
Permission to Rest | Sleep | Guided Meditation Integral Pieces

    • メンタルヘルス

Hi Friend!

The day is over, the sun has set, and it is now time for you to prepare for rest.

Sleep is our body’s natural way to recharge and fuel up for another day. It’s arguably the most crucial mechanism of our body. The intention for today’s practice is to slowly learn to give ourselves permission to rest - and this can be tough sometimes. However, when we allow our mind and body to rest, we begin to release the load of the day and this helps us to relax.

It’s time to snuggle into bed! Good night, sweet dreams and rest well.



**This guided meditation track has been especially written as a part of Recharge Online Youth Fiesta which is brought to you by Traxside Youth Health Service, headspace Campbelltown, Campbelltown City Library and Youth Solutions. Supported by Camden Council.**

#rechargeyouth #sleepwell #mindfulness

Follow @integralpieces on instagram, and join our community, where we share tips on personal growth and self-transformation.

Intro music | by @iksonmusic

Music | Tratak by Jessie Gallagher (Youtube Audio Library)

Hi Friend!

The day is over, the sun has set, and it is now time for you to prepare for rest.

Sleep is our body’s natural way to recharge and fuel up for another day. It’s arguably the most crucial mechanism of our body. The intention for today’s practice is to slowly learn to give ourselves permission to rest - and this can be tough sometimes. However, when we allow our mind and body to rest, we begin to release the load of the day and this helps us to relax.

It’s time to snuggle into bed! Good night, sweet dreams and rest well.



**This guided meditation track has been especially written as a part of Recharge Online Youth Fiesta which is brought to you by Traxside Youth Health Service, headspace Campbelltown, Campbelltown City Library and Youth Solutions. Supported by Camden Council.**

#rechargeyouth #sleepwell #mindfulness

Follow @integralpieces on instagram, and join our community, where we share tips on personal growth and self-transformation.

Intro music | by @iksonmusic

Music | Tratak by Jessie Gallagher (Youtube Audio Library)
