life.

Think of this as your go-to resource for all things business, marketing, and strategy. I'll break down complex topics and strip away all the jargon, so that you can focus on what really matters - taking practical steps to achieve your goals and take your business forwards.

Grab yourself a seat and a notebook and join me every week.

PASSION to PROFIT Philippa Craddock

    • ビジネス

Welcome to Passion to Profit, a weekly podcast to help support big hearted creative thinkers, small business owners and entrepreneurs, to transform their knowledge, expertise, and passion into successful and profitable businesses.

I'm Philippa Craddock and I’m obsessed with all things business, marketing, and strategy.

I left my corporate role over ten years ago to pursue a huge dream. In a few short years I grew my design led business from kitchen table to a seven-figure global brand, with all the freedom and excitement that came with it and plenty of ups and downs along the way.

Today, I want to help you to establish and grow your business, to set your goals and to find the right, practical steps to achieve each and every one while living your best life.

Think of this as your go-to resource for all things business, marketing, and strategy. I'll break down complex topics and strip away all the jargon, so that you can focus on what really matters - taking practical steps to achieve your goals and take your business forwards.

Grab yourself a seat and a notebook and join me every week.



    In this episode, I’m looking at how we adapt and pivot when our usual tools don’t resonate as they once did. It's about understanding that change is necessary and hugely beneficial if approached thoughtfully. I'll share where my current focus lies within my business's marketing efforts, particularly the shifts I'm considering after hitting a bit of wall with Instagram—a platform that once felt invigorating now leaves me feeling pretty uninspired.

    It’s not just about the challenges, it's about the strategies and solutions we look at as we make changes. Whether you are also feeling uncertain about your current marketing strategy or looking for fresh ideas, I hope this episode gives you key insights and pointers that could reshape your approach.
    We’ll look into alternative platforms that might align better with our business goals and personal values, ensuring that our marketing efforts enrich rather than drain us.


    • 19分


    I think this is one of the biggest obstacles that many of us face as business owners … why does selling often make us feel so uncomfortable?
    I honestly don’t think it matters whether you are at the beginning of establishing your business or many years in, most of us face this fear, and it isn't just about the act of selling; it’s about the vulnerability that comes with putting yourself and your ideas out there for the world to see and to potentially judge.
    I think perhaps it’s because the process of selling is often equated with rejection. The possibility of hearing a 'no' can feel like a direct critique of not just your product but of your entire effort and vision.
    Establishing and growing a business is hugely personal, and it’s especially intense for entrepreneurs who are deeply connected to their products and services—it's like offering a piece of yourself to others.
    If this resonates with you, click through to hear more - today’s journal and podcast share my personal stories and how I overcame my fear of selling as well as practical strategies that I really hope you will grab hold of and use to help you overcome this entirely necessary element of running a business.
    I mention within the podcast episode 033 which will help you understand more about identifying your target audience - you will find it here: https://www.philippacraddock.com/podcast-033

    • 26分


    In the busy-ness of running a small business, understanding your target audience is not just a step toward success—it's a HUGE LEAP!

    It's about knowing who will benefit most from what you have to offer and why. This understanding shapes everything from product development and marketing strategies to customer service and how you communicate your brand's essence. It's the difference between shouting into the void and having a meaningful conversation with someone who truly wants to listen.
    Today, I'm excited to share with you actionable steps to help you identify and understand your target audience. These steps are designed to be informed, intentional, and incredibly impactful.
    Why is this so crucial, you might ask?
    Because whether you're in the first few stages of creating your brand or in the midst of refining your business strategy, knowing your audience intimately enables you to create a business that not only resonates and engages, but will absolutely flourish and grow alongside your ideal customers.
    If you would love to understand even more and build a brand that truly connects with your audience on a profound level, I've got something hugely helpful for you. Alongside today's actionable steps, I'm offering access to my free guide: ‘Build a Loyal and Strong Brand Community.’
    This accompanying guide is filled with strategies and ideas from my last 15-years of experience, designed to help you foster a community that's deeply aligned with your brand's values and vision. Click on the link below to access and download this guide.
    As always, my aim is to provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to make your role as a small business owner successful, meaningful and fulfilling. Understanding your target audience is such an important part of this, and I'm very much here to guide you every step of the way.

    • 22分


    Today we are looking at the power of a well-designed survey—one that will give you clear insight into the audience you are looking to support. 
    This is not just about gathering data; it is about opening up a conversation with your audience, to understand how you can add more value and how you can help them succeed. 
    Understanding exactly what your audience needs from you is crucial, no matter what your business offers. Whether you're changing lives with transformative offerings or brightening days with entertainment or something feel good, at the heart of it, you're solving a problem or fulfilling a need. This isn't just about improving customer satisfaction; it's about ensuring your offerings resonate deeply and effectively with your target audience.
    A well-crafted survey opens the door to this understanding by providing direct insights into the challenges, desires, and priorities of your audience. By asking the right questions, you not only uncover how to enhance your current offerings but also how to innovate or introduce new solutions that align perfectly with your audience's expectations.
    Essentially, it bridges the gap between guessing and knowing, allowing you to tailor your brand and offerings to become the key solution provider in your niche. This alignment is what sets successful businesses apart, turning casual customers into loyal fans and advocates.
    Remember, every piece of feedback is an opportunity to improve, to innovate, and to better align with your customers' needs and expectations. It’s this cycle of listening, adapting, and improving that can set your business apart in a crowded market.
    Click below to receive your copy of our FREE guide including time-saving tips and insights to help with your survey analysis.

    • 19分


    Welcome to today’s episode, where we’re taking a bit of a different path. We are talking about what I would be doing inside my business, if I was to start all over again. 
    I share strategies that you can apply straightaway. I’ll be talking about a list of crucial steps, some I managed to implement relatively quickly into my business, and some that took me several years to figure out. It has taken me years to get to where I am today, and I know that you can do it far quicker than me, and I hope these steps really help you to do exactly that.
    I hope these strategies help you. Whether you're right at the start of your business idea or you would just love a fresh boost, these tips I hope will give you a clear focus. And if you are thinking you might be too late to apply any of these ideas, don’t worry. It’s never too late to adjust your approach, pick up new skills, or shift your focus. Honestly, every single day is a chance to refine your business and edge closer to what you really want from it.

    • 27分


    A few months ago, I wrote a journal post titled Embracing Fine, the antithesis to that feeling of perfectionism, and from receiving a bunch of messages on Instagram afterwards, it clearly resonated with so many people. I feel that as a community, perfectionism is a trait that often runs deep, and as wonderful as it initially sounds, it is huge obstacle that can slow and often even halt incredible, potential growth. So I am excited to bring this into a podcast episode and I hope it helps hugely!
    I'll be sharing a series of steps I’ve taken to fine-tune my need for perfection and to willingly embrace “fine”. I will discuss how this concept has revolutionised my business and personal life and share stories that vividly illustrate the transformative power of how 'fine' has led to unexpected success, innovation, and personal growth.

    Furthermore, we'll debunk the myth of perfection, revealing it as a hindrance rather than a beacon of progress. By shifting our focus from the quest for perfection to embracing the journey of creation itself, we allow ourselves the freedom to explore, grow, and make significant strides forward.

    Ultimately, my hope is that you'll be inspired to adopt this mindset in your own life. To see 'fine' as not quite good enough, but as a testament to courage, authenticity, and the beauty of growth - the liberating power of embracing 'fine'!

    • 20分


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